Moving Forward

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We were standing to the side of a stage 3 months later and Steve was about to pass over the shield to his successor. I smiled at Steve on stage and he smiled giving me a small wink. Someone, who I didn't know and didn't pay attention to, was standing at the microphone giving a history of Captain America.

"Mom...?" Connor asked in whisper and I bent down to him.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Once dad does this is he officially retired?" Connor asked and I nodded with a smile.

"Yep, dad will no longer be Captain America." I said and Connor smiled. I knew the kids were excited to have Steve home all the time and just being a dad, I was happy to have him home with me and now all our children. Steve felt guilty when I was pregnant the first time because he wasn't there when I went into labor and missed everything, he vowed to not let that happen again. Steve was about to go to the microphone and make his announcement and I sighed looked at the kids.

"Hey, let's go sit so we can watch dad better." I said and we snuck to our seats in the front row and I sat next to Nick Fury on one side and Nat on the other. I grabbed Nat's hand and she smiled.

"You ready?" She whispered and I nodded.

"Are you?" I asked and she nodded. Steve walked up to the microphone.

"Hello everyone. I know I'm not usually the one to stand in front of you and make announcements but today I wanted all of this to come from me. As most of you now I lost my wife years ago and I retired the first time to raise our 2 children as a single father. When the Thanos threat appeared I came back, I was needed and my family understood. Once we got everyone back I got lucky enough to have my wife back as well. After much consideration and knowing I don't want to lose what I was lucky enough to get back I am here to announce today that I am stepping down from the role of Captain America and retiring." Steve said and the press that was there started murmuring and asking questions. "I know it's a shock to a lot of you but I have fought for the world forever and it's time to have the life I want, with my wife and kids. You may call me selfish or not America's hero anymore but I don't care, I want a life." Steve said looking at me and the kids. He winked at me and I winked back with a small nod. "In my time of retiring I am passing the Shield off to someone who I know respects it and will be the next great American hero. How do I know this? Because he and I have been friends since we were children on the playground and he always had my back. Things in the past have happened but the past is the past and he is a changed man. I trust him with everything in my life and I trust him with this position. Everyone please join me in welcoming your new Captain America, James Buchanan Barnes." Steve said. Nat, the kids and I stood up and started clapping and cheering. Bucky walked on stage and smiled at us and then hugged Steve. They exchanged some words and Steve grabbed the shield and handed it to Bucky. "It's yours now Buck." Steve said. My eyes filled with tears and I knew our life was about to officially start.


I was getting ready in Laura and Clints room for my vow renewal laughing with Nat about my dress

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I was getting ready in Laura and Clints room for my vow renewal laughing with Nat about my dress.

"Listen I am all for the vowel renewal but do you think you could so this one time and not be pregnant?" Nat asked and I laughed.

"In my defense I didn't know I was pregnant the first time." I said and Nat looked at my small belly and laughed.

"It's obvious this time." Nat said.

"But I'm already married so no big deal." I said and she laughed. "Listen, just because you are Mrs. Captain America now doesn't mean you can be mean to me. I am your elder in this instance." I said and she laughed.

"Wow...still a smartass, that will never change." I said and I smiled at her as Clint came walking in.

"Everything is ready outside." Clint said and I looked out the window to the everyone sitting and the flower arch set up in the big open yard.

"Thank you again for this." I said and he walked over and hugged me.

"Hey, why did it once." Clint said and I laughed.

"Are the kids ready?" I asked and Clint nodded.

"Clara is waiting to come in and Connor is with Steve." Clint said and I smiled.

"Clara, come on in." I said and she smiled.

"Mom! You look amazing!" Clara said as we hugged.

"Thanks sweetie, can you go get your brother from your dad? I want a picture of the 3 of us somewhere special." I said and she nodded and ran out. Once she came back we walked down to the porch swing and we sat down and took some pictures. Once pictures were done everyone got set up and ready. Steve and Connor were standing at the arch, Clara walked down as my bridesmaid and then Clint walked me down to Steve again. I took his hands and smiled.

"Here we are yet again!" Tony announced and he officiated again. I smiled at him.

"Knocked up and marrying the same guy again..." Tony added and we started laughed.

"Tony!" I said and he winked at me. "Okay we are skipping again right, straight to the vows." Tony said and I smiled and Steve looked at me and smiled.

"Here we are, back to where it all started, back to when you wanted to hate me so much. You are still stubborn and hard-headed but also still the most amazing woman I have ever met and have the privilege of waking up next to now for the rest of our lives. When I lost you I never thought I would get this, I wanted this and I needed it, I needed you. I have you now and I wont be letting you go ever again. You, me, Clara and Connor and the new arrival are all I need. I love you my princess, always have and always will." Steve said and slid the new wedding band on my finger. I smiled and looked at Steve.

"My iceman..." I said and Steve laughed shaking his head. "When we got married and started our life together we didn't get too much time together and I regret that part every day. I always used to think if I could go back and relive that day I wouldn't have even gone on the mission, I would have stayed home. As it is though we cant relive the past but what we can do now that by some miracle I am back is look towards the future. I have you now and forever Steve and I will never leave your side again." I said and slipped on his new anniversary band. We looked at Tony.

"You don't need my permission to kiss obviously." Tony said and pointed to my belly. Steve just rolled his eyes and pulled me close to him.

"I love you warrior princess." Steve whispered.

"I love you iceman." I said and Steve passionately kissed me.

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