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Everyone went to class in time. Where Ashlyn and her friends meet to her rest of squad, Haiden Adams, Erick Margaret and Charlie Maxwell. And yes, you guess right, Haiden Adams and Shelby Adams has brother and sister relationship. And everyone sits together in a front row but you know, in one table only two can sit together. So, Ashlyn and Baylee sit together in front sit of front row and behind them Stacy and Charlie sit together. And I can bet now you guys thinking They have thing for each other. Then, You guys wrong. Charlie know Ashlyn and Baylee very well because they're neighbours. So, the three of them come together school. But today Ashlyn got up late. So, he went school first. And Ashlyn and Baylee are very nice to Charlie especially Ashlyn. Because when Charlie new in the colony. She went to him and asked him to play with her and also, she introduced him to her sister and her friends. That's a reason, Charlie falls for Ashlyn. And sit behind her where Stacy sits. But When Charlie sits with Stacy, Stacy also started think that Charlie has a think for her but too shy to say, that's why, He only sit with her but don't talk. So, now you guess it right, It's a one-sided love for Charlie and also for Stacy but to different person. Now, went to another seating partner which sit behind them is Haiden and Erick. And then, Shelby sits alone but it's temporary. Everyone took number one by one to sit with her.

The bell rings.

Miss Olivia, Our English teacher came in the classroom. And everyone greeted her, "Good morning, Mam. " With so much enthusiasm.

Miss Olivia replied with big smile, "Good morning, students. Sit, everyone sits.", that usually we can't see on her nowadays. But today maybe is a good day.

When everyone settled down, she says, "I have an announcement for you guys. "

Everyone sighed.

She continued her words after seeing reaction from students, "Isn't that you think, it is. Today, we got a new student in our class. Let's welcome, a new student, 'Nicolo Carson' in our class. "

He entered.

And that time When Ashlyn saw him, he got shocked like a thunderstorm.

When everyone stopped clapping, Miss Olivia signalled him to introduce him to us.

Then, Nicolo Carson introduces him to us with his deep soothing voice, "Hello, everyone. My name is Nicolo Carson and I hope we get along very well. And thank you for your warm welcoming. " And with big smile. And when Ashlyn noticed when he smiles, his dimple appears. She totally forgot everything that she is sitting in class and she is randomly smiling to him. But she got in senses when his eyes meet hers and now, she is feeling little embarrassed about getting caught red handed.

Miss Olivia added, "So, who will want to be a friend with him? "

But no one raised his or her hand. And I know that this is little embarrassed and little fear about not getting mendle with those students.
But Miss Olivia got an idea which is very horrible to me, yes. You read it, right.

Miss Olivia loudly said, "So, I have to change some seats. Okay, Baylee, from now on you will sit with Shelby and Nathaniel you sit with Ashlyn. She is very good student. She can help you. "

But Ashlyn says, "But Mam"

Miss Olivia shared her evil glanced to her, so she didn't continue herself.

Miss Olivia asks, "Any problem, Ashlyn. "

Ashlyn replied, "No Mam."

Miss Olivia said to him, "Then, from now on, you will sit with her. Okay. And " now Madam face is to Ashlyn, "You will familiarize him with everything related to school notes and homework and also give him a tour of school in a lunch break, Okay. "

Ashlyn nodded.

Miss Olivia said, "Then, what are you waiting for. Come on, change your seat. I also have to start class. "

Baylee went to Shelby and Nicolo sit with Ashlyn. Then, class started. Ashlyn feels little nervous because it's her first time to sit with a boy. And at the same time, she feels awkward because she also got caught red-handedly that she is seeing him with that look. You know that look when someone dumbstruck by someone's beauty and by his voice.

But in the middle of the class, when Miss Olivia teaching us. Ashlyn gathers some courage and say, "Hey, if you need any help, you can ask without hesitatingly, okay."
He nodded only. Now she thinks, she looks dumb to talk to him desperately. And also, she thinks that probably he also thinks that first she is checking me out and now desperate to talk. Wow, what a fabulous first impression. But she suddenly surprised, Well Why I thinking about what he is thinking about me. I barely know him, why I feeling annoyed about the fact that my first impression is good or bad. I never feel that way in my entire life. When she suddenly feels someone looking at her, it can be Nicolo. When she checked, Nathaniel is not looking her. Oh God, why I am assuming that he is looking at me. That's strange. Again, she feels someone is looking at her. Then, again she checked, still he's not looking. Now, she is staring at Madam and trying to concentrate on her. But she still thinking about a new guy, Nicolo. And she suddenly tilted her head towards him and at the same time, he also tilted his head towards her. And both looking each other nervously. So, they passed smiled awkwardly and say, "I wanna ask if you have an extra pen".

But when he saw, she has already a pen in her hand and Ashlyn saw that reaction and replied quickly before he says, "It's ink is not working. "

Then, he gives his pen to her. And from embarrassment she hides face from him. But He find that cute. And he smiled.

After a while, the bell rings.

Ashlyn's friends gathered around her sit and introduce themselves to him. After introduction, Haiden say, "You can also ask us if you need any help if you hesitate to ask her. " With ensuring face to him.

Nicolo finally say a word again, "Thanks. " But only a one word.

When Erick added, "Okay, Guys. We can continue this in break but first, we have a class to attend. "

When everyone agreed and went to Chemistry lab for class. And all boys accompanied Nathaniel where Girls accompanying Ashlyn.
When Stacy asked Ashlyn, "So, what's going on between you two, huh."

Ashlyn reply in a one simple word, "Nothing."

"Really, Ashlyn. I don't think so. When you are desperate to trying to talk to him. ", Stacy says in a teasing way.

"Really, guys. That's nothing. I'm just trying to interact with him. And trying to have a conversation as a friend. "

Shelby says in a teasing way, "As a friend. "

Now, all girls, Baylee, Stacy and Shelby say in a union, "Hmm, a friend. "And smiled.

And they get their classes and after some classes, now it's a lunch break.

Everyone gathered on a usual spot where they usually sit in a break but this time, we have a new member, Nicolo. When everyone settled down on a sit. There comes 'Sarah Gray', the school investor's daughter and she feel no one can compete to her. But she is wrong, I compete to her in a cheerleader Team. And I also got a position of Team cheerleader. But she got so jealous. So, she pushed me deliberately. And I sprained my ankle and so she didn't get caught, so she acted like, she also gets hurt in her legs. So that no one can blame her. From that moment, I don't want to participate again in Cheerleader Team. So, she withdrew her name.

From that moment, Sarah and Ashlyn are like enemies to each other. That time, she withdrew her name because she didn't want to play a dirty game like her. But Sarah always annoys her. So, sometimes they got in fight.

When Sarah came to her bench, Ashlyn stands up and ask Sarah tauntly, "Now, what you want, Sarah."

Sarah says in attitude, "Hey, don't be flushed. I'm here to talk to him, a new guy. So, can you side, please. "

Ashlyn didn't got side. So, Sarah got side and went to him and ask him nicely like in this whole world, she is the only one who is nice.

"Hey, Handsome. What's your name? "

Nicolo turned to her and ask by pointing himself. She nodded. And He replied, "Nicolo. Nicolo Carson. "

"That's very cool name. Then, why are you sitting with boring people. Come and sit with us. I will help you to introduce you to all. "

Ashlyn got angry, how she can tell us boring people. But Baylee stopped her.

But everyone got surprised by Nathaniel answer even Sarah Gray, "But why. I didn't even know you, why I lunch with you. "

Sarah replies in a smile and hiding her evil face after hearing this, "I know. But if you lunch with us. You can get to know us. So, Come. " And grab his hand and pulling towards herself.

But Nicolo didn't move an inch and say, "Didn't you get I don't wanna go with you. So, leave my hand. "

Sarah got pissed and say, "You don't know me, what can I do to you for this bad gesture."

When Ashlyn interrupted her and say, "So What you gonna do? Huh, pushed him or complain to your daddy that I asked a boy out but he rejected me. What you think, your dad gonna say. "

Sarah say annoyedly, "I will see you. " And leaved.

When Sarah leaved, everyone laughs. Because no one pissed her off so much especially in boys. So, Stacy asked, "How did you do that? "

Nicolo asks innocently, "What. "

"I mean how did you say that fluently in her face. When I see her, I got scared not even me everyone except Ashlyn. Everyone scared because she is investor's daughter. But you didn't. "

"That's awful. "

Everyone nodded. Shelby added, "But still, I quite surprised. I mean, you look like a shy one. But you look cool. Really Really cool. "

"No. I'm not. Ashlyn is really cool right now. "

Erick says in a teasing way, "Hey, now you are talking to us easily. "

Nicolo replied, "That's because Ashlyn helped me out just now. "

Shelby adds, "She is like that. Helped everyone."

Nicolo faced Ashlyn and say, "Thanks. "

Ashlyn replied with a big smile, "Welcome. "

But the bell rings, everyone sighed and get back to their classes.


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