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Nicolo is practicing in a football ground with his fellow team member and I'm watching their practice. Because you know, Baylee is dating Haden. So, we're cheering up them. And today, the sun is on the peak and everyone is practising so hard that they're start sweating. And they still look damn hot with their sweating body especially Nicolo. And when he is shirtless, and do back his hair with his fingers. He looks damn handsome. Well, when he looks at me with his adorable eyes, I just got lost and smile. I don't know, what's happening to me. But after that day, I kind of feeling like this. I just smile when he is around me. I'm going crazy, definitely crazy and embarrassing myself.

Oh my God! He is walking towards me. I think he saw, I'm staring at him, I mean kind of, not in a bad way. Here, he comes straight to me and stupid me can't take off eyes from him and kind of everyone seeing us like we together especially Sarah. She is always jealous to me and want something, I want. But Nicolo is not something, he is human being.

But when I got in reality, when he snaps his finger in my face. I idiotly say, "Hey!". Yaay, it's weird. Because I sounded like weird.

But he just smiles and reply, "Hey!" little bit loud. So, it's got little bit awkward. We just awkwardly smiling and laughing to each other. It's weird. I never feel this awkward to anyone and feel stupid.

Well, at last, I say something, so we talk not laugh for no reason because it's silly.

"So, why did you come here?" and pointing to his team where they are practicing.

"Uh... Yes... Actually, I'm here to drink water." And I'm still waiting for him to say more. Because is kind of make no sense. Because he didn't drink a water. So, he added, "And also kind of wanted to talk to you. But when I came, you didn't here. You thinking something so hardly."

"Oh! Sorry about that. I'm just...Uh... Forget that, What do you want to talk that you forget to drink your water."

"It's just...Uh...How I put."

"Just say it."

"Um...okay. Well, you're coming today in my house at 6pm."

"Yes, I'm coming. But why you're so nervous about asking that. You're always asking me that. So, it's not, I am going to forget that. If you think."

"No, isn't about that. But, first sorry to bother you for always remembering me. It's kind of annoying."

"No, It's fine. I've dealt with people who are more annoying than you."

"So, I'm."

"No, I don't want to put that way."

"It's okay. But the real thing is.... You might think, I'm bastard or something. But..." But I just cut off him saying more, "I'm not think you bastard. How you think that I'm that horrible person." I kind of offended that he thinks I'm think about him like that.

But he replies with sad face, "No, I'm not saying that. But I think after today, you think me like that." But I'm going to say when he put his finger on my lips and say, "Let me complete." And he continues.

"Well, because you might not talk to me again. So, you don't get have bad ideas about me. So, I'm telling you already. That my mom is nurse at a hospital and so she came home late at night. So, probably we alone in my home when you come to tutor me. So, that's why."

I Laugh at him because he is cute and how he cares for my thought. He is cute. When he asks, "Why are you laughing?"

"Because you're cute. Well, if we're alone, I probably ask you nicely where your parents. I don't think you're bastard. How you think all of that. It's normal if you're parents working late at night. "

"Well, I think you might know already just in case. You know."

"Yaay. Well, you have your dad, right. Or maybe he also working."

"No, he is not. I lived with my mom only. My dad is died in a car accident." While he saying, there is sadness in his voice.

So, I can just say that "Oh! I'm sorry for asking." I don't have more words for saying. I just feel sad at the moment.

"It's okay."


I'm standing in front of Nicolo's door. I'm kind of nervous. I mean you thinking, we're alone. That's why, I am nervous. But is not that also. I actually started feeling different from that day, when how he asked me his number and care for me. From that day, it is not same feeling at all, it's more. But the thing is I didn't fully understanding my feelings, it's kind of new from me, all this feeling.

I got in senses and press the doorbell. Nicolo answered, "Coming." And open the door. When he opened the door, he smiled and say, "Come in."

I also smiled back and come in.

When I went in and following him, he says, "Actually, my mom knows you're coming for me to tutoring. So, she buys some dessert for us. It's a gesture to thank you for helping me."

"It's totally fine. And I'm monitor, so it's my kind of duty to help new kids to fit in."

"I know. But thanks. So, we start studying."

"Okay. So, we study in drawing room."

"Yes. And first eat some snacks and cold drink and then start to study."

"That's also fine to me." He went to kitchen and take some snacks and cold drink and served it. We have some snacks and start studying. It's going great. It's very silent but I kind of like it. I am just sitting there and seeing him studying is so amazing. I feel lost whenever I see him in his eyes. I feel I am in the sky and flying above the clouds. It's beautiful.


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