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We're at Nicolo's car. He is parked his car in front of my house. But I didn't get off for a minute. After a few minutes, he says, "Well, you're coming to cheer me, tomorrow for a match."

"Yay, I'm coming. Because, I know, it's big day for you too."

"You know me so well."

I smiled and say, "Well, because you're so good. I have to keep up with you. I'm trying."

"You're doing great, princess." We laughed. And then, I say my bye and getting off from the car. When he down the car window and call my name, "Hey, Ashlyn."

I turn and ask, "What?"

He saw me for moment and say, "Don't Mind." I just flustered when he saw with full of love in his eyes and suddenly say, 'don't mind.' I got annoyed and going in with annoying face. When he again calls me, I didn't turn but I stopped. He continued, "You know, right. When you get annoyed, you look so pretty. If you look that pretty, how can I go?" I blushed. I mean how anyone can annoying and sweet at same time. And I melt by his words. Oh God, why he is cute. When I suddenly remember something and I turned to him and say teasingly, "Actually, I have remembered something. But I didn't think, you wanna hear, right."

He replied confidently, "Oh! Sorry, Ash. I'm not gonna fall this trick. I probably will go."

"Yay! Right. You should go. You don't wanna hear about a 'date'. Sure, go." I turned to go back in. When he suddenly shocked. I mean he totally good and ready to start engine. When I realised, he startled. And he went of from car and grab my hands to pull towards, when I almost there to open my door. I first also startled but then, I realise it's him, I smiled. Well, he asks me in a same position and whisper in my ear. "What you said about a Date?"

"Ahh, It's nothing. You should go." And I try to lose his grip from my waist. But I didn't. But also, he turned me to face him while still holding my waist. And say very teasingly and so close to my lips, "You don't have to say that. And think, I'll let you go without completing this talk."

But I also not that easily sacred to him, "Well, If I still don't say anything. What you do? I also teasingly. But it got back fired to me, now I'm regretting it.

He smirked and close the distance between our face, I didn't accept it. I closed my eyes. But he says in my ears in a whisper way and the way he says, is sexy. I can feel his warm breath in my ears and neck and my cheeks and ears going red, when he says, "I didn't do anything, your face covered with red. If I do, you can't handle it." And smile appeared in his face. He is very good in teasing and flirting a lot.

But I also still determined and I gently push him back, now he is not hugging me. And I say, "Well, If you want to know, First say 'Sorry for annoying'. Then, I thought about it."

He says with wide eyes, "Seriously."


So, he did it in acute way, I forgive him instantly. "Sorry for annoying, Ash." With cute pouty face. I melt in my heart, when I listen him calling me 'Ash' in a cutest way. I liked it when he calls me from apart from all names, he calls me.

THEN, I joyfully say, "Just call me by that name, one more time."

"You noticed that."

"Yay, of course."

He says with cute doe eyes, "Ash, can you tell me, what you mean by Date?"

I say cutely, "Aww, you look so cute. When you say that, Nico."

He amazedly says, "What you just call me?"

"Nico. Didn't you like it."

"What. I love it."

"I love it also, when you call me 'Ash'."

"So, now you tell me."

I say with big smile. "Yay, but I didn't know, you're so excited about our date."

"How can't I, I want to go on hundred dates with you or infinity, if it's possible."

"Okay. Just stop that thought for a while. And about a 'date', I mention earlier is, 'A doble Date'. You in."

"All in. Wait! What."

"I know. You think, we're going alone. But it's a double date who is." But he stops me by competing my sentence. "Haiden and Baylee. Right."

"Right, but if you don't want to, I can say No."

"No, I want to. I just surprised. Well, when it is Doble Date."


"What. Tonight. And now, you telling me."

"Yay, I know, it's late. But I totally forget. I just remembered."

"Well, It's better late than never."

"Okay, so meet me at 8."



Baylee and me are ready and waiting for the boys. I am wearing black square neck blouse of velvet fabric with shorts check pants and matching black shoes. It looks elegant. Baylee wearing black off-shoulder mini dress. She looks pretty. When the bell rings, we went down and open the door. We say, "Bye." , to our parents and went out.

When we come out, both Nicol and Haiden is looking at us in awe. And checking to head-toe. As, we close the distance between, so they look closely, and ask "how we look?"

They say in together, "You look beautiful." We giggle at them, because both looks cute, when they say together.

And they say to each other, "We're lucky to date beautiful sisters." And look at us, when we say, "Aww. Shall we go, now. Or, we get late. I already book the table."

"Let's Go."

We went to our double date. It's amazing. Our bond gets strong as four as family. We find this amazing and unique because we get to know each other. We love our entire double date till the end.


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