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Everyone sitting on a bench nervously in a classroom and waiting for a Ashlyn's good news. Because Ashlyn went to 'Students Counselling Meeting'.

Where Student Counselling Meeting, Ashlyn is sharing her thoughts confidently about this. That, it's not going to effect their classes. It's just for fun. It can be escape place for them, if it's only for a minute or half hour. When someone ask a question that, "You said, it's not effect their studies. But how you manage that? When they're thinking about their dancing with their unknown crush. When they think about it all the time, how they concentrate in their with this stupid stuff, they're doing. And last but not least, It will be chaos. How you manage all crazy crack heads. "

"Yes, for that, I will ensure that it will not be chaos. Because I volunteer some kids who will ready to dance with them randomly, and they will paid for it. It can be like fundraising and that money will help some needed kids who is really needed. And for your concern that they will study well not thinking about this while studying. We can hold every Friday after school for an half hour, it will open. So, what's your opinion on this? "

"That's good plan, I guess. But I'll hold for it. Because we have 10 more kids who have also ideas, I will have to hear it. We will inform you, if we accept your proposal. For now, don't over think and study well. "

"Thanks. "

And She came back in classroom. When everyone face is on her with nervousness. But anyone can't say anything because class is going on of history. So, I sit back on my sit quietly. When I sit on my seat, Stacy tapped on my right shoulder side and say, "What happen? Are you in or not? "

I sighed and say in low voice, "I'm not .It's just, they say, they will tell me when they review all the other students idea. "

Stacy feeling regret to ask this question, so she replied, "I'm sorry. I didn't know that. "

"It's okay. "

When teacher interrupted us by saying, "Don't talk. You know whom I talking about. "

Now, me and Stacy stopped talking and listening to Mam. But I am not listening at all. I'm thinking what goes wrong which lead them to think about it after hearing other students ideas, they will decide. When Nicolo seeing her with worrying eyes. At the same time, her eyes glanced at him. When he surprisedly say, "I was just worried about you that if you might you want to share your feelings but I'm scared if you might not. "

When she curiously say, "Am I that scary to you?"

"No, I just meant that if you need some personal space. If you don't want to share, so I am just waiting for a good timing. "

"Thanks for concern. But I'm good. "

"Really, Because I don't think so. " with suspicious glance.

"Fine. I'm little bit off, right now. But I'll be fine. I just need time. "

While he added, "Or maybe you need someone who hear you out. You can trust me. I'm a good listener. "

Then, Ashlyn tell him everything starting to end and why she is in a dilemma. Why she is not in a right mind. After hearing all, He come to decision, "So, it's good. They didn't reject you. They like your idea but they are also concerned about our studies so that's why, they want to hear other ideas. So, it's not bad. And you did great. Your way to suggesting them your idea is very fabulous. It's great. So, don't feel upset. It might hurt others also." pointing towards others while saying last line.

But now, she feels relieve after sharing this and listening what he thinks, how he console her. Everything, what he said to her, is soothing to her ears. She feels stress free, now.

"Thanks to listening me. I feel really relieved now. You're really great listener and advisor." with a smile.

"Well, I'm. " with proud smile. When the bell rings for lunch break, when she realized that not she missed her lecture but she also got him to miss his lecture. So, Ashlyn said, "I'm sorry. Because of me, you didn't listen the lecture. "

" It's fine."

"But I feel guilty."

"About that. I have idea. Tutor me, what I miss because of you. Then, you don't have to feel guilty. "

"But how can I. I also didn't listen the lecture. "

"Don't you a topper. Then, you can easily understand. "

"But that's not mean, I know everything. "

"I don't know, you have to tutor me. Because I helped you , now your turn to help me. "

"Okay. Fine. I will. But give me one day, I will explain this to you, tomorrow. "

"That's good. "

When they finally stop talking to each other, Stacy ask with teasingly, "If you done with your talk and stop staring each other. Can we have your attention. "

When Ashlyn and Nicolo stop staring each other, they feel little awkward and turned back shyly to see others.

Now, Stacy stand up to her seat and say loudly but not that much just to Shelby seat.
"Now, I want a say, no matter what others say, we will always support our beloved friend, Ashlyn and support her idea. We will let them see, what they missing and.. " when Ashlyn interupt her and say, "I also want to say something first. Can you sit for moment. " while seeing Stacy.

"Actually, I loved your appreciation and encouraging words for me. But truth is, Yes , I'm not in yet but they also didn't reject me also. They want to hear others also. So, The decision is not decided yet. "

"Oh. " everyone said with sad.

"Hey, cheer up. I still in the game. Just pray, they'll accept it. "

Everyone cheerfully say, "Yes, you will. "

"Yes, that's a spirit. Now, save this because we have to cheer our football player."

Everyone said shockedly, "Oh, yes. Today is try-outs day. "

And Haiden added to Nicolo with cheerful leader aura, "All the best. Give your 100% percent. Fighting. "

Everyone says together, "Fighting. "

When Erick say by interrupting all of us, "But the try-outs is on last period. Why we're doing this right now. "

Everyone says together, "Dumbo, spoiled the mood. " and everyone laughed when they realize they said together.

Everyone is doing good, now and attending their classes cheerfully.

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