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At the coffee shop,

All are gathered and enjoying the party and having fun. Playing games. Everyone is in happy mode and cheerful. But how the party can over without some fun games. So, Erick suggests a game like always he did, his stupid games. After playing his game, something always happens like, if someone got drunk so much that no one can handle. Let's just hope, this night goes smoothly without drama.

So, the game is that everyone has ask five question turn by turn and if someone is did, they fold their fingers and if someone want to know someone answer, they have to drink. That's The Game, Let's start it.

And overexcited Erick start the game, he is always very excited member in the group. Ask: "If anyone has a crush on teacher." And he always wanted to start the game with funny one. And the fun part is everyone fold the finger. And we know, there is always one teacher, the kid like or have crush on them. It's normal.

Now, Shelby's turn and she ask, "Fold the finger if someone kiss." Yay, she is very straightforward one in the group and she is not shy. And this one is very awkward, so not everyone folds but someone fold and you can guess it, and yes if you thinking Erick. And one more who didn't hesitate folding a finger is Shelby. And I am pretty sure everyone is just standing they're like a statue. Then, Stacy asks quickly after seeing awkwardness in the room, "If anyone sing in a shower." So, she is the cute one. And in these only girls fold the finger only. Then, it's Haiden's turn and he ask also cute one, "If someone snore in a sleep." And If I say, it's quite funny and embarrassing at the same time. No one fold their finger. But Erick got bored and say annoyingly, "Why everyone is asking boring question. It has to be funny instead it is boring. I will ask the question." Everyone agreed, "Okay, you ask next one."

And He ask, "If anyone like someone here or crush on someone, fold their fingers." Charlie fold their finger and Erick saw and say, "That's spirit, I want. Everyone, it's a game. Enjoy." And Nicolo also folds his finger because He saw Charlie has a crush on Ashlyn and he got jealous. Then, Erick saw Nicolo also fold his. But Haiden didn't, he want but he hesitating. When Erick says very bravely, "Hey just fold it. Everyone knows, you have a crush on Baylee." Everyone shocks even Baylee also. And Haiden expression is like What a hell is going on here.

Baylee say in a low voice, from where she is standing, "Do you like me?"

Haiden got off-guard and just staring at her, and when she didn't hear something, she lifts her head and saw in front of her where she caught him seeing her. So, She ask again but this time, it is different from first. "Do you like me?" she paused for a moment. But he didn't reply. She continued her line, "So, you don't like me. But now, I don't care. If you like me or not. I can't wait anymore. So, I am saying, now. I like you from the very moment, you came in our class. So, I am not waiting for you anymore. I just like you so much if you do or not." Haiden is astounded by her proposal. But Baylee got embarrassed because he didn't say anything still. So, Baylee run away from there because of embarrassment. And Stacy also went to Baylee to cool her down. When Ashlyn went near to Haiden and say, "Do you like her or not. If not, then why help her always. Or are you playing with her. Then, I"

Haiden interrupt her by confessing his love for Baylee and kneel, "I really like her. But I just surprised and shock. I am sorry. I didn't want her to feel embarrassing."

Ashlyn says in harass voice, "Really, Then, why didn't you follow her?"

Haiden Lifts his Head confusingly. But Ashlyn said in loud voice, "Why you still here, go talk to her. Confess to her." So, Haiden didn't think too much and went to Baylee. Where Everyone is like, what they saw just now. This is really rare see Ashlyn this angry. And Erick ask snakingly, "Are you okay? Do you want water?"

"I am fine." Ashlyn replied in low voice.

When Shelby went near to Ashlyn and ask curiously, "What I just saw? But You look really cool."

Ashlyn saw Shelby and other and then, again, Shelby and both laughs. Erick, Charlie and Nicolo got confused, why they laughing suddenly. When Shelby controls her laugh and say, "I didn't know that you can do that. I am very sure, you scared him." When Erick interrupts Shelby and say, "Not just him, us also."

Ashlyn says, "I am sorry, guys. But if I didn't do that, he didn't gather his courage. He just needs some push. So, I just did."

Erick replied, "I don't think, it's just a push."

Then, Ashlyn says in her defence, "If you didn't just say that. It's not that mess up and didn't my sister cry."

Then, Erick state his point and it's just not stupid at all, "then, they didn't confess and still waiting for each other to propose. And that's not goanna happen."

And Shelby agreed.

Ashlyn say, "Still, your way is overboard." And Shelby also agreed to that also and say, "It's Okay, Guys. Now, you two stop fighting."

Both say, "We're not Fighting."

Then, Shelby says, "Yes, okay. And well, we also have to go home. Haiden drop Baylee home. And it's almost 10pm. We have to go."

Ashlyn also agreed and say, "Yes, You right. Then, we go home. I'll message Baylee that we're going home."

Shelby also agreed. But Erick says, "But how you go? It's not safe to go home in a night."

Then, Nicolo Says, "I'll drop her home." But Charlie got jealous. So, he say, "No, I'll drop her. My home is also in same direction, Nicolo. Don't worry."

Ashlyn also agreed and say to Nicolo, "Yes, he will drop me home, Nicolo. He also lived there."

Then, Erick added, "Then, all set. Okay, then. Goodbye."

When Nicolo interrupted Erick line and said to Ashlyn, "Then, text me, when you got home."

Ashlyn answered shyly, "Okay. But how did I call, I didn't have your number." Then, Nicolo just showed his hand. But Ashlyn didn't understand and totally clueless. And Nicolo understood by her expression, she totally confused and so, he says, "Give me your phone."

Ashlyn asks cutely, "Okay. Here." and passed her phone to him while saying.

Nicolo answered her question when he typing, "I just wanna make sure that" then he suddenly stopped talking in the middle of line. After a few moments, He look up to Ashlyn and say, "That's my number." And just pressed call button. And the call transferred to Nicolo. Then He giver her phone back and say, "Save my number. And make sure call me, when you reached home safely." Ashlyn said awkwardly because guys there are also some of my friends and when someone does something this cute which usually boyfriend do. Then, It's awkward. So, she says, "Thanks. And I will. Okay, Bye."

And everyone also say bye and went for home.


On the way home, Charlie asks Ashlyn curiously like he wanna know if Ashlyn really likes Nicolo or not. "Hey, didn't you think it is weird of Nicolo asking you to call you when you reached home, Huh."

Ashlyn replies nicely, "I don't think, it's weird. It's nice of him."

Charlie added, "No, It's nice. But isn't it strange, when I am taking you home. Then, isn't obvious, you reached home safely."

Ashlyn replied, "No, it's not strange. Don't you think, it's normal for a friend to make sure everyone reached home safely."

Charlie nodded. And now, it's totally silence. We walked home with full silence. When we reached, we say Bye. And that's all. But something is different. When I get in home, I opened my phone and text to Nicolo that "I got home safely." And sent it. But after sending a text, I kept on smiling and blushing. I feel happy, it's different because I never felt this happy when I text someone. Is something wrong with me. When his message pop in my phone screen. I read it, And I still smiling. I don't know what's happening to me. But I need to clean my mind. So, it's better, I sleep. So, I replied him, "Okay, Good night." And went to sleep.


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