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We're in our class and studying. It's second last period is going on. And everyone is listening quietly, when I mean quietly, I literally means quiet like everyone is dead. So, I think you guess what I meant to say is, they're not bother to attend the class, just sleeping like a dead person. Well, today, we also distracted. And it's also our second day in a relationship, it's natural, we're distracted. But it shows we both like each other so much. And we're holding our hands entire period.

The bell rings for last period, Nicolo see me in curious eyes with a question, he didn't say, but I know what he want to say is, "Are we really going to do this?" I answered with tightening the grip of our hands to ensure him.

And when mam leave, we also sneak out together to library. But, he stops, when we almost there, I look at him confusedly. And he asks me a question, "Are you really want to do this?" with caring face. This time, I also answered him with words, "Yes, I'm really wanna do this."

"But I don't get it, suddenly, why you doing this? You're not that person" But I interrupted him, "Who bunk the class."

He hesitatedly say, "Yes. But seriously tell me, what's really going on in your little mind, Ashlyn."

I say, "I just really want to do this with you, Nicolo. Nothing else, really."

But he didn't bought this. So, I sighed and say what I really feel, "Okay, Honestly, I feel little nervous. Because as you said, I am not who bunk the class. But, I want to do this."

He curiously ask, "But why." But I didn't reply. So he shout my name, not so loudly, just I only hear him, And I replied, "Because you're mad at me."

He surprisedly add, "What. But why you think that."

I nervously said, "Because what just happed in canteen about Charlie."

He hugged me instantly, and whisper in my shoulder, "You're so adorable."

I say while hugging him back, "So, you're not mad at me."

He look at me, and say, "I'm not mad at you. I'll never mad at you. I'm just feeling annoyed at that time, when they're pairing you with someone else."

So, I teasingly add, "So, you're jealous."

He straight forwardly accepted, "Yes, I am."

I feel blushed and say shyly, "How you say like that?"

"But It's true. How can person not jealous when his girlfriend is so gorgeous and adorable."

I say nervously, "Just stop, Nicolo."

He said with his face straight to me and so close, he say in a flirty voice, "Why. It's no one here. And I'm saying about my girlfriend's beauty. But, why are you feeling shy, now. You are the one who want to spend time alone. And we're already late for class, now."

"What. Then, what we do now, then?"

He think for a minute and say when he got a idea, he say with very bright smile, "Well, we already bunk the class. Why don't bunk the school?"

I say, "What, I don't get it. What do you mean."

He replied with smirk, "I mean, we can go on a date."

I bushed.


We walk out of the school building and go to straight parking lot, where Nicolo's car parking. The sun is on the peak today. He says when he is opening a door for me, "Weather is good for car date."

I said 'Thanks' when I sit on the seat. He adds when he closes the door for me, "Welcome, gorgeous." Well, apart from whole flirting thing, he is still gentlemen.

We had been driving in silence and it's almost fifteen minutes. When I started getting nervous, because everything is going fine but suddenly the silence. It's getting me panic. So, I decided to talk.

"So, where we going?" My words sounded like so echoing because of quiet.

Nicolo answered with a smile, while his gaze is on the road and both hands on steering wheel, "I don't know, I'm just driving without any destination. So that, I am stay with you for a long time."

I blushed when he turned to face me and ask, "Do you wanna go somewhere you like."

I say hesitatedly, "No, I'm good. But I'm hungry. Can we stop on any restaurant in a way?"

He smiled and say, "Of course, I think there is a one restaurant in a way."

When I ask him, "Well, I am thinking that you didn't question me about my friendship with Charlie. Are you okay with that my friend ship with him?"

He answered me while his eyes glued to the road, "Honestly, when they say, something is going on between you. I also feel that way, sometimes. But now, I'm relax that you're mine and no one can steal you from me."

I feel overwhelmed every time, when he says, I am his. But I feel bad that he thinks also, so I add, "But I don't feel that way to him like I did for you. So, don't think this stupid thing in your mind."

He turned to me with Aww and say, "You are so cute." And back to road, but he continued, "And I know, you don't. But I think he likes you more than a friend. I don't want to say that because it can affect in your friendship. That's why, I didn't talk about it."

I replied with calming face, "Thanks for believing in me. But you can talk about it. I am not judge you of how you feel about that. But I really appreciate it that you think about me. That's all, I want in this relationship, the believe, love, care, respect, that's all."

"Me too." While holding my hands.


We arrived at the restaurant. He park the car in a parking. And he gets out, he comes around and open my door. "Come out, Princess."

I also play along and say, "Thanks, Prince Charming for your service."

And we went in. Inside, the place is crowded a little bit. I got nervous to see, it' a bit crowded and little posh restaurant. So, I went near him and grab his shirt and following him like a kid. He already orders and pay at the register desk. When we went to empty table and sit down and waiting for our order. And he knows me so well, that He orders my favourite cheese sandwich. He's so perfect in every way. I start to like him more or I would say harder. After eating our sandwich, He leaves me home.


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