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The whole school corridor is empty. I mean our last period is over. So, it's natural for everyone to go home eagerly and when it's time to go home, they are always playing in the corridor. But today is totally empty. When Baylee nervously say, "Why I feel so scared, isn't it normal the whole school is empty. " and at the end laugh weird and nervously. By that Ashlyn and Stacy also scared when They hear Baylee's weird laugh and say, "Don't scare us with your weird laugh."
When Baylee ask a very genuine question that every student ask in this situation, "Don't you feel weird, that everyone went home quickly today, don't you. "

"Yay, it is weird. Totally weird. "

When Sarah interrupt them to stop this stupid conversations, " Don't be stupid, Girls. Today is a try-out day, What you think everyone will go, tell me. "

Everyone reply with sarcasticly Oh.

"Shall we also go, girls." with annoyingly.

When the girls went to school ground. They surprised when they saw, everyone is here to cheer Nicolo especially girls. After seeing that girls holding the banner of Nicolo to cheer him, Ashlyn got little upset about that. But it's not that they cheering him up but that he is so popular among girls. She has not a chance. No, No. What I am thinking. I am just treat him like my friend that's all. Nothing else. When Stacy snapped fingers in-front of her face. She say, "Yes, what did you say? "

Stacy say by grabbing her hands, "I said, let's go. Baylee and Shelby went there. "

Now, They went there and when they got near Baylee and Shelby. Baylee ask them, "Where you gone?"

Stacy reply teasingly, " She was lost in her thoughts. "

When Shelby also joined with Stacy and ask, "Of whom. Is it your dream boy. "

Then, Ashlyn get annoyed with this teasing and say, "Stop this nonsense, now or I went home if you don't stop it. "

When Nicolo came from back and ask curiously, "Why you're going? "

Ashlyn turned to see him and say, "Nothing. They're just annoying me. Nothing else. "

"Oh, I think you don't want to see me play. " Nicolo say with cute pout face.

When Ashlyn saw his face, she didn't hold her smile back and smiled brightly and say, "I'm not going. I'm here to cheer my bench partner. So, Go. Fighting. " with great enthusiasm.

When he just turned slightly to went back to there team, Ashlyn saw there is ball coming in towards them and the ball going to hit him. So, he grabbed his hands and got him side so that he didn't got him. But when they got side, they lose their balance and they got fall in the ground and Nathaniel is fall on her where Ashlyn is fall on the ground. But Nicolo put one hand under her head so that she didn't hurt her head and from one hand, he balanced himself to fall on her. But they are looking into their each other eyes and it's almost 15sec straight. And when Sarah came saw this. She got jealous and say teasingly, "I didn't know that Ashlyn is that eager to trap him in her Webs."

Then, Ashlyn and Nicolo realize they didn't get up and quickly get up and seeing each other awkwardly. When Sarah again added something in jealous, "Do you that scared to me, that you do this dropping again so that he fall for you and not me. " with loudly and proudly.

Ashlyn say, "Why I scared to you about that. Didn't he rejected you on your face. " and she left in anger from there and Baylee also escort her. When Nicolo try to stop her, Stacy and Shelby said to Nicolo, "Don't worry, she will be okay. We're with her. Focus on your game. If you didn't play game because of her, she feel more bad. So, play game now. Talk to her tomorrow. Okay. " and they also left. When they all left, Sarah said to Nicolo by grabbing his hand, "Why you always cared for her only even when she didn't here for you. See, she just left. Why don't you give me one more chance? "

"She left because of you. If you not here, she didn't left. And I cared for her because she care for everyone. She didn't mistreated anyone like you. So, Now leave my hand " and he went to play his game.

Where Ashlyn and her friends cheering her up while cursing Sarah. So, Ashlyn feel good. After a minute, Ashlyn break silence and said, "Guys, it's okay. You go enjoy the match. I wanted to go home. But you go and cheer him. OK. "

So, only Stacy and Shelby went to match but Baylee didn't. She wanted to accompany her little sister. So, they both went home together. On way back Home, Ashlyn asked her sister, "Why didn't you join them? "

"Because You're my sister where you go, I will go. And when you sad, I will make you happy, whatever it takes. So, now we're going to ice cream parlour to buy your favourite ice cream and forgot everything. So, let's go."

So, they went to ice cream parlour. And eat some ice cream to lift a mood. But still Ashlyn didn't feel good. So, she started clicking her photo and when Ashlyn realise that Baylee clicking her photos. She said shoutingly said, "Why are you clicking my photos. I didn't look good. Delete them, Baylee now. "

But Baylee didn't stop clicking her photos. So, she got angry and try to get her phone. But Baylee successfully safe her phone. Now, she is chasing her around. But Ashlyn didn't success. So, she finally admitted her fail and Baylee also stop running and hugged her and say, "Feel good. "

Ashlyn replied with calm and hugging back tightly, "Yes. Love you, sister. "

"Love you too, little sis."

When Ashlyn phone ringed and it's Charlie. Ashlyn picked his phone and say, "Hey, are you okay."

"Yes, I'm good. Why did you call me? "

"Yaay, I call you to remind you about our plan that you totally forgot. So, are you willing to help me today for distributing my pancakes in old-age home or not. "

"Oh, I tottaly forgot. I'm coming. Wait for me for 10mins, maximum. Okay. "

"Hey, calm down. I'm just teasing you, If you feel down today, then don't come today. I know what happen today. "

"No, I'm fine now. It's all because of Baylee. So, I am willing to come. Okay. "

"Okay. I will wait for you on store. OK. And say thanks to Baylee on my behalf for getting you yourself. "

"I will. Bye. "

They cancelled the phone and say bye to Baylee and went to pancake store where she meet Charlie.


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