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When I'm wake. My head is pounding, throat dry, stomach churning. Last night pours back to me, I'm totally drunk and I confess my feelings to him. And he also confessed back.

When I finally open my eyes, I jump out of my skin. Baylee staring me with wide, big eyes, "Are you feeling good?"

I say, "Yaay, I'm fine. I just feeling dizzy, still. Wait, who bring me home?" I remembered a part where I confessed to him and he did same, then, I'm like blank. I don't know, how I'm here. Then, Baylee replied in a tease, "Of-course, your boyfriend drops you home, when you're totally drunk." I add, "Why you're saying like that? Did I do something stupid in a party?"

She said in a chuckle, "Hey, Relax. I'm just teasing, you didn't. You just being very romantic couple in a party. Everyone is jealous." I ask in low voice, "What we do?"

Baylee got stand up in surprise, "Seriously, you didn't know. How much you drink?"

I add in shrug, "A lot."

"Okay. So, you didn't remember, he did hold you in his arms and drive you home."

"He did that."

"Okay, Miss Ashlyn. You have to stop drinking alcohol. Then, I'm thinking, you also don't remember, He is the one who tuck you in the bed." When I tried to remember, I have a glimpse of that, He kissed me in my forehead and say softly, 'Goodnight.' It's very sweet goodnight kiss, I ever get. But, I didn't correct her, if I say I remember some glimpse, she'll want a every detail. But, it's not that bad morning. It's always, you wake up with all sweet memories.

I went to bathroom and got freshen up. Got ready for the school and went to school. It's normal same day, nothing special, the party vibe is gone. It's just a bunch of High school kid's fun, that's always going on. We attend our class, like always and gather again, at Cafeteria.

In the Cafeteria, We're having lunch, happily. Where, we know that Stacy and Charlie is in a relationship. They just confessed, last night. Everyone is happy for them. Now, almost everyone is dating someone in our group except two. We see them in a way, when both say together, "No way." We laugh at them and say, "But you make good couple and you also saying in sync like a couple." They make disgust face to each other and say, "Eww." We laugh at say, "Okay. Enough this teasing. Now, we have to focus on our Dance Booth. When Nicolo add, "Yes, That date is almost come. It's just left two days."

When Stacy add, "You need any help with that." I say, "No, Now, Everything is almost done, Nicolo, Baylee and Haiden help me."

"Oh! Why didn't ask to us, also?" When Nicolo back me up by this and say, "Actually because of me, They didn't tell us, I kind of know and tell Haiden. And it's just kind of go like a date."

Everyone is like, "Ohhhhh! We got it, Romeo." I smiled. The gossip is goes on. But I felt thirsty and so, I stand up to went to water cooler. But Nicolo got also stand up, but I say, "Sit. I just going to water cooler. You sit." He sit as I say but my friends went, 'Aww' with this sweet gesture. But, someone is literally getting jealous of me by being with Nicolo.

When I went to water cooler and fill the water bottle. And as I turned, I got chills as Sarah appeared in-front of like ghost out of nowhere or I say, she is doing this purposely. But I manage to say, "You sacred me."

She say in evil voice, "You have to." When I add to her threat, "Oh! You're back. I don't think, you this quickly came back to your usual self. A Bad Bitch."

She angrily say, "How dare you to say me like that tone?"

"Well, it's my mouth, and I can talk in whatever tone, I want to."

"OH! So, you still in a mood to fight back. Well, not anymore, if I tell you this."

I say in shrug like I don't care, "And what's that?"

She say in a teasingly, "Oh! Sweetie. I don't tell you. I show you to you and everyone." While doing something in her phone. She faced me and say, "See to yourself, It's on a school group." . When I open the group and see, there is a video. I open it and I'm shook. When I saw that video, I'm freeze and broken from the inside and from the behind, Sarah is laughing and saying something, especially mean but I can't hear her. I'm just shooocck. I'm feeling like someone drop a thunder on me and I'm just standing straight, and nothing. I'm just like a dead corpse and just standing. Sarah leave me there alone in my thoughts and probably now, everyone see that video even Nicolo probably saw that video, now. So, whoever passing through, they're like, she is a poor thing and all that. But they didn't meant it. But I still manage to walk but I barely walk by this shock. I'm in too much shock that I feel like I'm falling down. But Nicolo came and say my name, "Ashlyn, you're here. I'm almost see everywhere to find you." By my expression, He got it and say in low voice, "I think, you saw that video." I faced him in pain. He continued, "I know, you're hurt. But, I swear, it's not true. What you see in the video isn't true."

I say in disbelief, "Really, Nicolo. I believed you if I didn't see this video. But, I have a proof, so how can you say that, it's not true. You're saying this is fake." He nodded and wanted to say something but I cut him and continued, "You're saying, it's not you in the video?" HE replied, "No, I'm in this video. But I didn't say that."

"Okay. So, you're saying, it's not your voice." In frustratedly because I just got a big shook and he is saying nonsense.

"No, I'm not saying that. I'm saying, this video is not full, I think someone cut it by the end."

I'm totally fed up and say, "Seriously, I'm very shocked and now, you're saying for your excuse is absolutely nonsense. It's just not make sense. You're in the video and it's your voice, so you said that. Then, what's the point of cutting video. You said that, right."

He say, "Yes, but" I cut him again and add, "So, what, Nicolo. You admit that you don't like. Then why did you say you love me, last night. When you didn't mean it. Why did you do that everything.", my voice break, when I say that.

He say, "I totally mean, when I say that, Ashlyn. Please trust me and listen me out."

When I say with straight face, "Okay, I'll listen you out, What ever you trying to saying. But first, find a proof. Until, then don't talk to me." And l leaved after saying my reason. But he grab my hand, but I didn't turn. He ask, "Don't you have trust in me?", he also ask without turning to me.

I said, "You lost my trust when I see you in that video, saying that." And leave that place in tear in my eyes.


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