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When I'm walking towards my house. I called everyone, tell them situation and said, 'Give him time, for now.' So, everyone agreed and went home. Now, I'm talking with my BF, Nicolo on a phone while walking. He is little worried about me, so he call me. When I answered the call, it's silent. He didn't utter a single word. I think he is getting nervous to ask me about Charlie. And I get it, it's hard to ask this normally, so it's not get awkward. So, I say, "Hey! Are you okay?"

He said in startled, "Yay! I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"I am just making sure, you are okay for me to talk to him."

He say in low voice, "Yes, I'm also fine with it until you have feeling for him."

When I say in concern tone, "Hey, For god sake, I only love a one person and that is you. So, stop imagining stuff in your mind. Okay."

I can feel, he is got happy after hearing me and add to my line, "And your stuck with me for your entire life." And I also said, "You too.".

When I realise something and say, "Oh! I remember something."

He ask curiously, "About What. Is it about Charlie, you wanna share."

My answer is for that, "First, No. But you are curious, I can tell you." And he replied with big yes. So, I laughed it out. Then, after calm down, I continue, "Well, There is nothing to tell. But, I think, you might wanna hear this. So, when I talk to him, he tell me, what's bothering him." HE add, 'Umm.'. So, I know, he is listening me. I continue, "Then, he tell me, He likes me from the start and he also think, I like him back. And when you came, you stole his place. So, that's why, he also little mad at you. But, don't worry, I cleared everything that I didn't like him that way, that he think. And I only like him as a friend only. So, what you think?"

He ask, "What you mean, What I think. You did right. I'm very proud to my girlfriend. Now, everything is good, nothing can go wrong to our relationship."

"Yes. Everything is right, now."


This is very important day for our school. Today, we're playing match with our rival school. The rival school is tall, big and very skilled. So, we can only hope that our team do their best and work as a team. Then, it's hope, we can win. We're sitting in a front row of an audience stand. Everyone is there except Charlie, he didn't come. I think, he still needs time. When Erick loudly say, "Hey, it's Charlie, he came." After saying this, went running towards him and hug him tightly. We also went their, and greet him. Now, he looks good, don't look mad at us. So, now everything is right. When Erick add, "You're right on time, the match about to start." Everyone nodded and went to stand, again.

The coach blows the whistle, the match started. The ball is with rival team, they're defence is also good and the goal. Our team zero and rival team one. We're little bit sad but we didn't lose hope and still cheering loudly, so the team didn't lose hope. Where, in the stand, there is something going on. Stacy is ignoring Charlie. I don't know, why. But I know, she likes Charlie. So, I didn't get it. Charlie is trying to talk but she is ignoring or acting she is busy talking with us. When suddenly our team got ball and Erick loudly cheer, that got my attention. then, My eyes is on the match. And The Goal. Our team goaled. Now, the scoreboard is 1-1. And it's a big improvement, Because not in a lifetime, our team goal a single one. So, after this is one, everyone has hope and now opposite team is also little surprised but still, it's not enough. The match starts again, the opposite team has a ball, but Haiden grab the ball, and pass to our teammate. Nicolo get the ball and goal. Our team once again goaled. Everyone is cheering. Now, it's 2-1. But, they got break.

When Charlie once again tried but fail. And also, Stacy went to drink water. When I follow her to watercooler and say, "Hey!"

She also, "Hey! You're looking happy."

I add to this compliment, "Well, My Boyfriend's team winning. Of-course, I'm happy."

"Yaay! I can see, you're like a proud GF."

"Well, Thanks." After, this compliment, I continue, "Hey! Can I ask something?"

She said, "Yes. What is it."

"Well, I'm just saying. Ok."

"Okay. Just say it."

I said while typing in my phone, "Okay. I'm saying. Why you're avoiding Charlie?"

She say in shock. "What. What are you saying." When she say this, Charlie got there, but stop behind one of the tree. Well, you think, it is coincidence. But, I text him to come.

Then, I continue, "Hey, I know, you like Charlie. So, don't act like you don't."

She add, "What. No, you're probably got wrong idea."

When I add, "Well, Probably, I got a wrong idea. But you're face say a lot a different story, when you see Charlie. You can lie to yourself but not to me. And Think about it." And I leave from here. My work is done. Charlie know now, about Stacy's feeling. Now, it's them, what they want to do. If they want more than a friendship or not.

We went back to stand and the match is also start again. Now, the match is little bit tense and stress to both team. If our team goal in remaining time, we win. If the opposite team goal in remaing time, it's a tie. Then, we have to do one mor round to decide. But, at last, our team had a ball. Haiden got a ball, he is getting near to net and ready to shoot, but another team is coming from behind him. So, he pass to Nicolo mysteriously and He goaled.


We're cheering for them. I went running towards Nicolo and hugged him and kiss him in his cheeks, excitedly. He hugged back tightly and whisper in my ears, "You look more happy than us."

When I say back in whisper, "Because my boyfriend is so amazing." Where everyone is also happy and cheering. Stacy, Shelby and Erick is jumping like they're gonna explode in a air. But, Stacy loose her balance and falling, but Charlie grab her waist and pull her up and she didn't get hurt. But it's so beautiful view. But, Stacy got back from him and awkwardly say, "Thanks." Well, everyone is shook when she is falling, she can hurt badly but thanks to Charlie, She didn't get hurt. Well both are little awkward. Now, they're know, they have feelings for each other. Where One is denying and another one is clueless. We'll see, what's going to happen between them. For now, It's a party time.


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