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Charlie went to the car and open the door for me, and he sent me glaring look on me. But it didn't scare me and I didn't move from my place.

He ask in frustration, "What's the really matter with you? WHY YOU ACTING LIKE THIS?"

"Really! What's the matter with me Or it's you who are acting weird. I didn't say, I need your help."

"Well, you definitely need one. You are drunk, I think, it's all alcohol talking. Just sit in the car."

"You're a jerk. You didn't know, what this all about. And you're really getting me mad at you, so so much."

"So, let me in. What's really the matter with you?"

She says, "What's really the matter with me. You really don't care at all."

"I really don't know, what's this all about."

 "Of-course, you don't know. It's always, Ashlyn. I'm stupid, I think about it for slightest moment, when you care for me. But it's all sympathy. But, you know what, I don't need your sympathy. And Thanks for the ride. I'll go by myself." And I went to different direction, away from him. I can't do it this right now.

Then, he say my name loudly to stop me. But I didn't. I rolled my eyes and keep walking as I heard his footsteps behind me before he grabbed my arm, pulling me to a halt and spinning me around to face him. And He say in anger, "Stacy, Just sit in the damn car."

I snapped, throwing his hands off. "Why I listen to you for god sake? Let just clear this, why you so interested in me, so suddenly. I didn't get it." 

He didn't say anything. Just staring me with anger in his eyes. SO, I went to his car and annoyingly  sit on the passenger seat. But Charlie little nervous and scratch his head and ran around the car, sat in the driver's seat and start the engine. He say, "Put on the seat belt." She did, what he ask her to do. He started driving the car. The atmosphere in the car is totally like cold and silent place like a dead corpse. To Kill this silent, he ask nicely, "You wanna hear some music." She say, "No." in low voice. Then, he again ask, "Do you need AC?". I say in a shrug that I don't care, what you trying to do, "No, Charlie. I don't need anything. Just drive." Then, he stopped talking and driving in a silent. After few hour of awkward driving, her home arrived. He stop the car. She went off and straight went to the house. She didn't say thanks for formality. But he get hurt by her reaction. He get out of the car and say loudly, "Isn't it too hard for guy who he drop a girl home but she didn't thank him. Isn't it too cruel."

She turned with annoyed face and said, "Thank you" with fake smile.

When he add, "That's it. Only Thanks. For a guy who give you a lift and". When I cut him and say, "Okay. Stop. Don't have to say that line, again. Just tell me, what you else you wanna hear."

"I don't wanna hear anything from you. Just listen to me for a sec."

I say rolling my eyes, "What you wanna say, now."

 "You wanna hear my answer, what you ask me earlier. Here, it is. I don't know what this feelings, I feel or why now. I just know, I care for you and when you got hurt, I also got hurt. And I can't stand when you mad at me and talk about any random guy to drop you home, I got really mad. So, just stay by my side and wait for me to figure out this. Okay.", He scoffed, stepping forward, towering over me. I am startled by his words. He said all this and he still need time to figure it out. I am really pissed at him by his word.

But He is closer to me, I can't pissed at him and add softly, holding my gaze, "So, I wanna hear, what you feel about me. So, I can figure out what's all this feeling. "

I literally got surprised by hearing his words or did I hear wrong. So, I just say in disbelief, "Are you serious, right now. Or do you think me as a fool."

"Why you think of me like that even when I just express about my feelings to you."

"That's how, you express your feeling to a girl."

He leaned down, and say, softly in my ears, "Do you really want me to do this?" and smashing his lips against mine.

I stopped, my hands freezing at my sides. But when I realised, I pulled away him, he see me in confusion and I just looking into his eyes. And I felt, he really meant it, but I still can't believe. SO, I ask, "I don't know, What's whole this thing going on? First, you said you need time to think. The second, you kissed me. I really don't know, what's in your mind."

He say, while holding my cheeks in his palm, "I also don't know, what's going on with me. But I know that I want you, I want this." Then, I add, "Do you mean it." He say, softly, "I meant it, What I feel about you." And then again, he kiss me. I feel his arm grab my waist before he pulled me into him, my hands lying into his chest. He deepened the kiss and I grabbed his shirt, pulling him even closer. I could feel, my stomach filling with butterflies, my heart racing.

HE stopped kissing me and closed his eyes, taking a breath and sighing before resting his forehead against mine and peck a kiss in my forehead. He pulled away and looked me straight in the eyes, "I love you, I meant it."

I also replied with a smile, "I love you too."





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