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It's beautiful morning. The birds are chirping. Nature is blessing us. Ashlyn get up from bed and wear the slippers and went to window. Open it and let the wind passing through her face and feeling fresh. The air is warm. Now, she is totally wake in senses after feeling some fresh air. And Baylee also wake up because of cold wind.

Baylee loudly said to Ashlyn, "What happened to you? You woke up early in the morning."

"It's just, I feel good and fresh after a long time. " after finishing her talk, she throw the pillow to Baylee's face. So, she wake up. And Ashlyn continue her line one more time, "I'm going to shower. When I came back, I want you to sit on the bed properly and fresh up yourself. Okay. "

Baylee agreed. And Ashlyn went to bathroom. When Ashlyn thinking of yesterday. That she do so fun. When she got struck in her mind something. And she got ready very quickly and went out from bathroom and shout in excitement. When Baylee fall off from bed and say curiously, "Woah, What happened?"

When Ashlyn sit in front of Baylee with a big cute smile and after observing hers reaction, she explained her joy, "Actually, I got a idea." and she stopped and waiting for her response. After a second, she processed all, she expressed her emotion with screaming, "Oh My God! You're not kidding, right now. Right. "

"Yes, I'm not. I got a wonderful idea. "

Both chuckled. After so much excitement, they got in senses. Then, Baylee beamed a main question, "So, What's the idea about? "

Ashlyn replied, "You have to wait for that. I will tell everyone together. I wanna see all your reaction after hearing the idea "

"I can say through your eyes, It's gonna be awesome. "

Both smiled.


At School, Everyone gathered in a classroom and waiting for Ashlyn and Baylee's great news. Because Baylee already sent message in a group about announcing a great news. When both entered in a classroom. Everyone blocked their way and start asking question about the news. "What's the damn news? "
When Baylee shoutingly say, "Stop. And keep quiet. "

Everyone stop questioning and stand in silence in a circle by blocking us and seeing us with curious eyes.

When Baylee added, "You don't have to do this. Ashlyn know the news. She will tell you. But first, silent. "

Everyone nodded.

Then, Ashlyn say, "Okay. So, here's the news is. I got a idea. And it's 'A Dancing Booth Club."

Everyone eyes got bigger and holding their excitement in their. It's feel like they gonna just busted. Do, Ashlyn says, "No you can say something. " with smile.

When everyone screams with excitement and joy. It's a mix emotion. After a moment, They released their all emotions of excitement. Stacy and Sarah say, "See, We know you can come up with some great ideas. But What we do in this club. Just Dance or something else."

"It's good point. I glad you asked. " and everyone praising them with clap.

"Okay. Okay. Here's the answer. In this club, All can enjoy like they're partying in their. It's like you doing fun. And for the dance, there's a little bit twist in that. "

Everyone asked with doe eyes, it's looks like a baby who is so curious about everything, " What's a twist?"

"Twist is one person is going to be a blind-fold and another one who is not Blind-fold will guide to another. Isn't it amazing, Huh. "

Everyone is surprised, don't have words to describe How awesome is this. But One person said, it's Nicolo.

"It's romantic. " while meeting his eyes to her. But Ashlyn got shy after locking their eyes for totally straight five minutes and move glanced to others.

When Baylee added, "It's wonderful, Sis. "

The bell rings. Everyone went to their seats where they usually sit. Miss Olivia came in the classroom. Everyone greeted and say, "Good Morning, Mam." and sit.

Today, our teacher looks so happy. So, something going to happen. Because every time, our Mam is happy. She gives us a group project or lots of class homework which is boring.

Mam started the class with a announcement, "So, Everyone pay attention here. I have a announcement here. I have a project for everyone. It will effect in your grade. And It's opportunity for who is new here. "

Everyone sighed.

"You have to debate here. Everyone will prepare this individually. It's not a group project. So, be serious about this."

Everyone got sad.

"I will give you a topic. You can choose on which you want to perform. So, the rules is simple. You'll debate with your seating partner. One will have to speak on favours and other have to speak on non-favour. So, the topic is Social Media or Internet. Okay. "

Everyone nodded.

"Okay. Now, let's continue our class. Wait, I will take this debate on Wednesday. Okay. "

Everyone sighed and Miss Olivia continue her class where she left on previous class. When the class is going on. Nicolo leaned towards Ashlyn and whisper in her ears, "Hey, How do you think that? " Ashlyn shocked and flushed with shyness at a same time. When she heard his deep voice in her ear with that close. Ashlyn didn't answered him. He touched her arm with his elbow and say, "Ashlyn."

Ashlyn surprisedly say, "Yes. What did you ask? "

"You didn't listen, What I say, just now. "

"Sorry. Ask again. I will pay attention this time."

"I'm curious. How come you think that? "

"What think that? " still managing smile and don't getting lost the fact that he is ready to talk now.

"The idea , you mentioned today for something. I don't remember. What it's for. "

"Oh. That. It's for secret society club. And I volunteer to host. So, I have this idea. "

"You're really cool. Damn, I still don't believe, you come up with this idea. "

"Now, you're seeing down on me, huh. When I helped you from Sarah that day or you think of me as fighting girl, huh. "

" No. No. I don't mean that. I mean, I never see that amazing girl in my life who is good in class and also fight back for herself and for others." Ashlyn surprised by his response. It's very overwhelming for her. It's first time in her life. The boy notice her and said that beautiful words to her. But she put her together and managed to say, " Are you really impressed that much or you just trying to make conversation. "

" No, I mean it. And I also want to make a real friend for talk. So, You right. "

"I don't think you have to try. You're so popular that everyone want to talk to you especially girls, if I frankly say. "

"But I only want you. "

Ashlyn see him in shock. When he suddenly added, " and your friends. You are really good guys. I love to part of it. "

Ashlyn say, "We're glad. "while seeing a blackboard because she totally got blushed when he said that but it's not that. But still. Where Nicolo observing her and smiling.


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