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They're having a big house party. Everyone is drunk and having fun, where we entered, there is someone always drinking or smoking. I think, there is no room, which is free. When I listen someone call my name, "Hey, Ashlyn." Sarah said, coming over to me. "How it's going? You're liking it."

I'm surprised. Why she is talking to me so sweetly, suddenly. Before, she is trying me to break up with Nicolo, so she get a chance. Now, she invite me to a party and talk sweetly to me. I have totally getting weird feeling. And I know whenever, she invite us, there is always something for her but acting sweetly, it's new. I didn't swallow this.

"Well, it's boring. There is no fun at all. Oh! Sorry, I didn't have to say that loud." I said this knowingly to see her reaction, because she didn't stand who say bad about her parties.

But she still calm and add, "Oh! You didn't having fun, dear. Come with me, I Will tell you, what real fun is." And she grabbed my hands and pulling me.

That evening I played beer pong, strip tease and whatever else crowd decide to do. I lost some game and made a fool of myself. But I also win some games, so I didn't let Sarah to fulfil her scheme to fool of myself in crowd. But, she still very committed to stick with me and forcing me to drink. So, now, I'm totally drunk and I 'm not capable to drink more and Sarah leave me finally. Now, I can rest for some time while Nicolo went to bring some water for me. Thankfully, he is not drunk that much because Sarah is forcing both of us to drunk but Nicolo didn't drunk that much because he has to drive a car. Where Stacy and Shelby also drunk and dancing like hell. They didn't care who is watching them or not, they're having fun.

When Nicolo came back and he saw, I still drinking some shots. So, Nicolo grab my glass and say, "It's enough, Ash." But, I reply with cute face, "One more, please." He leaned and say, "No, You'll drink this soda." He is literally worried for me because he never see me this drunk, before or he didn't see me drinking. But, I still can feel his worry. So, I stand up but it's not good and he grab my waist and say, "Hey, Calm down here. Why you're standing when you're too drunk too stand properly." Yaay, he is kind of right. It's because when you're drunk, everything look fun except standing and walking. Well, I say, "But I wanna tell you this by looking straight into your eyes. I love you when you care for me, I love you when you look at me with a big gummy smile, I love you when you worry for me and I love you when you look at me with this sparkle eyes. I really really love you, Nicolo Carson. I really love you with my whole heart." He just seeing me with aww. He didn't think, I tell about my feeling in this position. But he loved it and say even I didn't remember it or embarrassed after regaining my conscious, "I love you too, Ashlyn with all of my heart."

Then, suddenly song played, "Baby by Justin Bieber." And I hold his hand and drag him to the dance floor. I love this song. But, I didn't probably stand, he didn't let me dance but I don't want to go. So, I'm begging him to not to leave yet. But, he didn't listen me and he hold me in his strong hands and say in my ears, "Behave Ashlyn or I also loose control after your so sweet drunk proposal." I didn't got shy and I can feel hot and my cheeks going red that left him in chuckle. And helps me getting in the car and putting my seat belt. And sent a text to Haiden that Ashlyn and me going home, so tell Baylee that I drop her home and she is safe.

Haiden text him with Okay. Then, he start driving and I got sleepy when he is busy texting Haiden. Where Stacy, Shelby and Baylee still having fun in a party. Dancing. All three is having fun ,dancing and sing along, bobbing head with a music. Where Charlie and Haiden smiling and watching their girls. When the Hook comes Baylee and Shelby pull both Haiden and Charlie and dancing. Erick is already start dancing. Well, Stacy still avoiding Charlie, so when they both come face to face while dancing, she suddenly lose her balance. Her ankle twist, her heel completely forsaking me and She go down.

But, Charlie in a flash grab her waist by one hand, the other pulling her up by her arm, "Oh my God, Stacy."

"You're fast." She slur, because she little drunk also.

"Are you okay? How you always loose your balance?" he ask in anger in his eyes, but still helping her to her feet.

But she got also angered and say, taking a step back, "Why you scolding me? When I didn't ask for your help. Why you suddenly care for me, just ignore me like you do always." I suddenly said that loud to him and tears come. But he suddenly grabs me again in his arm and pulling her to hug. And say, "Hey, I'm Sorry. I didn't mean to say that way. Stop crying." And he bring me in open for fresh air. When she get outside, the night air slaps me in the face. Chills all over my skin. "Hey, I don't feel good, Charlie." I close my eyes.

He grabs my waist and pulls me along, "I know."

"But I didn't get it, why you helping me or why you caring for me."

"I don't know. I feel bad for you, I think."

I feel offended, "You feel bad for me. Wow, You're really don't a idea, do you."

He is trying me to calm down, so I didn't get hurt. But I already got hurt by his word. "Please, Stacy, calm down. Let me take you home."

"Oh! You don't have to worry about it." And I'm searching for a transport in a empty road. When I find someone getting out from party, then I face Charlie and say, "Now, you don't have to worry, I take lift from him. You go."

He ask, "Do you know him?" I replied with, "No" But, I started to walk towards stranger. When Charlie grab my hand and puling towards him and say in angry face, "Don't fool around and come with me."

"See. You didn't even like me, always in this angry or rude face, when you see me. I don't wanna go with you." and trying to pulling my hands from his grab. But it didn't work. He continued, "You're getting me angry Stacy, just follow me willingly or". I ask confidently, "Or?"

"Or I use my strength to get you in the car. And I'm serious and I didn't ask second time." But I didn't threat by his comment and still confidently standing.


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