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At the NGO Building, when I arrived there, Charlie is already waiting for me there on his car. When I got there, he went off from car and he came near me with a smile, "You made it. I think I've to disturb this all alone. " by pointing towards his backseat which is full of pancakes package.

Ashlyn teasingly reply with a smile, "I'm pretty sure, you didn't do this all by yourself. So, here I'm offering you my help. "

"And I am accepted your offer with my pleasure. " and Charlie got bow in-front of me like a prince while accepting my help. Totally Romantic. But we're friends. It's totally our acting skills, which we do this to each other in a teasing way. It's our thing. I mean our BFF thing.

"Okay. Now, let's drop this act. Start with a work. " Ashlyn command and still acting.

"Yes madam. " Charlie accepted this order and he is too acting.

Then, we went in a building and distributing a pancakes to the kids. It's very beautiful scene seeing kids happy and eating. All this are very overwhelming.

Now, both taking rest while eating pancakes. It's very delicious and yummy. When Charlie asked question curiously, "Hey, are you okay or pretending happy. I know what happen, today."

"I know you said that on phone also. But I still didn't get, you didn't there. How the hell you know? "

"I think I have superpowers. " and He chuckles softly.

"No, I'm serious. " but not with serious serious face but with smile. You, he just smile her with this small joke.

"I know. But still I managed to make you smile. That's all I want you to smile. "

"Yes. You know me. But still how you know " asking with puppies eyes. And that's always work.

"Erick told me. And that's why, I call you to check in."
He say.

"Oh, yes."

Then, Charlie add, "Well, did you really have feelings for him, Nicolo. "

Ashlyn shocked and also blushed little bit and say hesitatingly, "What. No. We....we're friends. Only friends. Okay. And don't ask this stupid question again. "

He sighed and say, "Okay. " but he can say by seeing only her face by just calling his name, she got blushed and hesitate is only means, She has feelings for him even she didn't say. That got him sigh and little upset. But he still try his luck and tell his feeling to hear when the time is good. So, let's see if he got a time to tell her on time or he got super late to tell her about his feelings.


Next Morning, When I got up, I feel good and fresh. It's like today is gonna be really good to me. So, I'm hoping, Today is better than yesterday.

Ashlyn seating in a classroom quietly and listening to the teacher but not seriously listening. Actually, I am not in a mood to talk or listening to anyone just in my own world. When something happened, and unexpected one. Someone come to call me and guess who's calling me. OK, I'm telling you, and hold your breath. It's Student Councillor Head. Yay, I know what you are thinking about. You think what's good about this. So, let's just see what happens next.

I went to the office where Students Councillor Head Office is. I knocked on the door. He said, "Come in. "

I asked very decent question that everyone ask in this position probably, "You call me. "

"Yes. I wanted to share something to you, personally. "

"About what. "

"I have a actually good news for you. "

I got curioused and he obviously see that on my face.

And he say, "So, I assumed you wanted to hear, so Here is it. Your idea got selected for Secret Society Club."

I clearly shocked, so I add, "Did you say, it's true. "

"Yes. You selected and from tomorrow you have to started to prepare the club. But it's after school. Okay. "

I beamed with full excitement, "Yes. Of course. And Thank you. "

And I leave the office with joy.


When I went to back to class, they're worried for me why he call me. But they didn't know it's great news. So, I acted for a little bit and then shock them.

When I stand there with dull face. Baylee ask, "Hey everything okay. Why he called you? It's serious. "

I say in my thoughts, this is alot question to ask at same time. But I reply with same dull face, "I'm fine. It's just, he selected my idea for a club. "

They replied, "Oh, it's good. " After a second, they realize what I said actually and ask, "Really. You really. "

I say this by facing them with smile, "Yes. It's true. "

When Haiden added, "Well isn't the great news. We have to celebrate this big party."

When Erick also add, "Well, it has to. We have two reasons to celebrate. "

Ashlyn ask curiously, "But why two. I get one reason, it's because my idea selected. But what second reason. Can anyone enlighten me. "

Erick jumped quickly and reply fastly, "It's Nicolo selected for the team. Isn't good."

Ashlyn got happy but also disappointed and say, "Then, why didn't anyone tell me earlier. " especially facing Nicolo.

Then, Nicolo say after seeing Ashlyn how disappointed to him and clear the air, "I answered it. It's because you upset yesterday. And I think I am non concerned man who only cares of his victory not see the better time to tell you. "

"But I feel happy if you did say. "

"Okay, it's my fault. I didn't tell you. So, I pay for a big party including yours. Take this as a apology treat."

"Okay. "

When Stacy jumped in a conversation and enlighten the environment between me and Nicolo and say, "Okay. So, everything is sorted. Now, group hug. "

Everyone hugged each other tightly. And when everyone separated, Nicolo standing just beside Ashlyn and bend towards her left shoulder and say in her ears, "Well, You still have to tutor me."

And Ashlyn totally blushed and feeling his breath almost near her ear, feeling her warm and blushing. But she managed to answer back, "But you've to pay for that. My time is precious." in a low voice so that he only hear.

He reply, "That's why, I'm fully willingly pay this grand party. And if it's still not enough. I'm happy to help you in your preparation for club. And on plus side, I'm very good at decorations. "

She say with smile, "Hmm hmm, we'll see that."

"So, it's the yes. "

"Yes. But I am still not sure about your decorations skills. "

"For that you'll be impressed. "

"Well we see that. " and exchanging sweet glares. When Stacy interrupt us and say, "Don't you want to go? "

And we both say in sync, "We're coming. "


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