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Nicolo is sitting alone in a school ground and seeing the video repeatedly in a hope, he can find something which can be help. But he keeps failing at it. And he is messed up with all the situation. Because He has no idea, how this situation can be better. Ashlyn is not in a mood of talking about this matter properly. But I know, It's not easy for Ashlyn also. So, I'm ready for Ashlyn to take time. But in mean time, I want to find an original clip. Because I know, it's not a whole story in this video. But I'm exhausted to see same video on a repeat without any progress.

When Haiden and Erick came, and say, "Are you Okay, Bro?"

Nicolo is little surprised by his response about this whole video situation. So, he asks, "You don't angry with me about the whole situation."

Erick says in his usual self, "Well, we're. But when we remember, how you care for her and love her. Then, we came to point to this, we decided to hear your side of this try." Haiden nodded.

Nicolo got small smile in his face, he got tears in his eyes and hug them and say, "Thank you guys for trusting in me." Haiden and Erick hug him back and say, "Okay. Now, can we talk about the serious situation."

Nicolo replied with nod, "Yes. Sure."

Haiden ask, "So, what exactly we have to do?"

"We have to find any clue which can lead us to a person who make this video."

Erick asks, "And how we know that clue in a video. It could be anything."

"We've to see if there is something unusual or weird."

Haiden and Erick nodded. Then, Nicolo played the video again. They didn't get it, they played again two times. But they didn't find anything. When they again played, they got something weird and Haiden said, 'Stop.' Nicolo stop the video. When Haiden point on something, so Nicolo zoom in. When they find something. It's blur but it can be helpful. There is person in mirror who is taking this video. I think, this person can help us, first we have to know who is this person.

When Nicolo get the idea, that whoever this person is close to Sarah. So, we've to find which one is from her group take. Because if we ask Sarah directly, it is not gonna help us. When Haiden say, "Then, we don't show her that we know something is off. Just we tell that we know who took this video and grab from her that video. Then, everyone knows, what's the truth. When Nicolo cut him and say, "Then, she destroy the evidence already, didn't she if we say to her."

When Haiden and say, "Isn't it we want."

Nicolo ask with confuse face, "How?"

He continued, "If we tell her this, she went to that person personally for delete the evidence and make sure that there is nothing left of the evidence. And When she act like sneak out after hearing us, we follow her and grab that evidence before she get. There's one problem in this plan, when we find the evidence, we have to act fast." Nicolo and Erick nodded on this. Getting ready to work on this plan. Where Ashlyn is crying in her home and Baylee is supporting her emotionally and physically.

They went to Sarah as planned and act like, they know who is the person that took the video. And leave after threating her.

And after a few minute, waiting for Sarah to leave the room. When she come, they follow her and they're very serious because they've ready to jump in whenever is the time is right. She meet the person but they didn't jump in because they have to sure, is this that person or not, if we act like that, we might can alert Sarah and we lose the opportunity. But when she talks to her in whisper, we got sure, she is the one who have the original photoaged. When Nicolo sent them alert to ready to jump in when she open her phone to show or pen drive something.

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