Monsters University.

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I hopped out of the bus me and my childhood friend, Michael or Mike Wazowski in to MU.
"This is so exciting!" You exclaimed to your friend, "Indeed it is (Y/N)! Oh i bet i'll be the top student there!" He said with full pride. I giggled as we entered the campus. When me and Mike first came in, it was all wonders. The streets looks so lively with the trees and the students enjoying free time, and hey, we also saw a 50 foot tall monster on the way! Wonder how that dude go to clases though. Do they just look out the window or...?

Me and Mike got registrated and was taking a tour around campus, and what feels like about an eternity we finally got to the dorm rooms. Boy was my foot were so tired, i really needed a rest! "Room no.319," The guy said while handing out the keys to my friend, "Y'know, your roomate is a scaring major too!" He exclaimed, "Oh, do you know who my roomate is, perhaps?" I asked, hoping my roomate was cool and all; "Oh, it could've been nice IF a 2nd year student didn't go to a fraternity house and leaving his dorm room behind, sorry ..." He said. I told the guy that it was ok and i was grateful to have a peaceful dorm. The only problem is that it's kinda scary that someone bed is there, unocupied and all.

"Hello, i'm Mike, nice to meet you! No, that's too polite." He said as he was practicing to meet his new roomie, "Hey, it's OK. Just introduce yourself to the other and maybe have a converstaion with your roomie! I mean, how hard can that be!" I adviced to him, "Yeah you're right you big teaser" "Hey!" I exclaimed as i softly punch him. Not hard of course. I mean i don't wanna hurt my childhood friend who has always been there for me! I could totally break his bones, now! Anyways, as i went to my dorm room across the hallway, i settled in. Put on some posters and my school stuff in place. All right, my foot is really hurting now. I guess i can take some pics with my polaroid camera, I mean i can picture my outside view and the hallway.

While i decided to check up on Mike's room, i saw this gecko or perhaps, salamander guy beside him and placing his school stuff on his desk.
"Hi Mike! And hi to your roomie as well." I said sweetly, his roomate has this nice tone of purple and purple to blue on his tail. And his sweet and kind actions made me feel something.
"H-Hello, uh...Ms..?"
"(L/N). (Y/N) (L/N)." I replied. An akward pause was there for a few seconds until he introduced himself, "Uh, nice to meet you Ms.(L/N)! My name is Randall Boggs but you can also call me Randy if you want...!" He said. Wow. That's kinda cute if i say so myself...

Now, what's a good conversation starter?

I said to myself, aha! I know one!
"S-So..what are y'all doing tonight? Like, y'know, any plans or something like that?" I asked. Geez it looms like i'm forcing myself, aren't i? "Oh well i don't particulary plan anything, Mx.(L/N)- wait that's too formal," He said as he mumbled to himself, "Uh, (Y/N), right? Sorry for being a little bit too polite with myself..." hehe, quite cute.
"O-Oh, it's OK, Randy! I mean i get that your nervous and all and so do i!" I exclaimed, feeling my heart beat more.
"H-hey, maybe we can just have a walk tonight?" I asked, "Like, the three of us. With Mike as well." I added so it's obvious that this is NOT a date. He looked at me and blushed, "Sure. And what about you, Mike?" He agreed! Yay i feel quite happy knowing that...!

"nah, it's kinda late at night. I mean 8:23? I have to be prepared for tomorrow and be prepared for the scaring class tomorrow! And you too Randy, but i don't mind. Go have fun!" He declined the offer, man it would've been more fun if he were here, cracking a few jokes here and there whenever we see something. I mean i would do that too if i were him.
"Well, it's just me and you, (Y/N). Hope your not embarassed, this is not a date afterall, right?" He said as he re-assured me, "Yeah you're right." I replied.

As me and Randall walked out of the dorm rooms we finally went to the streets of MU. The cold air is so relaxing when it hits you, probably one of the best feelings in the world atleast.
"So, you're apart of the scaring major?" I asked, he looked at me in the eye, "How did you know?" He asked me back, "Well it doesn't really answer my question but sure i'll take it." I teased at him, oh god damnit what am'i doing? It looks like i'm forcing myaelf to be a social butterfly.
"A-Anyways, it's because of the dude that gives you your dorm keys!" I said slightly quickly, "Hey are you feeling uneasy, (Y/N)? He asked with a worried tone, "No. Just shy that's all..." i said to him as well.
"Oh it's OK to be shy. Just be youraelf, (Y/N)!" He said, "Thanks"

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