First kiss

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It has been a lot of help thanks to Randall for making me understand things i don't understand! He saved my life, to be exact. And now, i think it's time to be honest with my feelings more and give him a few hints here and there, to, y'know, confess to him one day and hopes of him accepting my confession.
And right now, i'm in class doing class stuff. I tried my best to pay attention to the teacher and suddenly not zone out or something like that, and it half worked...
I mean, i did listen to him and all but the math equation is kinda hard. Well, more Randall and me time i guess!

Right now, i'm 15 minutes away from being dismissed from class and have lunch. And boy did it lasted shorter than i anticipated. But it's good! Now i have some time to catch up with Mike, and especially Randall!
I walked up to the caffeteria to see Mike sitting alone. Huh, inwonder where Randall is, though?

Randall POV

Man being in the bathroom stall in embarassing to say the least. I'm still processing to what the actual what just happened last night! Man, they're scent was...something out of this world! It felt like an aphrodisiac scent that has attached to they're body! Were they aware about it? Were they teasing me? Who knows. But it's better to NOT tell them about their aphrodisiac scent. Otherwise, monsters around me and them are really be processing on what the actual what i might say, so keep it cool and let it down. You got this, Boggs...!

3rd person POV

Randall flushed the toilet as if he was actually doing his buisness in the stall and walked out of the bathroom. He went to the caffeteria and saw (Y/N) holding a sandwhich in they're hand, "Hey, Randy. Wanna have lunch outside with me?" (Y/N) said with a big smile. The scent was still on them, lingering throughout they're body.
Randall was, well, tinggling (if you know what i mean). Not in a sexual way, just a "butterfly in the stomache" way.
"Sure! That would be lovely. And what about Mike? Isn't he coming as well?" Randall questioned, "Well, there was something he had to do, so no." (Y/N) said, frowning. They haven't been spending a lot of time with they're forever BFF.
"Well, at least you have me to spend lunch with, am'i right?" Randall said to make them happy.
(Y/N) giggled as they were walking out of the building and sitting under a tree. It was very sunny outside for no appereant reason, and this tree was shady enough for the both of them.

As they sat down, Randall kept looking at (Y/N). Since he had finnished his lunch faster, he decided to just talk about his day; "So, uh, in scaring class, i scored high in an essay. What about you?" He asked, trying to not be embarassing. (Y/N) just said some boring thing like: "nothing much. Just exolaining to do" or, "there was a pop quiz".

Randall POV

Gosh, they look kinda cute today. But not like they weren't always cute the other days, no!
What i meant to say was that the way they were talking, they're's so cute to me. Man i wish they were my partner right now, i wish i could just kiss them and acted like nothing has happened. Except, i'm a nerd. Not some rich guy, or some interesting guy. Just a...sigh, a nerd. But maybe i'll do something for them today. And i think i just got the courage to do it...right now.
"Hey, (Y/N). Meet me at my dorm tonight. It's going to be either amazing, or straight up bad." I said to her as i left off.
"O-OK! TONIGHT, RIGHT? WELL SEE YA!!!" They shouted at me as i walk away. Alright. I just need flowers and and chocolates...


I heard a knock at my dorm room. I guess it's (Y/N)! Well, here goes nothing!

I opened my dorr to be greeted by (Y/N).  They smelled like leftovers in the trash (Ok but they like, eat trash and have weird perfume scents like, "wet dog" kr sum💀)!
"Hey, Randy! So what's up?" They asked me. I snapped out if my thoughts. Alright, this is it! The moment where i confess my feelings to them after a few months of meeting! This is weird but i had to for the sake of love!
"(Y/N)," i began, my heart startes to pound.
"I likes you for the longest time and i realized i can't keep these emotions running away forever" i said as i gave them the flowers and chocolates.
"As a sign of, "i love you". They kissed me. Wait..THEY KISSED ME! OH MY JOLLY GOSH!

3rd person POV

As you broke the kissed, you saw a suprised and blushing face of Randy. It was cute that he was speechless.
"Haha, i have a tiny feeling about it." You teasingly said. Randall fiddled with his fingers, "So does-" "Yes. We are a thing!" You cut him off as you kissed him again, but this time with Randall kissing you back.


Both of you broke the kiss to realize Mike has been watching the both of you.

"I guess a ship has sailed. Good luck you two." He said as he giggled.

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