Study Date?

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A few weeks has gone by since the first day of school and it feels like i'm flunking every test...
Sure, it's mostly consist of B's and C's but i mostly get distracted for no reason at all. Either that or i'm zoning out while staring blankly at the whiteboard while the teacher is explaining.

What i need is a study mate. And since i don't want to disturb Mike, i think the safe choice is Randall, since i don't have any other friends i made in collge so far...

It was in the afternoon when i asked him out to the library to study since..y'know the reason and i don't need to explain it!

"Hey, Randy." I said as i was coming up to him with a shy smile on my face.
"Hey, (Y/N). What's up?" He asked as he was, what it looks like, chewing gum while being silent; "So, uhh..i hope your not THAT busy but can i ask you a favor? Just this once?" He looked up to me and gave me a questioning look on his face.

"So i felt like i'm flunking every test. Not like I'AM flunking IT. But usually, i get B's and C's and this won't do for a normal guy like me, so i wanted to ask if you can study..with me?"

He simplied just smiled and giggled, "of course! It would be my pleasure m'dear!" He jokingly said, before long i felt like i was red. Yet again...i felt like a swarm of butterflies attacked my organs again..
"So when will we meet up at the library, (Y/N)?" Randall asked as we walked into the dorm building, "Well, i don't plan on being in the library since i heard the librarian will kick you out for making a single noise but i guess the more quieter, the more focus i will be!" I replied. Dang that's a whole paragraph.
"I'll take that as a yes..." he added because he was that confused on what i'm probably saying.


𖦹𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚙 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𖦹

As i was getting ready to go on a "study date" with Randall, i wore this perfume that was handed to me by some mysterious girl. Her name was Bridget, she looks cute but she's kinda creepy. She said:

"You've been hanging out with a boy for quite a while. Here, have this perfume. I made it myself and i bet it will attract him more...from Bridget Lavender Arachna Cornelius!"

And it smelled all right. So i guess i'll use it. Although i'm kinda skeptical about it.

knock knock!


heard a knock on my door and knew it was Randall, i applied my perfume on quickly and opened the door.
"Hey, (Y/N). You" Randall said, sounding a bit, skeptical but oh well, he was probably tired from doing school activities!
"You too, Randy! Now i got my essentials and let's go!" I said as i held hands with him. I blushed and he blushed but that was probably from embarassment, i did it without his consent!

As i went outside of the dorms, i looked at my watch, 06:03 PM. I still have a long way to go until my bed time at either 9 or 10 o'clock! And which means more time with...Randy...

We arrived at the library, quiet as always. Nothing special, but the interrior of the library,'s so mezmerizing!
As me and Randall took seats across from eachother, we start to study things with stuff i'm not good at. And reading some pages from the library books as well.
"Ok, now write this part down. It will come in handy with upcoming tests." He said as he handed me the book he had with him, as i wrote down what he tild me too, i couldn't stop thinking about..dirty things...but let's save that for later! Education marches on!!!!
"Everything all right, (Y/N)?" He asked. Darn looks like he noticed...
"Yeah, my hand kinda hurts from writing but don't sweat it!" I lied as i continued to write the things from the book.

"Are you done yet?" He asked again. Wow, this "study date" was a lot more akward than i had anticipated...


𖦹𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚙𖦹


"Thanks, Randy. I had fun." I thanked him, "Don't mention it! Oh and don't be shy to ask me if you wanna study with me, m'kay?" He said as he shuted his door tight.



"So?" Mike asked, "It was amazing, Mike! Even though we didn't talk most of the time it's still is!!!" Randall replied with enthusiasm.

ha, this is my OC i made back in a while btw, i decided to include her because why not?

ha, this is my OC i made back in a while btw, i decided to include her because why not?

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