First Day of School.

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Alright, it was the first day of school and i was getting ready for it, as i was doing my hair i realized the photo i took last night of our walk. It was a scenery of the street view from the bridge. Something about this image...i really wanna be in it...i really do..but imagine Randall being in it too...WAIT I MUST NOT DAYDREAM ABOUT IT! I MUST GET READY FOR SCHOOL!

As i heard a knock from the door, i quickly opened it just to be greeted by Randall, "Oh, hi Randy!" I said cheerfully and we also walked out together. I know today is going ti be a great day! That's why i'm starting it off as a cheerful monster!
"Hey, (Y/N). So uh i wonder if we have the some of the same periods. Like y'know, i have math at the 2nd period and you also have math in the 2nd period?" He explained to me, i stood there quietly and being akward like i'am.
"Well let's just see it then..!" Damn and that's embarassing. And it looks like i have a few same peeiods with Randall! Nice!
"OK, Randy i think that's enough talk, we're going to be late and bye (Y/N)!" Mike exclaimed as he ran to the scaring hall, "BYE MIKE I LOVE YOU AS A FRIEND!" I shouted back.
As i parted away from Mike and Randall i went into my classroom filled with ordinary kids. Huh i guess i'll take this seat then.

And after what it felt like after hours and years the first period was over. And now in 2nd period, Randy is in my class! Yay!
I saw him while entering the class and of course, we sat next to each other because we're pals on the first day. And after time and time, the first day if school ended and me and Randy decided to have some alone time while sitting on the stairs that leads to the enterance of the main building of school (A/N: y'know the one where Johnny and Chet was seeing Sulley lifting the OG Oozma Kappa team while Mike is instructing them). It was oeaceful and quiet, and we liked it that way.

"This is so-" "Wonderful?" I cutted out his words, "I guess." He akwardly said. "Oh, i forgot to make cupcakes for this party! Wanna bake too?" I looked at me, i accepted his offer and make the cupcakes with him. And hey when i taste tested them they weren't even half bad! Hm, looks like he isn't a bad cook.

And then night falls and we went to the party. WITHOUT MIKE. But hey it's OK, atleast i got my other buddy Randy here!
"This is going to be so much fun. I mean i wonder how many friends will i get...?!" He exclaimed with full pride and joy. I laughed at his cute actions, "Just don't have too much hope though. There are gonna be some mean guys out there so be aware, Randy." I teased him as we arrived at the fraternity houses.
"Hey, i'm going to check out the houses over there, OK? Have fun!" I shouted at him, although we were close, the music was quite loud.
"No need to shout, (Y/N), i'm right beside you!" "Sorry, the music was quite loud..."

As we parted ways i saw Mike riding a pig...? And a big blue hairy guy chasing agter him! Or the pig, who knows?
Since i was really nervous about meeting new people i decided to help out Mike, i mean that pig is out of control! I ran as fast as i could until i saw Randall getting his cupcakes squashed at him. Oh no, two emergencies at once? Ok maybe i'll help out Randall first than Mike. I mean there is that blue guy with him anyways so what could possibly go wrong?
"Randall are you ok?" I asked to him as i remove the cupcakes from his face, "Y-Yeah, i'm all right. It's just that...i'm embarassed now so would you go for a while? Not like i hate you or anything but i'm embarassed!" I looked at him again, wow, he is ABSOLOUTELY DESPERATE to make FRIENDS. But that's no excuse to back off.
"Hey, i'm helping you now. Don't be embarassed by it." I said to him, he smiled slightly at me.

"Also, was that Mike i just saw? With the Sullivan guy?" He asked me, and spilled out the blue guy's name. So he's probably related to Bill Sullivan or something.
"Yup. Tried to stop the pig but i saw you so i helped you out. Besides, there's a dude chasing him or the pig. He should be fine. I hope..." I replied as i wiped my hands in the walls of one of the fraternity house, "Say is the blue guy related to Bill Sullivan?" "Yup" "Interesting.

-time skip-

"Bye, Randall!" I said to him. He waved back at me with that cute smile.
As i flopped on to my bed i was already thinking about what just happened, but thi can't be me forming a crush on him, right?

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