Back in School.

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Well, that was a wacky ride at your parents house. A lot of stuff happened but your glad your at your dorm again. Although, you wished someone here had lived with you.

It was six in the morning. You were still sleepy from staying up late for some reason. Well, you were staying up late because you were reading some comics your little siblings gave to you, and i kid you not, you were so invested in them. Thet were undeniably interesting to say the least. I mean, a child getting possesed by ten spirits after ruining a sacred book because he think's it's cursed? That's an interesting topic.

Also, one of your little sisters gave to you a novel about personofied cards. Appareantly, it's a love story between Tea, somebody who was based on the club value, and Scone, somebody who was based on the heart value. It's so sweet and you wished you had the second volume which you heard was released.

"OK. Time to get up." You said as you sat on the edge of your bed, still feeling a bit tired from what you did last night. Hopefully today will be atleast an OK day to be in.

As you were getting ready, you heard a knock on the door. "A knock? Who could that be?" You pondered in your little mind as you opened the door. It was Mike. "Hey, (Y/N)." Oh wow. It's that weird girl again. You forced a smile, "Ah, you! What are you doing here?" You asked, pretending that you were so pleased to meet her. "Nothing much. I was just passing by to say "hi"." She said with a soft smile, "And say, what did you do over the winter? Had any fun with your friends and family?" She asked. "Or alone like a loser?" She added.

Geez what is up with this girl?

You laughed awkwardly, "Haha, i had fun with my family AND friends!" There was a bit of silence while you were sighing, "Like, isn't that amazing?" You asked to the weird girl. "Well, me and Fiddle were having a roadtrip. And that's all i can think off." She said and said a "goodbye" to you. Honestly by the  time she said that, you were pleased she was gone. She wasn't exactly your cup of tea to be with.

"Oh, and my name is Bridget if by any chance you forgot."

Oh, yeah. You forgot her name. But how does she know?

"Anyways, see you in class i guess..." You said as you shut your door. Bridget is nice, but she gives you a weird feeling. And you felt a little guilty for not saying goodbye properly.

In the meantime, you were preparing yourself for another day of school. Since it's still a bit chilly outside, maybe it's best to take this jacket with you. Or maybe this scarf you got? Either way, you don't know. Both are great but you decided to take the scarf instead. I mean, you are going to wear warm clothing today. And it wouldn't mean any harm. Let's hope you don't regret this decision. Ever.

As you were sitting in class, you looked around the classroom. Students doing their thing and all. You overheard their chats and such, although, it is quite rude to eavesdrop on some random monster like that, they were being a bit too loud...

The class started a bit after, you were bored in all cases. You were also a bit tired, you didn't had a good night sleep last night, huh? Well, speaking of bored, what about Mike's situation? For sure he doesn't even care anymore!

The bell rang. Signaling not break, but another hour of explaining and such.

You were thankful that your teacher didn't give you assigments on the first day of school, but what you didn't like is that this teacher is kinda annoying. But it's no biggie, besides, you'd rather have an annoying teacher than a teacher that is dissapointed all the time. Even in the smallest bits.

You decided to search for Randall, or even Mike. You searched for a few good minutes but couldn't find then anywhere, your mind starts to ponder on where they could be until someone lightly taps on your shoulder, "Hey, (Y/N). What are you doing?" Randall asked. You giggled awkwardly at this, "Well, i was... Well, i was looking for you and Mike!" You said, embarassingly.

"Oh, Mike..." Randall mumbled to himself, "I wonder where he could be..." He started to look around the hallway to see any signs of a green pea. Mike came in with an expression that they weren't use to, not even himself. "Hey, guys." He said, weakly. "Wow, you look horrible! What happened?" You said in suprise. Usually, he'd be very productive every day of the week and every week of the month. Mike sighs, "I'm just..." He looked to the ground, he's still dissapointed in himself for failing scaring major, "I'm just... Sad. That's all." You felt like a wave of comforting needs to be done, you told Mike that it's okay to fail, especially in school. But he just gave you a soft smile and ate lunch with you and Randall.

Throughout the day, nothing much had happened. And when the last bell rang for the day, you felt like you were crashing with waves of energy as you stormes out of the classroom and immediately going to your room to just hop on your bed and take a nap. Studying can come later, right now you felt like you need a nap.


Hi everyone! Sorry for late updates. I can't say i was busy with my life, but i was feeling lonely for this time of period and need something to cope on (which is playing EnStars).

But i'm back! I will be making updates!


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