(Out of Story) Starry Waves in the Night.

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Hey so uh

idk about you but i ship Britney with Terri and Terry. Like, y'know, Britney from PNK? Remember her? No? Ok then-

But anyways, this is a story of they're first anniversary of being together as bf and gf lol. I'm pretty sure they're, like, sophmores in college??? (Idk the movie/ wiki never adressed this but oh well) so this will take place one year after MU takes place.

and yes i'm doing it in this book because i can and because i don't wanna make a oneshot book just for this one💔

And idk about tou but i think i might just make some of the characters OOC (Out of character) so uhh enjoy????


During MU:

Mike opened the door to see students dancing to the music but then suddenly stopped when Oozma Kappa entered the house. Heck even the music stopped, as well! Until someone shouted 'It's Oozma Kappa!' With compliments surrounding, "Well, the stupid members of PNK invited us so we thought we could just drop off to see what party the ROR's were hosting." Mike said, and then looking arround. He felt like he need to go. He had an unsettling feeling about this; "So we'll be on our way." He turned aeound to leave, everyone sad faced except Sulley. One monster shouted, "But...we could do some dance-y dance and get a bit drunk." Mike then changed his mind, "Where's the punch bowl at?" He asked, "There is no p-" "Ok, who cares. Let's just go have fun..for my team..yay." he said, defeated.


The party Roar Omega Roar was hosting was a blast. It was the first time to Oozma Kappa brothers went to a party by any student on campus, and even if it was, it will still be something that was hosted by the school. This is a blast, like i mentioned before, and all of them were having fun. Except Sulley, i guess...but aside from that, Don was dancing all to himself, showing off some old monster moves, Art was showing off how flexible he is, and then Terri, Terry, and Scott were dancing with the members of PNK. Wow, they were sooooo lucky in this party, they instantly got bitches!

(Am'i, like, the only one that calls him Scott and not Squishy or sum🧍‍♂️)

And what about Sulley and Mike? Well, they were too busy dancing to know. And yeah, Sulley joined in because how can you POSSIBLY ignore Scott's cute let's dance thing-y?! Oh and what about Mike now? Well, no sightings.

Terri and Terry, were, like i mentioned, was dancing with Britney Davis (i think that's her. Idk, the lighting makes it difficult to determind who it is :( ). Britney was the most cheerful one of the Python Nu Kappa sisters and will make everyone's day better! And now they were talking about stuff. Mostly about the Scare Games but other than that it's about college stuff (The usual assigments, friends, past lovers [😳] ).
"So what's it like being a member of Python Nu Kappa?" Terri asked, this made Terry heart skipped a beat. He thought it was personal. I mean, it felt like he was saying so what's it like being in your house all day? And other things like that.

"Terri! That's a bit personal don't you think?" He scolded his brother, "What? I'm not asking about her parents, credit card number, his past lovers or ANYTHING!" He replied. This made Britney chuckled and reasurred Terry that it's not that personal for her since she got asked hat quession so many times by her family and newer friends.
"Well, being a member of PNK is something for me. Not that big of a deal but it's nice to fool someone by our looks." She replied to Terri's question and asked the same thing to them about what it's like to be a brother of Oozma Kappa. Both of them smiled, looks like this conversation is going well, "No different from yours." Terri replied, "But we do get overlooked as cute and cuddly. I mean, we can do things like..." Terry added, but he got lost in his mind trying to find the word he was looking for, "LIKE DANCING!" Terri reassured him. Britney smiled and giggled, "Well, you are great dancers..!" She complimented them, "Yeah, we go to dancing major together!" Terri said, "Ummm..." Terry interrupted his talking, "Terri, who is we in dancing major?" He said. Terry never wanted to go to dancing major. Only Terri, if only they coukd be seperated. But would one eat another in the womb?
"But you said it would be awesome!" He stated, "Yeah, right after we did the first lesson. My tentacles are weak from such a boring lesson!" Terry corrected Terri, "Well, you both are also good at magic, i see..." Britney said, trying to stop the drama between the two.

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