dancing in the rain.

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Hello evryone, this is the author.

If ur a friend if mine you've probably know that in my country you only get 1 month of summer. And that's it. Why? Well because evryday is socrching hot in Indo???? So yeah, updates are gonna be slow depending on my schedule but aside from that, i'll still be updating!!!

also yay 32 views:)

Ah, another broing day of school! What else do i expect from today? Well, at least i can have a chat with Randy and Mike at lunch today. So that's something good of today, but still, nothing out of the ordinary.

As i went into my dorm room, i flopped on the bed and putting my bag aside. Although it's a boring day, it's also a tiring day too. I was sweating alot for god knows reason since it's September...Oh well, i just wish Randy and Mike to do their best on their finals, especially for Mike. This means so much for him to become a scarrer!

I wonder what should i do today. Well, i plan to do some studying tonight but what should i do for the afternoon? Hm, i guess i should find Randall or Mike i guess...But let's check their dorms first and see what they're up to.
knock knock
i knocked at the door to find only Mike.
"Mike! Oh uh, hey, Mike. What are you up to?" I asked, hoping he had free time, "Studying for the finals, of course! I'd rather study 24/7 than flunking it!" He exclaimed. Wow, he's studying as soon as he got back from school?

"Haha, that's the spirit..i guess..!" I said, trying ti get him to have more motivation. I mean, i'm his friend! I know every detail about him since 3rd grade! And this is the moment where he can achieve his dream of becoming a scarer!
"Anyways, where's Randall?" I asked cheekily.
"Hm? Oh, he's probably out in the campus somewhere. Although he didn't tell me though. Sorry..." he said as he went back to studying.
Ok, so i have absoloutely, NO CLUE of where Randall is. Darn i already feel like my feets are hurting from thinking of that. As i searched and searched i have finally found him! He's in the library, probably studying, i assume.
"Hey, Randy!" I waved at him, he waved back at me.
"Wanna hang out in my room? Besides, it's gonna rain. We can't do anything outside other than being wet." I said, hoping he said yes.

He stood there for a brief moment until he said something to me, "Y'know, there is nothing we can do in the rainy weather, but!" He grabbed my waist and turn my back to look at the view from the back, "We can run and laugh, and most lovelieast of them all, DANCE IN THE RAIN!" he said very loudly, he quickly covered his mouth by that and looked at me. I looked at him as well, holding my laugh for it, darn he's just do cute isn't he?!

He quickly grabbed me by my hand and was slowly running to who know's where!? We laughed as we made our way to frat row for unknown reasons, probably to ding dong ditch or annoy the fraternity and sorrority members. We were kinda loud enough to be heard by anyone to be honest anddi felt kinda guilty as well but at least the members don't know!

Randall's POV

Oh gosh, she isn't uncomfortable! They're..they're laughing! With me!? This is wondefull! I'm literally bursting with happiness! Oh but let's not disturb the fraternity and sorrority members too much.

As we take a breath under a big tree, we were taking a moment to take a breath and i guess i shall make my move now, "ahem" i said as i got they're attention, they looked at me and i looked at them, "We did laugh and ran in the rain didn't we (Y/N)? But we didn't dance in the rain." They lightly smiled at me,
"Yes i would LOVE to dance with you in the rain!" They exclaimed and took my hand again. Oh, brother, this feels akward and lovely at the same time. I mean, my crush dancing with me? What a rare occurrance in life, isn't it?

We danced like fools in love, twirling through the tiny waters that dripped upon us, the thunder storm ambience in the background is astonishing. Before long we were dancing like there was no tomorrow! But fun has to end sometimes and we went to our dorms. Soaking wet.

"Randy, why're you so wet? What hapoened to you and (Y/N)?" He asked me, and oh boy was that the night of a oleasent explaining!

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