New Years

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You were rambling on and on to Randall about the new years. How everything will be like a new beginning and such. He just listened to everything you said, you knew he was tired and you felt a little guilty by pouring your feelings on to your tired lover.

You stopped for a moment, and then you looked at your boyfriend, "Hey, am'i talking a bit too much?" You asked, Randall said his truth, "Yeah, but go on. It may annoy me a little but i love your voice." He said honestly.

"It's such a beautiful and melancholic sound~"

He said under his breath, you raised a brow but you didn't bother and rambled on about it until you felt a little tired. Today was great. Mike came that afternoon and did stuff with him, obviously. Thank god you guys were just outside and into your big neighborhood so your little siblings won't have to disturb you all the way. In the mean time, Mike was in awe of this winter wonderland. It was so beautiful, and he wished he could've just moved here, or visit here everyday. It felt like some magical village inhabited by monsters who can control snow. But that's just a childish thing, especially when Mike Jr. (Or whatever his name is) was there with him. The thought of your siblings touching his beloved plush is unforgivable.

"Wow, (Y/N), this is such a great neighborhood!" Mike complemented. "Thanks" you replied. Randall just felt cold, he wants to have something a bit warm, but he won't budge. His great pal and girlfriend is happy, so he should be happy too.

After hanging out in the snow for so long, Mike is going home, but before that, he said that he's attending that New year's party that your family is helding (Like, every year). You were excited by his words, you love it when a friend comes over to a family gathering, because you won't be bored. But those cases don't happen often, which makes little you bored to death, especially when your cousins are so hyper and you can't keep up with their vibes. "Thanks, Mike. I appriciate that." You said before tou waved goodbye at him.

Obviously, the new year party was just dinner and chitter chatter until it gets late. And since your siblings were being the little devils they were, decided to interrupt your time with your friends. "Whoah, you got a second boyfriend?" One of them asked. You said "no" and told them that Mike was just a friend, but they probably still believed the fact that you have a "second boyfriend".

After that party with Nisa being another human to deal with, it's over. And here you are, with your boyfriend, Randall, and is just under the blankets keeping yourselves warm.

"Hey, Randall?" You said to your beloved lizard, "Yeah?" "Happy new years. May next year, we'll be better than this year." Randall pretended to be confused, "So your saying I'M dumb and in-perfect?!" He teased, "What?! No!" You felt stupid and then goes your rambling to the "dumb-founded" boyfriend of yours.


Hey everyone! This may be short, but atleast i got it on time.

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