Home Sweet Home.

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The 2nd day of winter break had rolled around and you and Randall took the bus to your house. Randall already said to his family that he will be visiting later in the winter, and they agreed. The reason why Randall decided to stay at your place for 2 weeks is because your house and his house are very far away from eachother, if you walk by foot, it will take 1 hour to get there, same goes by vehicles, they take 49 minutes to get there. But don't worry, Randall is visiting his parents this winter as well.

You and Randall stepped out of the bus. And now your at your house. Randall looked nervous about it, but he calmed his mind with the thought that Mike is paying a visit for a whole day tomorrow. You noticed Randall is nervoud just by rubbing his hands, you sighed and smiled, "Don't worry, dear. It's alright." You said as you collided your arms to his, he was blushing and had a lost for words just by your actions, "My parents will love you!" You stated, "Really?" Randall aksed to make sure you weren't joking. You giggled, "I mean it! I told everything about you in my mails and on the phone. They say that you're a wonderfull and shy partner!" You replied and reassured him about it. He smiled.

And then the door was opened, "Oh, Hey guys." You waved at your parents and many other siblings. Your parents smiled, "(Y/N)!" Your younger siblings shouted and hugged towards you. They noticed Randall and said that if he's your boyfriend. When you said yes they all went disgusted, saying that you will get cooties from him. I mean, don't blame these kindergardeners and 1st-3rd graders! Still learning about life!

You looked at your parents and they smiled, "Hey, dear." Your mom said, and then she looked at Randall who was nervous meeting them, "Hey, Randall. (Y/N) told me all about you." She said while smiling at him. Your siblings are still not changing their frowns to smiles. Your dad chuckled, "Yeah! They have been rambling on and on about you. They say your a dude who is always on a look-out for our child!" Your dad said, complimenting Randall. He felt nice and guilty about being praised for some reason.

"Oh, where are our manners, dear? These kids are frozen up from the cold outside! Come on in, sweeties!" Your mom said, everyone was hurdling up to go inside. You grabbed your luggage and went on inside, and so did Randall. Oh boy, the ammount of stories that your parents are gonna ask about it insane. They're- i guess you can say...over-protective of you? Well, not that much but, still.

Your little siblings all went up to you and tell ehat just happened since September when you left. It's a joy and a bit annoying because you have 7 other younger siblings in total and they all are sharing the new school year experience.

"(Y/N), guess what? I got better at maths!"

"(Y/N), i joined the soccer team this year!"

"(Y/N), how's it like with your boyfriend?"

Ok, the last answer felt different and you had to explain it to Williams. The 4th youngest. A little backstory of him (Cause why not), he has a serious case of pimples and it will grow, not only on his face, but his legs, back, chest, and even some in his hair too. So he had to have some treatment, which costed tons iof money. Oh, also, he's in 5th grade.

Anyways, back to the story, you felt like your heart was fluttering. You don't know what to say, but whenever you just hear the slightest mention of Randall, your mind instantly plays a track of his laugh. Which, makes your heart melts. You chuckled at his question, "Oh, Willie, what an interesting type of question...!" You said in a bit of embarassment in your tone. Thank god this isn't your parents or your aunties, "What? I just wanna know!" He said as he sit down on the nearest couch, you sat beside Randall on the sofa; "Well, it's sort of love at first sight? Well, i guess it took me some time to have feelings for him." You said. Oh god, why did you tell your younger sibling IN 5TH GRADE for that?

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