The Next Day.

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I woke up and i realized that i'm quite running a bit late, so i rushed my way all over to the school building. Thank goodness i have time to pack up my things, otherwise i might be late for my class!
But i didn't have time to catch up to Mike and Randall. Oh what a clutz i'am! I must be fast asleep in my dreaming of me and Randall doing lovely stuff.

As I started my class, I instantly went to the very back of my notebook and draw Randall. ME and Randall... Geez I hope he doesn't found out about this, otherwise i'd be so embarrassed by it to death!
I drew a headshot of him smiling, and then one where me and him ate his cupcakes and then another where he's leading the dance and you can probably tell who he is dancing with...
But anyways, i was so proud with my drawings! Sure they're not the best but atleast i can draw..a bit..
"ahem" one of my teachers said. Darn was i caught??? Well this is embarassing for sure and i'm ready for it!

"Attention class-" Oh thank goodness it was just to get everybody's attention! Well, atleast i wasn't caught drawing them..I hope..

time skip

After some time, and what it feels like an eternity, i was finally out of the class, yay! And now i can finally catch up with Mike and Randall too! So double 'yay'!!!
"Hey, (Y/N). I see that you probably stayed up late yesterday, right?" Mike said cockily, "Nope, just trying to get out of bed!" I laughed it out. I noticed that Randall was eating his lunch alone, so i decided to hit him up.
"Heyya, Randy! How's scaring major?" I asked, he flinched, probably because he was zoning out; "Oh hey, (Y/N). And uh scaring major is good like...always i guess!" He said it while muching on his food, gosh can this guy be any more cuter?!?!??!??!!!?

"Anyways, anything interesting happened today..? Or yesterday....?" I asked, since well, i haven't gotten time to catch up this morning, remember? "Well yesterday, Dean Hardscrabble warned us about this final." Randall munched on his food again, wow, was he that hungry? Did he ate? Poor Randy.
"And?" I questioned, "There will always be a final, silly? Oh wait, is there a catch?" I asked while realization hit me, "Yes there is. In fact, if we don't pass then we will be kicked out of the program!" Mike said while doing hand gestures, "Ugh, that's bad. But luckily we just need to study hard enough and we'll be in for the rest if our college lives!" Randall said with enthusism.

I giggled at his remark, "Well you boys better be! Otherwise you won't be able to acjieve the dream of a scarer!" I exclaimed. Oh i wish for the best of them.


hey guys so i just realized that this book had now 25 reads and 2 votes :)))

thx yall and btw sorry for not updating. School just started in my country and i need to focus on stuff

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