Wonderous Night.

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Hey guys. I'm *sort of* done with my mini break. So uh, back to writing? Idk.

Also i have this one chapter that focuses on reader w/ my 2 OC's. Dunno if i'm gonna post that but if ur reading this then the 'Her Again' chapter is probably not published. So yeah. On to the chapter.

And lime? Slight lemon? Idk.

If ur uncomfortable then simply just scroll past. I'm not responsible for your actions if you are suddenly uncomfortable.


2 weeks before the finals. And before winter break that is.

You got up, and got ready for school. You felt a little tired because you were studying a whole lot. You don't want to fail your first semester and flunk out of college. It will bring shame to your family! But in the mean-time, your grades were average, homework scores are average, and hey, all thanks to some of Randall's teachings and yourself! That really paid of didn't it?

You were heading to class while all of a sudden, Mike popped out of no where.
"Hey, (Y/N)!" He said. It made you jumped a bit and turned around to see him, "Oh." You said in relief, "Just you!" You added as you placed some of your stuff in your locker.
"So what's up?" You asked to him. Boy, when you both were kids, you used to catch up ALOT! And i mean it! But now, since he has high hopes to be a scarrer, he focuses alot on his studyings more than his friends. You saw his point, but you missed him a lot. Don't worry, he's not over-tiring himself. He has a study limit at night.

"Oh, nothing, i just thought i might ctach up with you. It's been a while!" He said. You two were walking down the halls like you used to when you both were in school. You slightly smiled at his words, he was such a gentlemen isn't he? Well, not as much as Randall, of course.
"Well, i've been good. My grades are starting to get good as well. But they're average." You said with pride. This was an achievement since the stuff you were learning are absoloutely insane. Good thing a smart friend like Randall is there!
"Wow, really? Hm, let me guess, Randall taught you it?" He asked teasingly, "Mhm." You replied, your stomach feels like it got attacked by butterflies just by Mike saying your boyfriend's name.
"And i worked on it too by fully paying attention to the teacher! And guess what? It did!" You added. Mike smiled at you, "Well, looks like ALL of our futures are going in the right way!" He exclaimed with excitement.

The bell rangged and it was a signal that Mike has to get going.

"Well, see you at lunch?" He asked as he looked at you, "Yeah. See you at lunch, Mike." You said as you entered the classroom and Mike left.

Now you were in your classroom studying English. You got bored since English wasn't really your thing. So you know what you did? You drew you and Randall together, holding hands. And hey, you drew a little heart in the middle, with some smaller ones around you and Randall as well. It was a small doodle so people can't notice it. Well, you can't seem to focus for some reason, but it's ok. You understood what you were learning incredibly well so why not just zone out into oblivion...?

-in daydream-

You looked into his beautiful green eyes. So full of life and love. He had pinned you down to the tree behind you. You felt like butterflies are swarming your stomach, yet again. He cupped your cheeks and you hold on to his neck, he was so cute for some weird reason. Now, he was nervously laughing and you were a blushy mess.

"May i?" He asked. You nodded-

-end of daydream-


Oh snap. The stupid bell rang! Now your daydream is incomplete!

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