Christmas Festivities.

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"Today's the big day!" You said as you got up.

It was 5 in the morning. You wanted to be ready for the finals. So you studied a bit more just to be ready and not fail. Your bedsheets were cold and soft, and can easily make you fall asleep again, but for (Y/N), that's not the case since they slept early for this. You looked at the window, a view of Frat Row can be seen. Yeah, it was something, especially when the frat and sorrority kids are doing something embarassing, felt like a private show just for you.

You opened your window to let the cold breeze kick in. It hit right in your face and let me tell you it was the best things you ever had since early morning. Maybe you should get coffee to kick yourself up now!

Your eyes were a bit baggy. You wanted to sleep a little longer but it's 5:28. Meaning that you could be late for school and miss that final. Don't ask, you're just over-worrying. You made coffee and sat down on your chair to study a bit more, while enjoying your coffee, a sudden feeling came in. "Hey," you said in your mind, you told yourself that it may be a nice time to look around the campus. Even if it's early as heck. Maybe memorizing it while walking? I don't know, you could do a little multi-tasking but not memorizing and walking. It somehow distracts your mind from it.

"Maybe my sweet Randy is up...?" You said, but then realizing that he can't be up this early. When you and Mike had a chat once in a group project, he told you that Randall's a heavy sleeper and that he wakes up from really loud shouts. So he can't be up! Right...? Well, who know's? All you can see are birds scattered around, flying here and there as the winds carried them. And you thought to yourself, maybe it's quite early to memorize things. So with the bold-ess of your moves, you got out of the dormetory and waltz right outside. You never saw the campus this early at day light, but it was so calming. Especially when no one the there to disturb you.

You were embarassed at first. Thinking someone was watching you. But as you felt comfortable sitting on a bench, you realized how dumb-founded you were. Well, at least a bit...Or not.

You memorized things for a long time, until you saw so many students going to their classes to attend. You got up from the bench and started walking as if you woke up around the same time these students wake up. You decided to go back to the dorms just to check if Mike and Randall are there. And then you bumped into them. How convinient.

"Oh, Hey, guys!" You greeted them. They waved at you and said hi to you. Randall was testing how good Mike's memories were and you said goodbyes and good lucks to each other.

timeskip when finals are done

Wow, it felt like it has been ages since you tensed up. You passed. Yay! But what about Randall and Mike? Did they pass? You sure do hope so. Especially for Mike, you know how much this meant for him ever since 4th grade.

It was the afternoon and you found out Mike didn't pass because he wasn't scary. Mike whined and sighed, ranting about his feelings while walking down town, "I studied, for, what? 3 MONTHS! 3 months and i didn't pass! And it's all thanks to that Sullivan guy." Mike said in frustration. You and Randall invited Mike to have a walk in town because, one, to relieve his stress and sadness, two, because he has free time until January, and three, because you and your lover wants to make him feel better.

You patter his head, "I'm sorry Dean Hardscrabble rejected you. But i'm sure you can work as an assistant in MI?" You said akwardly, trying to cheer him up. He looked up at your tall figure, "Really?" He said bluntly, "Or, Floor Manager? That sounds better...?" You said again. Gosh this was embarassing. The reason why you guys were walking in town is wasn't because both of you wanted to make Mike feel better. No, but it's actually because that Randall was treating you and Mike to go have fun, shopping, eating, etc. Besides, they have the whole day, sorry, i mean't MONTH to themselves.

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