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tsym for almost 600 reads omg😭😭😭😭

i think i might have a special chapter in this book. One circulating around Randall angst between him and Mike (not including reader), and i'll probably add another off topic chapter circulating around Twisted Wonderland (Idk i just feel like writing it here for some reason). But it all depends, so don't get ur hopes to high😋


It was a new day at your parents house. You woke up to an empty room because your boyfriend wasn't there. He was probably downstairs with your siblings, they were quite curious with him when you first introduced him. Well, it doesn't matter now, as long as it's not harmfull, you'll let it slide; Besides, i'm sure Randall wouldn't mind either, even if it was a personal question by mistake. They were just kids.

Suddenly, your door made a creek noise, it was Randall. He bought you some orange juice and toast for him and you, "Hey, (Y/N)." He said in a soft tone. You feel like your heart just fluttered whenever he speaks to you that way, "Hey, Randy." You said as you got uo from your sleeping position. He sat beside your and handed you your breakfast, "Come on, eat up. You don't wanna be hungry, do you?" He said as you grabbed your breakfast, "Thank you, my prince~" You said, teasing him.

You took a sip from your orange juice, it was a long time you were last seen in this neighborhood and this house. So being in your childhood room felt like heaven to be in, you remembered being with your friend group and talking about loads of stuff to them, even your family problems as well. Now, you still kept in touch with them over the weekends, and now, they're coming over to your house for the party this evening.

You put your orange juice on the floor, and you ate your toast. It was quiet for the most part, which you don't mind, honestly. You felt like you want to be alone right now. Even if it was with your loved ones, you just want to enjoy the silence alone; Back at your dorm, you loved this kind of feeling of just spacing out and just sit there in silence.

And then your mom shouted at you, telling you that there is a phonecall from Mike. You ran down the stairs and went to the phone, "Hey, Mikey!" You said feeling happy to hear his voice in almost 2 days, i believe, "Hey, (Y/N). I just want to know your house adress. And then i'll probably be there in the afternoon." Mike stated in his mediocre-ish tone. By the time Mike said it, you forgot about you own home adress for a second until you decided to ask one of your siblings that was watching TV. Once you got the adress, you told Mike about it, "Wonderful" He said and he promised he'll be there in the afternoon.

You sat beside your Jack, one of your siblings, "Hey, Jackie. How's your show?" You asked. God, you sound stupid in the morning, "Oh, hey, (Y/N). I'm just watching the season finale." He exclaimed. You gasped in if it was somewhat real, "Oh, really? Never realized how far this show of yours has gone." You said, trying to make it sound like you're interested in what your little brother is watching. Then an akward silence came by for a moment, you don't know what to say, and so does Jack. It feels like he doesn't even know you since September when you departed from home. But i mean, who's fault is it? He's just shy, that's all!

"So, uh..." You broke the silence, "Tell me more about the show, will ya?" You asked. And then his eyes sort of glimmered and glammered with excitement, no ine in his class even watch this stupid show. It made him happy that someone is interested in a show that he likes.

"Well..." He then talked about his show nonstop and covered every character in excellent detail. You got tird of it, sure, but you have never seen one of your siblings this enthusiastic about something for so long it's like meeting an old friend after 10 years. And then you made an excuse to go upstairs, so you did. And you went inside of your room again. Feeling bored, you decided to do what chores was available by asking your mom, "Sorry, hun. You deserve a rest, but you can go and spend money on whatever your siblings wants in the grocery shop." Your mother handed you a generous amount of money and you. Obviously, you felt guilty over this. I mean, you had atleast a few bucks in your pocket to go and get anything your siblings want's in the grocery store.

"No, no, mom. It's OK." You declined. But your mother insist, saying that the leftover money you had is for future emergencies and other stuff. And so, you grabbed the money from her hands, still feeling guilty over it. And then you tell all of your siblings that you and them are going to get a few things in the grocery store, some decided to go with you and some didn't, saying that they had important business to do, you giggled at their replies, saying that they need to take care of their dolls or just said that it's secret is kinda cute in a way you didn't expect. Oh, and tou dragged your boyfriend too.

William, Jack, and Annie, your younger sister and the 6th oldest. Annie was a shy girl most of the time, but inside she wants to burst all her happiness out. But she can't. Why? Because it will be a burden to others, according to her. So, being the oldest, you knew you had to be gentle and keep your motions together whenever your around her.

"Ok, we're here!" You exclaimed as if everyone was sleeping. Everybody split up in different directions. Your siblings are in a group of three, while you went with Randall because you wanted some bonding with him. As you were going to the candy section and telling some stupid family story, the tension got a bit romantic to say the least and it felt like you wanted to kiss Randall right away! "H-Hey, Randall...?" You asked nervously as you blushed, "Yes, (Y/N)?" He replied as you got closer. And then you both were practically so close to eachother you can feel both of your breaths.

"Can i..." you mustered up the courage to say the word, "C-Can i kiss you?" You said. All Randall can say was a simple huh and then a clapping was heard. It doesn't feel like it belonged to any of your siblings when they are clapping, especially with a giggle your somehow familliar with, "Hehe, look at you two! Lovie-dovies, am'i right, Fiddle?" Bridget exclaimed. Fiddle just smiled while feeling embarassed. Gosh why does his friend has to do emaarassing things in public? Doesn't she have common sense?

You moved away from Randall, she still giggled and moved along with her grocery shopping with her bat friend. And don't even tell me she live's in the same neighborhood as you do...


hey guys!!!!

Sorry for not updating much. I'm quite busy and DID NOT relized that i forgot to announced my small break. But to make up for my mistake, i shall update this book ASAP

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