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"Hey!", Anirudh said baffled. What was this girl up to? Ishu just smiled an innocent smile. She was trying to convince the pandit to let him see her friend in front of him. The entire situation made him feel confused. 

It was one of the times he was not in control and he hated it. Really hated it.

"Bhramhachari you say! Ishu beta."

Honestly, now this pandit was getting on his nerves, he calls her beta ; daughter , yet eyes her with lust. Calls himself pandit but still sins himself. 

" The speed his firangi {foreign} tongue insults our beliefs, will He able to understand what bhramhacharya truly means?" . 

" Of course he would , if you guide him, I'm sure he would be able to make himself a very fine bhramhachari. It's true isn't it Pandit Shiv Anand ji?" she tried to be boast his ego.

But he is already so full of himself that this flattery is like brass in front of gold. But it actually worked.

The pandit smiled and said,"of course, he would do very well in my guidance. I must send Malti, she and the other dasis have to complete their meditation which was unfortunately disturbed by some massacre." And eyed Anirudh. Okay, the hate for each other was mutual and consentual .

"Malti ! come out!" .

A girl no more than 17 years of age , her body draped in a red and white Bengali saree with light jewelry, head covered with pallu. What shocked him that she was married! She had sindur on her hair partition, her hands covered with bangles and nose studded with two nose rings. She came out of the room which was previously flooded by the women who seemed to want to avoid seeing Anirudh , her anklet making a melodious sing song . Her head was hung low and timidly stepped forward. She bent to touch the feet the pandit her bangles and shanka pola clinking against each other.

The pandit put his hand on her head, while the other hand held her shoulder with what seemed for more time than what deemed appropriate. This bastard pandit was making Malti uncomfortable. Anirudh was about to yet again interfere-

"Ma!", cried the girl when she saw Ishu. Her eyes held tears as if begging her to take her in an loving emabrace. Malti hugged Ishu with such a force that if Anirudh had not stepped in and held her, they both must have fell face down on the earth.

" I missed you Ma! So so so much ", cried Malti hiding her face in Ishu's chest.

Why in the sweet potatoes was a 17 year old girl calling a 14 year old mother? Has everyone gone nuts? India is not what everyone seems to be. it is much more complicated, thought Anirudh.

" I missed you too Malti, do you want to talk to me? Maybe in private if you want? I have so much with you to catch up on ", pressed Ishu to have privacy.

"ji", answered Malti with a smile.  

Malti's eyes held such sheer raging emotions that it was almost impossible to comprehend what was going on inside her head. But whatever the situation maybe it seemed like Malti trusted this teenager who she entitled as mother.

It was a few seconds after her emotional turmoil subsided that she noticed that there was one unknown man standing next to her Ma. In a rush, she quickly covered herself with a veil. The sight of Anirudh burning her to the core. Her body shaking as if she committed a grave crime.

Ishu sensed Malti's horror and rested her hand on her shoulder assuredly, hugged her and whispered some words to her ear which seemed to calm her down.

She turned towards the Pandit,"we need to have a chat Pandit ji. If you don't mind, I would personally like some privacy". 

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