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Ok  Anirudh would agree that all that schooling from London at such a young age and being away from India for several long years of his life had weakened his grasp over how things worked in India, but he still knew the basics. 

There is a very famous saying that 'you can take an Indian out of India, but you cannot take out India out of an Indian'. 

But never in his life had he heard anything about the dev dasis. Sure he was not a religious kind of guy but his mother and uncle had always been humble devotee of god and made sure he knew about them.

Dev dasi? What was that? He had never heard of them. And why would this Ishu girl look at Malti while saying dev dasi? Was Malti a dev dasi? And why would she want to free her? Are they being held captive?

But why would she seek help from him rather than any mukhiya {head} of the village? Was the matter that serious that they would need the law to interfere? The orthodox Hindu society generally did not believe or accept the British law? They tried to solve their problems on their own as much as possible, then why?

His curiosity took the shape of white hot rage when he thought about the dev dasis being forced or compelled to do anything without their consent. Anirudh Dev Singh Roy Chaudhary was a man who respected women. Considered them equal. But the misogyny in this country and London repulsed him.

"Dev dasi?", he grasped Ishu's shoulders without knowing that his grip was painfully tight.

"What is dev dasi? Why did you look towards Malti? Is she a dev dasi? DASI means slave? Is she a slave?" Anirudh's eyes flashed anger. 

"Tell me damnit! Is she a slave? Whose slave? Those women! Who were with Malti a few moments ago in the room, are they dasis too? Whose slaves are these women? And why are you seeking legal help? Didn't the head of the village help you?". "Why are you quiet? Answer me!" Anirudh demanded. At that moment he looked so angry and  dominant that it seemed he would kill a person.

 Malti was shivering in fear watching the scene unfold in front of her, her eyes held tears of pain and humiliation.

"When I saw you inside the temple , lost , I thought about helping you the way out, but you were not in the right state of mind and stumbled into this meditation hall. You looked like a vilayati man. I thought you could help us." whispered the girl. Her shoulders aching so badly.

At that moment ,She noticed something unexpected . How did she not notice them before? 

"You are bleeding. Your leg. Let me help-", she swiftly took out her handkerchief to tend his wounds. 

Was she being selfish? 

He was injured and here she was bickering and riling him up. She suddenly felt guilty. She presumed him to be educated by judging him via his clothes and was using a general act of kindness to manipulate him to give answers.

"Don't avoid the question!" raged Anirudh now almost shouting.

"Are dev dasis slaves?" the thought of women being slaves was making him so angry.

He had heard about racism in America and it was bad. Even he faced racism in London during his initial days of stay. The pain and humiliation was not a pretty emotion to feel for any person.

"I'm sorry. I should not have asked this question. You are bleeding. Let me help you-"she tried to get out from his grasp but his hands were stones, unmoving and strong.

She held onto his biceps but was cut off by a swift tug on her waist by him.

"Just a few moments ago, you did not let me talk and now you are mum? "

His dominance was making her weak in the knees. The proximity between them feeling sinful yet comfortable. His touch harsh yet respectful. Her mind on an overdrive. suffocating her brain, fogging it completly. her tongue tied.

"Talk!", his voice hard and cold.

She was getting nervous by every passing millisecond. She finally opened her lips to answer but was interrupted before she could usher out words.

A woman in her mid-40s was running towards them. She halted with a sudden twist and caught her breath. 

Her eyes cast down when she asked, "Have you seen a young man here. About 26 years old? ". She seemed to have difficulty breathing, her expression panicked.

When she finally raised her head to look at the scene properly, her eyes widened.

"Chote Malik! (Young lord!) All the people are looking for you, your mother's funeral is about to be commenced. Your presence is required. Hurry!" Anirudh's face flashed hurt and sadness.

How could he forget about this. His mother laying in a  pile of wood waiting for her eldest son to bid her a final good bye and here he was. satisfying his curiosity.

He lept out from his anger. His arms immediately released the girl . His shoulders slumped and turned to face at the woman.

"Lead the way. I got lost." Anirudh said dejectedly.

The woman at first saw the two girls standing infront of Anirudh and didnot pay any heed. She was too busy finding him and fighting the dizziness caused by all the  running.

But when she turned to recognize Ishu, she kept staring at her. More beautiful than the rumors could ever describe.

She wss poised like a lady, queen to be exact. She wanted to approach and talk to her maybe touch her feet and take some blessings so that her distressed family might be happy again but was pulled out from her inner banter.

"What are you waiting for woman? Lead the way!"Anirudh shouted so loud that his voice echoed. All the ladies flinched at his roaring voice.

He instantly felt bad about his behavior but dismissed it as apologies could be entertained later and left the temple with the woman.

Ishu felt much a missive guilt in the pit of her stomach that she almost felt disgusted with herself. His mother passed away, he was grieving, his mind was not in the right moment, yet she thought about her motives before anything. Although she did not know about the piece of information beforehand but she was wrong.

"The man lost his mother, yet he was trying to understand our problem." Malti pointed out softly.

"His anger held the flash and passion for  justice when he talked about slavery."

"He was a good man, Mother. Don't you think so?". 

"He is", answered Ishu holding tears in her eyes feeling sad about the loss which Anirudh had to endure.

She could very well understand the how horrible and bitter life seemed without the warmth and sweetness of a mother. 

After all she was an orphan herself.

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