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Anirudh was fuming in rage. His anger being out of control. He wanted to throw things, destroy everything. Maybe even murder a few people. The absurdness of the statement or prophesy was just unreal. Unbelievable. How can people be so blinded by their faith? Are they fools? Didn't they understand how all that 'you-cannot-see-any-male-until-your-marriage-or-you-die' thing was just a hoax? A lie. Big fat lie.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK! HOW CAN SOMEONE BELIEVE IN THIS BULLSHIT? CAN'T PEOPLE USE THEIR BRAINS? DON'T THEY SEE ANY THING PAST THEIR BLIND TRUST UPON RELIGION? ANY MAN, WHO WEARS A RUDRAKSH MALA AND AN ORANGE DHOTI SAYS YOU'RE CURSED AND YOU BELIEVE IT! HOW CAN THEY DO THIS TO A CHILD-"Anirudh ranted in rage. But what he forgot was to censor some of the colorful words he spoke in front of two kids and 4 grown ladies. As if things could not be worse.

Anirudh's cussing caused the children's eyes to widen. He was saying bad words and he seemed angry too.

"psst-" the little girl called out to the other shocked child. "Bhola!", she called out gain.

"y-yes" Bhola stuttered.

"Do you know what FUCK means?" the girl asked curiously.

The women holding the screen coughed loudly. They did not like how their mistress was asking about such indecent words. She even asked a boy about such language. It was inappropriate in their perspective.

"No. I don't" Bhola said. He was shaking in fear while being a witness to Anirudh's wrath.

"Uh- you said you go to school but don't know what Fuck means? Such a looser" she whispered. Not wanting Anirudh's angry attention on herself.

"From what I've contemplated from this angry man's speech-"Bhola paused to think and then replied. "It's a bad word. Cuss word to be exact."

"Okay. But what does it means?" she asked getting impatient. The little girl was hungry for answers.

"I don't know." Bhola said dejectedly. he was quite disappointed by himself. He was the brightest student of his age and he did not know the meaning of a simple word.

"I've heard my father say 'mother fucking bitch' once". The little girl said with wide  shinning eyes. She glanced towards Anirudh. He was still seething. Ranting. And immensely angry.

"Hey girl! Don't say such indecent language!" Bhola whisper yelled.

"But I didn't say anything wrong. If father says it. It must be good. My father is a good person." the girl replied innocently.

"Bitch means......" bola trailed off. Contemplating if he must tell her the meaning. " I-it means.... A female dog." Bhola gasped out. He knew that this particular was not used for endearment. It was a derogatory word belittling the women population

"so? What's wrong with being a female dog? Is it bad?" she asked cutely. She thought about it for a few seconds and said,

"Are you a mother fucking bitch, Bhola?" 

Bhola flared his ears. How dare this girl call me that word? Who does she think she is? He thought feeling offended. This is my chance. I would snitch on her to this angry man and she will be scolded. Why must I be the only one who gets scolded? He smirked at his wonderful idea.

He looked towards Anirudh, who was still angrily pacing around, his voice getting louder every second." HOW CAN PEOPLE BE SUCH ANIMALS? THEY BELIEVE IN SUCH WEIRD WORDS JUST BECAUSE IT WAS SAID BY SOME SELF PROCLAIMED SAGE. THE EXTENT OF MISOGYNY I SWEAR TO-"

Bhola was scared that his plan might backfire but the satisfaction he would achieve after the arrogant girl would be scolded was worth it. He gulped nervously before approaching Anirudh. 

He tugged on the hem of his kurta and said "she called me a bitch." And pointed towards the screened girl.

Anirudh paused his angry rant and visibly spluttered. He seemed to be choke on his own words. Too surprised but the events happened in such a short period of time. He glanced towards the two kids.

"He's lying. Mr. angry monkey! I didn't call him that." the gril defended, but her voice did not hold any panic. Normally a guilty person would slightly raise his voice or talk fast, but she said her words calmly.

" I called him a motherfucking bitch." she replied calmly, but Anirudh felt so shocked that he felt as if someone poured ice cold water on his pants.

"W-what?" Anirudh said with difficulty. He was not able to form any words.

"I asked him what FUCK means. But he did not knew what it meant. So I put it in a sentence hoping he would contemplate using his brain. But Bhola is just dumb." She pointed out. And at this point Anirudh felt is throat tighten. He needed holy water for his eyes as well as these children.   He was embarrassed; so much that his ears turned red.

" But Why are you being all worked up and flustered?" the little girl asked Anirudh. 

"Can you tell me the meaning of FUCK?"

"THIS IS NOT HOW YOU TALK , GIRL!" Anirudh bellowed. He channeled his energy from being flustered to anger. He tried to control it but failed. Every time.


He shouted at the two kids. He knew he should not have raised his voice in front of kids but he couldn't help it. His anger issues were severe and he didn't know how to control it.

The kids shivered at his deep, roaring voice. Bhola curled, wrapping his arms around himself, as if shielding himself from his words. But the girl just stood there. Unmoving. 

She was behind the screen so no one saw how her lower lip wobbled. How hurt she felt. Her father never raised his voice on her due to her sensitive nature. But this man who she barely knew was shouting on her, so bad. Her eyes held large tears. The water from her eyes spilling on her chubby cheeks.

"Why do you always shout?" the girl asked quietly. "Can't you speak softly? Why do you always raise your voice and scare people."

Realization dawned upon his face. Anirudh's anger dissolved at her whispered words. He immediately felt guilty.

"You're a really bad man." "I don't want anywhere to go with you. I will reach my house on my own." she turned " Thank you for your concern" she sniffed loudly and said through tears.

"Little girl. I'm so sorry-"Anirudh said but was cut off but her voice "you do not need to apologize for anything. I must leave. Kaki! Move forward."

 But Anirudh blocked her way.

"I'm sorry. " Anirudh said softly this time, almost whispering and kneeled down in front of the screen behind which the girl stood. "Forgive me"

"Then promise me you will never raise your voice again. At least not unnecessarily." She presented a deal. 

"Your anger is scary" she said lowly.

Anirudh never wanted to hurt her. But now he did it. Even if it was unintentional.   "I promise." Anirudh said and gave a red hibiscus flower to her, sliding it below her screen.

"He's soft on her.  BUT He did not  even look towards me. I was hurt too" Whinnied Bhola.

"Friends?" the little girl wiped her tears and innocently proposed her tone excited. Anirudh smiled brightly at her. His heart feeling light after hearing her delighted , bubbly voice.



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