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After such an eventful morning, Anirudh was hungry as hell. He needed to process his thoughts. And what good time like breakfast to re-live a traumatic and scarring morning. Anirudh thought sarcastically.

There are two kinds of people: one those who hate waking up at early mornings and the rest of the world. And Anirudh was definitely not a morning person. He would rather prefer sleeping his way whole morning and wake up around afternoon. He started hating mornings more during his time in London. London mornings were chilly and cold. Absolute worst compared to the warm tropical day of Bengal.

 He leapt out from his internal hate rant about mornings and went to find the driver of the bullock cart. He wanted to have breakfast with him in the ashram. The driver was the kind man who helped to find a place to stay. It would be rude if he didn't acknowledge him.

He was about to enter the ashram's waiting hall when he found the driver in a deep conversation with someone. He seemed to be engaged in a heated debate but with lesser tones of volumes. Almost angrily whispering. The driver exchanged a few words before the other man's eyes widened. His forehead immediately lined with creases and folds, frowning. "Dada!" Anirudh called out. "Let's have breakfast together. Does this ashram has kitchen facilities?" Anirudh politely asked.

The other man gasped quietly drawing attention of both Anirudh and the driver. He quickly composed himself and maintained some distance between him and Anirudh, as if feeling self-conscious. " I will take my leave." He said and joined his hands in greeting and hurriedly left.

"Why did he leave like that dada? "Asked Anirudh. He found the man's actions weird.

 "The drama in the temple today morning which you pulled , sir." "It must have made him uncomfortable in your presence." the driver said sharply.

Truth be told, when the driver heard about what Anirudh did today in the temple, he was so freaking enraged. Anirudh questioned their belief and mocked their religion. It was acceptable to him. The faith he held in his god and the old customs was unshakable. The driver himself wanted to beat Anirudh to a pulp but refrained himself. Anirudh was a customer thus deserved respect. He could not disregard his values which were taught by his ancestors. So instead, he resorted to give Anirudh, a cold shoulder and ignore him. Keeping the talks to minimum and business like. To get rid of him as soon as possible.

"What's wrong with people? They hate humans so much despite of being a human." Anirudh sighed. Flashes of the morning temple facasio in his brain. 

People were very conservative. He would need to do a lot of convincing a teaching in order to make changes. To start revolution. The thought of it making him smile. He quickly snapped out of it when his stomach grumbled loudly.

"Er- where will I get some food? I feel hungry." He said embarrassed. 

The driver gave him an eye roll and turned to look at him with a poker face. He would rather get rid of him as soon as possible by delivering Anirudh's nosy and offensive self to devipur but controlled himself. 

He looked at Anirudh and said," its kashi behar today. Bade shorkaar's are holding a free service where they will distribute food and clothes to the people. You can find some food there." The driver thought that Anirudh would be repulsed at the thought of eating food meant for beggars and poor population. After all when he picked him up from the Bengal port he was dressed like a western man. All dolled up and groomed. He must be from an influential family, he thought. 

 But Anirudh's words shocked him.

"Such kind act of selflessness and service! I am sure this bade malik is a kind man." "But, is this bade malik you talk about is Charan raj Singh Varma?" Anirudh asked cautiously. Feeling curious. Aniurdh was still not convinced about this bade shorkaar's character. he seemed like a sly bastard one second and a kind reasonable man the other. perhaps there were more shades of this man yet to be discovered. 

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