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"Wait", Anirudh yelled out loudly. The women halted their steps. "Who are you hiding behind the curtains?" he enquired with his voice hard. "And why are you ladies visiting the temple at night? It's not safe. Don't you guys know?"

Four women held poles in their hands, one each ; making a square. The poles had a light weight curtain attached to the sides making a small room with 4 walls and open roof. Inside the makeshift room had little space for a person to fit.

This peculiar arrangement caught his eye.Moreover there was someone behind screen made up of the poles and the curtains.

The women kept staring at him. Their faces held no expressions. Their lips sealed in silence.

"Talk when you are expected to! Are you guys thieves? What is your purpose of invading a temple at night?" Anirudh asked but the women maintained their poker faces are silence.

Can't they talk! They are irritating as hell.

"We are visiting the Pandit Ji, sir. Its full moon today, I've to get my horoscope checked." Answered a soft sweet voice. The owner of the voice though was not the four women holding the screen, but the person behind them. The shadow on the side the screen indicated that person was definitely short and the voice indicated that it was a girl. A young girl. But why was this girl behind the screens? Why was she being covered?

"You still didn't answer my question girl! Why are you behind the screen? And why are these ladies not answering my questions? Are they mute?" he pressed his questions firmly. He was suspicious of this band of women wandering at midnight. And if they were thieves, they would certainly be dealt with.

"These women can't talk. They are under an oath. Listen sir, we must hurry. Pandit ji must be waiting. I'm already running late". Answered the girl once again. Her tone hurried yet polite.

"Do I look like a fool?" Anirudh raised his voice. Maybe fear will bring out the truths from their tongue. "I don't trust you girl. What if it is some trick of some kind?"

"Sir, I'm not lying. My constellations have to be checked and my horoscope has to be updated. Kindly stand out of the way", replied the girl. She truly sounded panicked.

"Then come out of this screen. Show me your face. "Anirudh said. Of course he wasn't taking any chances. The bullock cart driver whom he travelled with, had told him about the bandits and loots happening in this area of Bengal. He needed to be careful. No theft would be happening under his watch for sure.

"I can't, sir." The girl replied simply.

"Why not?" Anirudh fired back.

And here the girl's polite tone flew out of the situation. Her tone extremely annoyed.

"Listen you dumb monkey! I don't have time to waste for your stupid questions. I'm running late. Enquire me all you want after my work gets done. Nomoshkar", the girl replied sassily. She ordered the women holding the screen, "walk ahead, kaki".

The women started to walk ahead but Anirudh swiftly blocked their way. "No!" Anirudh said. His annoyance now converting into anger. "Show me your face!" Anirudh held his hand forward to lower the screen but the women took a step back. He was about to say something when he got interrupted by a voice.

"Daughter, what are you doing outside, the dawn will break in three hours. We have to hurry." And old frail man wearing a saffron dhoti pointed out. It was the Pandit of the temple. "And who are you young man. Leave their way. Don't you have any manners! You are blocking the way of the ladies."

"Uh- nomoshkar Pandit ji, I did not meant to block their way. I was just asking if they were safe. It is night-", Anirudh tried to answer but was again interrupted.

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