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The last rites of Subhra Shyaam dev Singh Roy Chaudhary was completed after the eldest son arrived. The whole ceremony deathly quiet. No one uttered a single sound. Anirudh's eyes lost and lifeless as he saw his mother clad in red with light jewelry burning on a pyre of wooden sticks.

His father looking as if he died alongside his wife, standing like a living corpse. His two younger brothers desperately trying not to cry and stay strong for the family while the youngest brother who was just 1 year old had no idea what was happening. He was being attended by a fellow servant of the Roy Chaudhary's. His uncle and land lord of Devipur devastated upon his sister in law and best friend's death.

Before Anirudh's arrival all the people present in the Roy Chaudhary palace including the extended family and the fellow friends were discussing the fate of the Roy Chaudhary men. Some spreading rumours that Shyam dev Singh Roy Chaudhary had killed his own wife for seeking pleasures with another women, while others gossiping about the demise of the royalty like legacy of the family with the death of the only female in the family.

What spiteful were the questions raised on Anirudh's presence in the mourning of the dead. He was surprisingly not present when everyone was crying and wailing for Shubhra.

Everyone knew he was the closest to Shubhra and loved her dearly. "Then where is he?" Asked one of the spectators. "Why is he not present for the funeral? Did he not return from London?" But one glare from the land lord Ram dev Roy Chaudhary was enough to shut every questioning mouth.

Anirudh's uncle was himself very afraid for Anirudh.

Anirudh had always been a problematic child. Emotional, passionate, short tempered, impulsive and extremely stubborn. He had anxiety and attachment issues ever since he was a child. This was the reason why he did not want to send him to London for his studies. He wanted to deal with Anirudh patiently. But same could not be said for his brother. Shyaam Dev Roy Chaudhary wanted his son to be a dominant alpha man just like he was. The emotional aspect of anirudh was making him believe that his eldest son needed some harsh disciplining.

It was the perfect opportunity for Shyam dev Roy Chaudhary to send his son to London to complete his schooling and get a law degree.

When Anirudh ran away from the palace not acknowledging his mother's death, it made his uncle afraid. Afraid that Anirudh might take some wrong step while in grief, but when he returned safe and sound with a fellow maid, he took a breath of relief. He had always loved all the kids as his own and seeing his eldest son was well, was like a balm over his wounds.

After the funeral ceremony when almost all the visitors had left, Anirudh sat down on the English sofa of the living room of the palace. Exhausted and mentally drained from all the events and loss of the day, he just wanted a few moments of peace for himself to clear his mind. A lot had happened, and honestly he had a hard time remembering when the last time he actually sat and thought about his life.

He started to think about all the happy memories with his mother. How lovingly she would make him ready for the day, comb his hair, play with him in her spare time, making sure he didn't feel left out when she delivered his two brothers.

The young Anirudh was very jealous of his two younger brothers, his perfect family picture was spoiled by the two always crying babies. His mother would more attention to them, even his uncle who adored him, started playing with the babies more. When he finally confronted his mother about this partiality, his mother laughed in the sweetest way and washed away all his insecurity by her love. She truly was one irreplaceable person in his life.

His honey childhood become all grey when he started his education. He was a hardworking and bright child no doubt, but this all came descending down due to his massive anger issues. His high grades made people to assume him to be a nerd and being bullied. The first time he got laughed at for being a stereotypical intelligent, rich Bengali child, he cried in front of his mother. She wiped his tears and caressed his hair lovingly & advised him to defend himself calmly without losing his dignity or composure. After all wit was a man's greatest tool.

But when all the children ganged up on him, all the logic went flying out of the window. He started throwing punches and fists, which lead to his first detention, followed by multiple suspension letters to the Roy Chaudhary palace with passing time.

He came with his face and fists cut and bruised. His mother cried for his pain where as his father was always angry on him for tainting the reputation of the family. His uncle on the other hand seemed more like father, because he attended all the teacher's calls and dealt with his behaviour. His advices about keeping his anger in check and thinking twice before acting were the ones which still kept him sane. Where Shyaam dev Roy Chaudhary always showed his anger and disappointment towards anirudh, his uncle would calmly address the situation and made him realise his mistakes, while his mother was his world. But now his world was dead.

He still remembered his first day in London hostel. Bullied for his sharp mind, teased and mocked for having brown skin; he was feeling lonely. Very lonely.

For the first time. He felt like everyone abandoned him. By the next few weeks, sadness was gone and his anger issues had returned with a full swing. He beat up every one of his bully, every racist who dared to talk shit. This landed him a load ton of detentions in London too.

He forgot to smile, almost like his soul was burning out. But one sudden visit to India before his first year law exams changed everything.  

He planned to surprise his mother on her birthday by his visit to India. He booked a cruise ticket 3 months prior the date of departure, and landed to Bengal shipping port 4 days before the planned surprise. 

All of his family except his asshole of a father knew he was coming to surprise his mother and throw a birthday party to her honor. He de boarded the ship and collected his luggage. His uncle offered him with a driver and an English motor car for his comfortable journey from the port to the Roy Chaudhary palace but he declined. He wanted to see his country and feel its essence.

He caught a quick bullock cart ride. The roads were bumpy and dusty, people loudly chatting minding their business. Children playing and giggling. Female population clad in traditional clothing, shopping, doing household chores.

 He traveled all day to finally stop at a temple cum stay house {ashram} for travelers at night. It would take another day to reach devipur. But this tediousness never bothered him. He was enjoying everything. Absorbing all of it. The ashram staff led him to a small cottage built with straw and mud. They gave him some clothes to change and a bucket of water to bath.

 Anirudh asked him about the directions to toilet, but the staff twisted his face. "There are no vilayti fancy toilets in here. If you want to do the business go to some deserted fields and to bath there is a river a few meters away." Anirudh shook his head. 

All these years and they had still not progressed. The Roy Chaudhary palace always had toilets and bathroom. His childhood in India as well as his later life in London had this luxury. He wanted to tell this staff about ill effects defecating in public but chose to keep quiet. He was quite tired. He quickly cleaned himself in the river changed into the kurta pyjamas the staff provided and was about to lay in the bed when he heard several footsteps along with the chiming of anklets. 

He peeked out of his cottage window to find four women holding a white screen covering something from human sight. The women were walking swiftly towards the temple. He wondered what these women would be hiding behind that white screen? His curiosity won and he stepped out cottage.

He observed the sight carefully and found that there was a person behind those white screens. A girl to be exact. The dim lights from the lamps making her shadow of the covered girl quite evident.

But who was that girl? And why was she covered? Veiled? Hidden?

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