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Anirudh still remembered the day when he went to find that girl. He had never ever in his entire lifetime ran that fast. His athletic qualities kicked hard. He ditched his food as soon as he heard the potential dangers the girl might have to face while wandering alone, so without any second thoughts, Anirudh the super hero wore is cape and was on the way to rescue.

He ran though the dusty muddy roads of the village to reach the outskirts where all the houses of lower caste were built. The unhygienic ambience of the area with foul smell lingering in the air almost made him gag to vomit.

Small malnourished children running in all directions were playing what seemed  a game of tag and run. He ventured through the area when he found a house moderately decorated with flowers, keeping in chase with the poverty in their lives.

At least they tried. The front porch of the hut lined with rangoli and a large number of people sitting on woven beds. The wedding house bustled with women running errands, men sitting and talking work.

There was one particular man who was dressed in the most flashy way, probably the groom. He was sitting in between men looking lost. Maybe overwhelmed with all the happenings around him. Anirudh tried to spot the bride's father, beggar whom he met this morning. He looked left and right but all in vain.  But of all the people present ,now turned to look at him. Anirudh felt an odd one out because of the curious glances he was receiving. He cleared his throat and asked to no one in particular,

"Where is the bride's father?" his voice unconsiously felt pointy.

All the guests started whispering among themselves eyeing Anirudh.
The some young girls looking towards him with shy glances ,while the older men contemplating why was he asking for the presence of the bride's father.

He understood no one was interested in giving answers, so he walkedaway, further towards the house. He was browsing all the rooms when he encountered a man standing near the door of a room.

The room's entrance was covered with a saree making the view inside the room look hazy. He could hear faint whispers of women talking inside the room. The man standing outside the room however seemed suspicious. He was constantly looking left and right as if being cautious of the surroundings. His hand held a sharp knife and was about to lift the saree tied at the entrance and get inside the room, but Anirudh kept a hand at his back.

"About to steal something?" Anirudh asked and punched his jaw. Hard.

The thief lost his balance and fell onto the floor with a thud.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry", the thief immediately confessed. He tried to run away but another man appeared at the scene and grabbed the thief by his collar. "You dare to steal in my house?" the man said loudly, his anger seeping through the body. "I won't ever. Please leave me." the thief begged. "Nope, not this easily." and started beating him.

Anirudh merely watched the scene before him. The man stopped after few blows and tied the thief's hands and legs.

He turned to look towards Anirudh & said, "Thankyou sir, I'm indebted towards you. You saved my niece from getting robbed and prevented a scandal." Anirudh joined his hands in greeting, "there is no need for a thank you, my friend. I did this what deemed necessary."

"No sir, you have saved us from embarrassed among all the guests here. Please give us a chance to serve you. Take part in this wedding and bless the couple with happiness." the man humbly asked.

Anirudh smiled and said, "Of course. But I need your help." "I am searching for a girl, not more than 8 or 10 years of age. She came here to deliver the raksha sutra for the bride. Perhaps you have seen her?"

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