Remember Me..Please

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Y/N - Top
EDDIE - Bottom

It was your first day at Hawkins High School. You had just moved to Hawkins due to your fathers death. Your mother thought it would be best for both of you to have a fresh start somewhere new. Somewhere far away.

    As your bus arrived, you noticed how big the school was. You came from a small town, meaning you came from a small school. You weren't used to this at all. You were already nervous being the new kid, but the size of the school only made it worse. You followed everyone off the bus, and made your way to the front entrance. While looking for your locker, you received many weird looks from the other students, and figured it was because you looked "different" to them. You were wearing black ripped jeans, a Metallica t-shirt, converse, and a faux leather jacket. You just stared at them dead in the eyes until they looked away. You found your locker, put in the combination, and opened it. You organized your locker, before grabbing everything you needed for your first class. Before you could close your locker, a hand slammed it shut from behind you, causing you to jump. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare ya." A familiar voice whispered into your ear. You turned around and came face to face with the most beautiful, yet somehow familiar, man you had ever seen. "The names Eddie. Eddie Munson." He said with a smile. "Y/N L/N." You said quietly. 'I know that name from somewhere' you thought, as you took in the man's body, what he was wearing, the sent of cologne mixed with weed and alcohol. He noticed you "checking him out" and he smirked. "Like what you see?" He said with a small chuckle. "Your style is cool, you smell amazing, your hot, you have a nice voice, and your laugh is adorable. What's not to like?" You said bluntly. "..You still have no filter...I love it." He said with a big smirk plastered on his face. 'What did he mean by "still"?' You wondered. "Algebra? We have the same first period." He said, looking at the books in your hand. "Great! Lead the way, Eddie." You said with a smile.

     After school, you saw Eddie head into the woods. You decided to follow him and see what he was up to. You hoped to sneak up on him and scare him at some point. While trying to be sneaky creeping behind him, you stepped on a twig. It snapped and you quickly hid behind a nearby tree. You waited a few moments before stepping out, only to see Eddie standing inches away from you. "Think your slick huh?" He says looking down at you with a grin. "Maybe" you said, looking up at him and shrugging your shoulders. He backed up and held his hand out for you. Intertwining your fingers with his, you let him lead you deeper into the forest. After a few moments, Eddie broke the silence between to two of you, "you know, we rarely get new students. Even when we do, they usually aren't dressed the way you are. They usually aren't different, like me and my buddies." "Really? Well I think this style is awesome." You said with a confident smile. Eddie laughs before saying, "yeah, and it looks really hot on you." "Why, thank you, Mr. Munson" you said, laughing like an idiot.

    Thought the rest of the walk to who knows where, all you could think about was where you knew that name and face. "Here we are" Eddie snaps you out of your thoughts, stopping in front of a picnic table in the middle of nowhere. "This is one of my favorite spots to be." He says before picking you up, and setting you down on one of the benches. "Thank you kind sir" you say, laughing a little. "No problem sweetheart." He says with a smile.

    You two sit there for a long while, getting to know each other, before realizing it was dark. "Want me to take you home? Or..never mind that's a dumb question" Eddie says. You laughed a little, as you already had an idea of what he was going to ask. "Your place would be great Eddie." You said, looking into his beautiful eyes and giving him a smile. He looked at you as if he were about to scream from excitement and nervousness. No one had ever seen through his thoughts the way you just did. He could tell you knew he was nervous. "great!" He said with a big smile.

He leads you back to his van, when it finally hits you. You stopped walking for a moment, staring at his van. He stops to ask if you were ok. You just looked at him, quietly chuckled, intertwined your fingers with his once more, and headed towards his van.

Eddie Munson x Trans Man/Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now