I'll Show You a Couple of Fags!

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Y/N: Bottom
Mention of: forced outing, homophobia, Jason Carver/hj, slurs, degrading, etc.
(Reader born male)

    "Can I have everyone's attention please?" Jason yells, climbing on top of his lunch table. Everyone looks at him, confusion and concern all over their faces. "I would like to announce that our school has a couple of fags! Eddie Munson and Y/n L/n!" He yells, staring at the two of us. I smirk at Eddie, before climbing on our table, holding my hand out for Eddie, and helping him up. "You wanna see a couple of fags?! I'll show you a couple of fags!" I yell, before pulling Eddie towards me by his belt, grabbing the collar of his shirt, pulling him in, and kissing him. Eddie, of course, shocked for a moment, places his hands on my waist, melting into the kiss, as everyone in the room (except for the hellfire table of course) lets out disgusted noises. A few people yelled things like, "boo" and, "losers!" But we didn't care, we just kept kissing, until we had to break the kiss to breathe. "Well..that was..hot" Eddie says, embarrassed. I smirk at him, before jumping off the table and heading to the exit of the school, Eddie following behind. When we get to my car, I hop in the drivers side, and he gets into the passenger side. "Where to?" I ask, smiling. "..home" Eddie says, knowing I consider "home" to be his trailer. I begin driving, before Eddie places his hand on my inner thigh, slowly inching towards my crotch. "Don't get any ideas, big boy" I say, keeping my eyes on the road. He just continues, until reaching my crotch, slowly rubbing his fingers in small circles against the growing bulge in my pants. "Mm.." I hum, trying to keep my focus on the road. "Does that feel good, sweetheart?" Eddie asks in a seductive tone. "Mhm" I hum, feeling my face heat up. Eddie giggles at my embarrassment, before undoing my pants, and sliding his hand into my boxers. "Fuck!" I moan, as he tightly grabs my hard on. "You like how hard I'm gripping your cock baby?" He asks, beginning to move his hand up and down. Unable to form words, I let out a whimper in response, causing Eddie to giggle. "Your already a mess and I've barely done anything" Eddie says, quickening the speed of his hand. "Shit- Eddie!" I whine, unable to keep myself quiet. "What?" Eddie asks, acting as if he's not doing anything at all. "You can't just- fuck- I can't last much longer" I moan. "I'm serious! I- Eddie!!" I moan, releasing into his hand.

    Eddie takes his hand to his mouth, licking my cum off, before leaning back in his chair as if he didn't just give me a hand job (WHILE I'M DRIVING). I quickly zip and button my pants back up, catching my breath. "Your..such a tease.." I say, breathlessly. "You know you love it" he whispers into my ear, before placing light kisses on my jawline and neck. I let out a sexually frustrated groan, as I feel my pants tighten for a second time. Eddie giggles, realizing my issue, before saying, "Pull into that empty parking lot."
Eddie pulls me onto his lap, my back against his chest and left shoulder. "Eddie- what are you-" "shh" he whispers, cutting me off. As he begins kissing my neck, he moves my legs outside of his, slightly spreading them. He then begins undoing my pants, pushing them down to my knees, followed by my boxers not long after. "Such a slut..getting so hard from one sentence" Eddie teases, wrapping his hand around my cock. "Mm.." I hum. As he moves his hand up and down, I practically moan out, "I just came! It's too sensitive! Please I-" "please what?" He whispers, speeding up his hand. "Oh fuck- please! more!" I moan, unable to stay quiet. I arch my back, leaning my head on his shoulder, causing him to attack my neck with kisses.

    "Your so cute y/n" Eddie coos. "Please don't stop! It feels so good!" I moan, gripping his arms tightly. "Yeah?" He teases, grabbing both of my arms with his freehand, and holding them behind my back. "Yes! Please! More! I need more Eddie!" I practically scream. "God I love it when you scream my name" Eddie whispers, releasing my arms and moving his hand up to my neck. "Are you sure you want more sweetheart?" He asks, kissing my cheek. "Yes! I need more! Please Eddie!" I moan. "You asked for this" he says, pushing me forward, before undoing his pants and pulling them down. "Turn around" he demands. I do as I'm told, turning around on his lap. "Prep yourself for me, darling" he says, applying lube to my fingers. Placing my hand on his shoulder for support, I begin prepping myself like he'd asked. Eddie places his hands on my waist, helping me stay balanced on his lap. "Your so adorable like this y/n" he says, dropping his voice.

    Once I'm prepped, he lines me up above his cock. "Ready?" He asks. "Yes! Please hurry!" I whine. He chuckles, before slamming me down, hitting my prostate almost immediately, causing me to let out a noise, lewder than I though possible. "That was hot.." Eddie mumbles, beginning to move me up and down. "God your so tight" Eddie groans, biting his lip. "Faster! Please!" I moan, tightly gripping his shoulders. He does as I ask, picking up his pace. "Am I making you feel good? The way I slam you down on my cock, hitting your prostate with every thrust.." Eddie says between groans. Unable to form proper sentences, I just moan and whine in response. "God I love seeing you like this.." he whispers in a seductive tone. "Eddie I- fuck! I can't last much longer! Please don't stop!" I moan, burying my head into his neck. "Yeah? Are you gonna cum for me baby?" He teases. "Mhm! Can I cum? Please let me cum!!" I scream. "Yes you can..shit- be a good boy and cum for me" he whisper-moans, coming close to release himself. "I love you! I love you! Eddie!!" I moan, as we release in unison, him moaning my name and throwing his head back.

    "That felt great..was it good for you?" Eddie asks, nothing but care in his voice. "Mhm.." I hum, too tired to give a real answer. "I love you"he says, rubbing my back. "I love you Edds.."I whisper. Eddie laughs, before cleaning us up, hopping into the drivers side, and driving my tired ass home.


I hope you enjoyed this part!

Don't forget to drink water and eat something! I love you all :) <33

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