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After Eddie's uncle had passed away, he left everything with Eddie. Including his trailer. Because Eddie now owned the trailer, he invited you to live with him. Of course you accepted the offer and moved in with him. It had been a month since you moved in and everything was going great.

You had just got back home, when you found Eddie in your shared room, playing his electric guitar. You walked into your room, where you found a frustrated Eddie. "What's wrong darling?" you asked him. "I keep messing up the solo" Eddie said with a sigh. "In which song?" you asked. "Master of Puppets" he said. " it for me please" you said with a smile, before sitting down next to him. He was hesitant, but he started playing it for you. You watched his hands until he messed up. "FUCK! Ugghh..see I told you, I keep messing that stupid part up!" He yelled. "Hey, it's okay. It's been awhile since you've played, my love. I know what your doing wrong by the way..want me to help?" You said with a warm smile. "...yeah" he said, getting flustered.

You picked up your own guitar and played the solo, up until the point where he messed up. "Now, watch my hands" you said, looking at him. You slowly played the part that he messed up, as he watched your hands. "See? That's why you kept messing up sweetheart. Try again" you said with a smile.

He played it again, the way you showed him, and he played it perfectly. Once he finished playing, you stood up and cheered for him. "Good job my love!! That was amazing" you yelled. He placed his guitar down, and ran over to you, picking you up and spinning you around. "Thank you y/n" he said happily. "Of course Eddie" you said, and kissed him. "By the way, can you teach me how to play the rest of the song? I only know the solo.." you said, looking away from embarrassment. "Of course I can sweetheart" Eddie said with a soft smile.

You sat down together, as he taught you how to play the first half of the song. Before you knew it, he had been teaching you for hours. You unconsciously yawned, causing him to look at you as if you were a cute little puppy. "What..?" You asked tiredly. "Comere sleepyhead" he said, putting his guitar down. You put your guitar down as well, before crawling over to him, and cuddling up in his arms. He covered you both up with the blankets, before rubbing your head and back. He knew exactly what comforted you, and helped you sleep. "I love you Eddie" you whispered to him. "I love you..y/n" he said, before you both drifted off to sleep.

You wake up in the middle of the night, to the sound of quiet sobs. You sit up and see Eddie sitting at the edge of the bed. He's crying and his leg is bouncing. When he realizes your awake, he looks away, wipes his tears away, looks back at you and says, " can go back to sleep, it's okay" he said with a sad smile. "Eddie..I saw you crying..get over here you idiot" you say, about to cry. He broke down and crawled into your arms, laying between your legs with his head on your chest, listening to your heartbeat. "What's wrong my love?" You asked while rubbing his back and planting kisses all over his head. He tried to explain, but he was crying too hard to even speak properly. You pull him onto your lap, cupping his face in your hands, and looking into his sad eyes. "'s okay Eddie. I'm here. Your safe with me my love. I'm okay, your safe, it's okay bubs" you say, before giving him a short bit meaningful kiss. "It's okay, you don't have to say anything until your ready" you say with a sweet, yet sad, smile. "I..had a nightmare..and- and you.." he gripped onto your shirt and began crying harder. "Hey,'s okay Eddie..I'm okay..god I hate seeing you like this.." you said, as you began crying as well. "Y-you we're d-died..I saw you die..I can't lose you.." he cried. You held tightly onto one another. "Hey, look at me my love. I'm okay, see?" you say. He looks at you and begins feeling your face and arms, making sure your okay, before lifting up your shirt, looking back at you, and saying, "looks like your okay" with a soft smile. "There's the Eddie I know" you say with a smile, before he kisses you. It's not a sexual or passionate kiss, but a very soft and meaningful one.

You begin humming "Last Chance" by CHPTRS, while continuing to hold him (Story is not based in the 80's).

"Let's go back to sleep?" You ask him with a tired smile. "Yeah..okay" he says before laying his head on your chest so he can listen to your heartbeat tell him that you are alive and with him. "I love you, y/n l/n" Eddie says before falling asleep on top of you. You chuckle at his cuteness, before saying, "I love you, Eddie Munson.." and falling asleep with your arms around him.


I hope you enjoyed this part. It was a bit short, but I found it deep and meaningful. It was a little difficult to write because I based it off of a nightmare I had awhile back, where the person I am in love with, attempted suicide. When I woke up, I texted them to make sure they were okay. They were okay, and they tried to calm me down which kind of failed because it was over Snapchat messages lol.

Don't forget to drink water and eat something! I love you all :) <33

Eddie Munson x Trans Man/Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now