You Can't Leave me..Not Now

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Possible mention of: blood, gory stuff, death, etc.

    "Eddie?! Eddie, what are you doing?!" Dustin yells, as Eddie stops climbing the sheets. "Buying some more time" Eddie says, grabbing his weapons, and ruining out of his trailer. You climb the sheets back into the upside down, and begin chasing after Eddie. "Eddie!! Get back here! Stop it! You can't leave me now! You promised me forever!" You yell, running faster than you thought possible.

    When you get to him, all the bats had gone and he was laying on the ground, covered in blood. "Eddie!" you cried, falling onto your knees next to him, Dustin catching up, not long after, and sitting next to Eddie as well. "Eddie..come can't leave me now! God fucking DAMMIT!!" You screamed, standing up and pacing, while grabbing your hair tight enough to rip it out. "WHY GOD DAMMIT WHY?!" You screamed, falling to your hands and knees, hitting the ground in anger and sadness. "Y/'s okay" Eddie manages to say. You crawl over to him and hold his hand. "Your gonna be alright, we just gotta get you to a hospital, okay?" Dustin says. "Okay" Eddie responds, as you and Dustin begin trying to get him up. "I think I..I think I just need a second! Give me a second!" Eddie says. "Okay" Dustin says, as we lay him back down. Eddie smiles, looking at me, then at Dustin. "I didn't run away this time, right?" He asks. " you didn't run" Dustin says, sobbing. "Not at all.." you add. "Your gonna have to look after those little sheep for me" he says, choking on his words. "No! No, your gonna do that yourself!" Dustin cries. "Nah man..say you'll look after them. Say it." Eddie says. "I'm..I'm gonna look after them" Dustin says, his voice breaking. "I love you man" Eddie says to Dustin, his voice getting quieter. "I love you too" Dustin responds. "I love you y/n..I'm sorry we didn't get to do everything we planned to do" he says, a tear rolling down his cheek. "I love you too Eddie..god- fucking- dammit..I don't know what I'll do without you" you say, holding his hand tightly, before kissing his forehead, then his lips. "You'll be okay..I want you to have these" he says, handing you all of his rings, his belt-loop chain, his bandana, and his guitar pick necklace. You take them all, crying harder, which you didn't think you could do because you were already crying so hard. You felt helpless and alone. You didn't want to lose him. You can't lose him. He's your everything. "I love you guys..thank you for everything" Eddie says, before his body goes limp, his eyes staying open. "Eddie..?" Dustin says with a voice crack. "EDDIE" he yells, shaking Eddie. You lift up Eddies arm, crawling underneath it, and cuddling against him, as you cry. Everyone else finds you, happily running over, until they realize Eddie is gone and your in shock, cuddling with him. "Y/n.." Steve says, empathetically. "Come on y/n..we have to go.." Dustin says, wiping his tears away. You just lie there, ignoring them, until Steve pulls you off of him. "NO! LET ME GO!! IM NOT LEAVING MY EDDIE!" You scream, attempting to scramble lose from his grip. "I'm sorry y/n..he's gone." Steve whispers, hugging you.

    All of the sudden, your eyes shoot open and you quickly sit up. You look around, realizing your in Eddie's room. Looking next to you, you see a sleeping Eddie in bed with you. You roll him over, feeling all over his face, making sure he's real, and okay. "Y/n? What's wrong?" He asks, pulling you on top of him. "Your alive! Your okay!" You say, crying and laughing. "Hey? What's wrong? I'm okay? Why wouldn't I be okay?" He asks, hugging you. "I had a died and I didn't know what to do and I-" "'s okay. I'm here sweetheart" he cuts you off, rubbing your back. You hug him tightly, not wanting to let go, fearful of what might happen if you do.

    After a long while, he calms you down, for the most part at least. "Do you want to cuddle and go back to sleep? It's really early" he suggests. "Mhm" you hum, holding his hand. He lays down and you snuggle against him, your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat, assuring you he's alive, and okay. "Goodnight sweetheart" Eddie says, kissing your head. "Goodnight Eddie..

Shortly later, you both fall asleep.


I hope you enjoyed this part! Sorry it's so short and sad ;-; I've been sad for the last, like, two ours so yeah-

Don't forget to drink water and eat something! I love you all :) <33

Eddie Munson x Trans Man/Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now