Can You Hear Me?

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Kinda emotional
(Deaf y/n)
{y/n's POV}

"I can't hear!" I yell to the medics who are rushing me to the hospital.

I wake up to the smell of a hospital. I look around, realizing I'm in a hospital bed. All of the sudden, the memories came flooding back to me. We had been in a car accident. We, being me, my brother, my father, and my mother.

A nurse walks into the room and waves to me. I wave to her, before asking her why I can't hear. It felt weird to talk because I couldn't hear myself. She sits next to me with a paper and a pen, before writing something. She hands me the paper.

'When you crashed, you suffered severe head trauma, causing you to go deaf. I am very sorry. The only thing that could help, is a bone-anchored hearing aid, which is very expensive. Do you know sign language?'

I nod my head at her, tears forming in my eyes. 'I'll never be able to hear again..I can't afford the hearing aids' I thought. Both my grandmother and my mother were deaf. Family curse I guess.

"How is my brother?" I sign. "He will recover just fine." She signs, smiling at me. "And my mom?" I sign. "She and your father didn't make it. I'm very sorry honey.."


I sit up in bed, drenched in a cold sweat. I get up and rush to the bathroom. A few moments later, Eddie comes in to check on me. "Are you okay sweetheart?" He signs in the mirror, before wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my head. (He started learning sign language when we met a few years back) "yeah..just a nightmare" I say (yes, deaf people can talk. Their not mute). He turns me around so I'm facing him, and signs, "Do you wanna cuddle?" "Mhm..I can read lips, you don't have to sign" I say, smiling. He playfully rolls his eyes and giggles, before taking my hand and leading me back to his room.

    He lays down, opening his arms for me. I lay next to him, placing my head on his chest. I may not be able to hear his heartbeat, but I can feel it, and it's comforting. My eyes close, as I feel his arms wrap around me. 'I wonder what he sounds like..I bet his voice is really nice..' I wonder. "I wish I could hear you.." I whisper, feeling my eyes fill with tears. He sits up and pulls me on top of him. "I know..I'm sorry my voice isn't even that good! It's okay" he signs, wiping my tears away. "I miss listening to music" I say, tears flowing down my face. "I know baby.." he signs, before hugging me tightly, not knowing what else to do.

    "Hey, your birthday is tomorrow. We'll have all of our friends over and we'll have a fun party! Don't be sad please" he signs, now crying. I smile at him, as we wipe each other's tears away. Cupping his face with my hands, I lean my forehead against his, closing my eyes. "Thank you Eddie..for everything. I love you" I whisper. He then, kisses me, before pulling away and saying, "I love you too y/n"


    Steve, Robin, Nancy, Mike, Dustin, Eddie, Max, and Lucas sit around me, waiting for me to open the presents they bought me. Dustin excitedly hands me the poorly wrapped present he got me. "Thank you" I say, smiling while I unwrap the gift. It's a pair of earrings, made from the dice we used the first time he taught me how to play D&D. I give him a tight hug, before sitting back down, and opening the rest of the presents.
    "Thank you everyone. I love everything you guys got me" I say, smiling. "One more gift" Eddie signs to me, before walking to his room, and coming back with a small box. He hands me the box and everyone stares as I open it. It's a bone-anchored hearing aid. The one the doctors told me about. The only thing that would help me hear again. I began sobbing. I place the box down next to me, before standing up and hugging Eddie. Everyone in the room is crying at this point. They all new how much I wanted to be able to hear again. "I'm gonna marry you one day Munson" I said, still sobbing. He cupped my face with his hands, before saying, "I also set up, and payed for, the appointments for the surgery." I fell to my knees, crying. I never thought this would happen to me, then all of the sudden, this man comes into my life, and changes it for the better.
    Eddie picks me up and places me back in my seat, before kneeling in front of me and saying, "I've been saving up since the day we met. I've always hated seeing you so upset. I want you to be able to hear the world again, to hear music again, to hear me..finally.." Still crying, I kiss him. "I love you so goddamn much Eddie Munson" I say, smiling at him. He smiles, before kissing my forehead and saying, "I love you, y/n l/n."


    "I'm scared" I sign to Eddie. "I'll be okay. I promise" he signs back with a nervous smile. "See you soon..I love you Eddie" I say. "I love you too" he says, holding my hand. I give him a kiss, before the doctors ask him to leave so they can prepare me for surgery.


    It's finally time to put the hearing aid on. Eddie helps me put it on after making sure we're not in a place that's too loud. Once it's all set and ready, he asks, "can you hear me?" My eyes widen and begin to water. I was right. His voice is pretty. I smile and nod, as I begin to cry again. He hugs me, as he too, begins to cry. "Thank you so much Eddie..this is all I've ever wanted" I say. "Anything for you sweetheart" he says. "So, how is my voice?" he asks, laughing. "Just how I thought it would be, beautiful..I forgot what I sound like too" I say, laughing. After the doctor explains everything, me and Eddie leave.

He opens the passenger door for me and helps me in, before shutting the door, running to the drivers side, and getting in. "Wanna listen to music?" He asks with a huge smile. "Is that even a question? Yes!" I say excitedly. He lets me go through his music and find a song to play. I find my old favorite song, "Boys Don't Cry" by The Cure, and I play it. Eddie doesn't usually listen to this kind of music, but all he cares about at the moment, is that I'm happy. "Jesus Christ I've missed this" I say. "Thank you so much Eddie" I say, holding his hand. "Of course darling! All I've ever wanted is for you to be happy" he says, smiling.

"I love you so much y/n l/n" Eddie says, before placing a soft kiss on my lips. "I love you Eddie Munson" I say, pulling him into another kiss.


I hope you enjoyed this part! I honestly don't know why I wrote it, other than it sounded like a really sweet story.

Don't forget to drink water and eat something! I love you all :) <33

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