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Possible mention of alcohol, violence, anger issues, sh.

As I'm walking down the school hallways, Jason stops to talk to me. "Hey y/n!" He yells. His usual, cocky, smile plastered on his face. "Hey" I say, trying my best to sound like I don't hate him with my everything. "Do you think you could help me with my homework tonight? Chrissy is too busy, or I would've had her help me." he asks. "Oh um, sure. When?" I ask, trying to be polite. "Would tomorrow after school work for you?" He asks. "Yeah! Where do you want to meet?" I ask, putting on the fakest smile ever. "Library?" he suggests. "That's good with me! I'll see you tomorrow after school! By Jason" I say, before turning around and walking away. As I'm about to turn a corner, someone grabs me. "What the fuck!" I yell, ready to defend myself, if necessary. "What the hell was that?!" A familiar voice says. "Eddie? 'What the hell' was what?" I ask, obviously confused. "Helping Jason with homework?! I thought you hated him" he says, clearly upset. "I'm just being nice..I don't see any issue with that. Besides, why do you care? It's not like we're dating or anything" I say. 'I do like him, but come on, I can't just tell him that!' I think to myself. "Fuck you l/n! You said you hated him. He bullies me!" He yells. "I know..I'm sorry..I don't know what to say..Edds" I say, trying not to cry. "Don't call me that. I only let people who care about me call me that." He says, hurt. "I do care about you! What are you talking about?! Eddie I'm sorry!" I yell, watching him walk away. As I'm running out of the school, tears begin flowing down my face. I accidentally bump into Mike, causing him to drop what he was carrying. "Shit- I' sorry M-ike" I say, sobbing. "Hey- what's wrong y/n??" He asks, concerned. "'s nothing! I'm fine!" I say, putting on a fake smile, hoping he'll be convinced. But of course, he's not. He finishes picking up his things, before sitting me down at a bench. "What happened?" He asks in a worried tone. "I told Jason I would help him with his homework, and Eddie got mad..I think he hates me now and I don't wanna lose him! I can't lose him.." I blurt out, crying harder. "Hey! It's okay..I'll talk to him" Mike says, hugging me, before pulling his walkie-talkie out of his bag. "Eddie? It's Mike. Do you copy? Over." he says, angrily. "What do you want Mike?" Eddie responds, frustrated. "I'm with y/n. He told me what happened. What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Mike yells. "It's okay Mike! You don't have t-" "no! He made you cry!" Mike yells, without realizing he's still holding the button on the walkie. "I made y/n l/n cry? Impossible. He never cries!" Eddie scoffs. "Come see for yourself then. We're at a bench outside of the school." Mike says, putting his walkie away. "Why'd you do that?! He's gonna hate me even more now and I-" "hey! Breathe, two, three, four. Breathe, two, three, four." He says, trying to calm me down. We continue with the breathing exercises until Eddie finally shows up, realizing he did make me cry.

"Holy shit.." he whispers, running up to me. "Go away you asshole" I yell, sobbing. "Y/n please..I'm so sorry I d-" "fuck off!" I yell, looking into Eddie's, now watery, eyes. Mike puts his hands on my shoulders, before saying, "y/n. You need to talk this out with him..okay?" I look at Mike for a moment, before nodding and taking a deep breath. "Talk" I say, firmly, to Eddie. "I'm sorry y/n..I shouldn't have exploded on you like that..I know you were just trying to be nice, but something inside of me just..snapped, I guess..I don't know why but I just felt really mad and I-" "your in love with y/n Eddie. Your dumbass probably doesn't realize that, but we've all seen it." Mike says, cutting him off. "What?! No I'm..not.." Eddie trails off, staring at the ground with wide eyes. He stares for a while, before saying, "holy shit..maybe I am.." My eyes widen, as I stare at Eddie in shock. Eddie looks up at me, before scrambling to his feet, and running away. "Eddie?! What the fuck!" Mike yells. "It's okay.." "no it's not!" He yells. "Mike! It's okay. I will talk to him soon. He probably just thinks I hate him now because of his feelings or something. I mean, it's Eddie. Come on" I say, forcing a smile. "..your right" Mike says, sighing. "Need a ride home?" I ask him. "Sure" he says with a small smile.

    After dropping Mike off, I head to Steve's house. I walk up to the door, knock on it, and wait for a moment, before Steve opens up. "Hey y/n! What's up?" He asks, smiling. "Got any alcohol?" I ask. "..yeah? Come in" he says, opening the door and moving aside to let me in.

    After sitting on his couch waiting for him for a bit, he comes back with some beers. "What's up? You seem upset" Steve says with a confused look. "Maybe after a few drinks" I say, laughing.

    Awhile later, I'm straight up drunk. "Eddie's such an azzhole..I wanna ponch hi-..face" I slur out. "What'd he do?" Steve asks. "He got mad at me..then toold me he's in luv with me and then ran away" I manage to say, still slurring my words. "What a- *hiccup* dick" Steve says. We look at each other for a moment, before I climb onto his lap, and begin making out with him. He licks at my bottom lip, asking for entrance, I grant it. His tongue slides inside of my mouth, exploring all over.

In the midst of this, Eddie barges in. "Steve do you know whe-" he stops, seeing us. "Oh heyyy Eddiieee *hiccup* what're you doing here?" I say in a silly voice. Me and Steve look at each other and we burst out in laughter for no reason. Eddie stands there, watching us for a moment, before picking me up, and taking me out to his van. He speeds back to his place, driving like a maniac, as usual. Except this time, he's crying. "What's wrong Eddie?" I ask, confused. He doesn't respond. He carries me inside, and takes me to his room. "Change" he says, throwing some clothes at me. I start walking to the bathroom, but he stops me. "No. In here. I'm not letting you out of my sight ever again." he says, firmly. I stare into his eyes for a moment, before backing up, and changing.

Since it was night time, once I was half sober, we went to sleep. He did at least. I waited for him to fall asleep so that I could go to the kitchen alone. I checked to make sure he was asleep, before carefully climbing out of bed, and walking to the kitchen. I found a glass cup, remembering what I did when I was 14. I used to smash glasses and use the shards to cut myself. Those were really shitty times for me. I never wanted to go back to that, but at the moment, it felt like the only thing to do. So, I smashed the glass, took one of the shards, and started cutting. This, of course, woke Eddie up, and he came running out of his room. "Y/n what are you-" he stops, seeing the glass in my hand and my bloody, cut up arm. "Holy shit y/n" he picks up all the glass and throws it away, before picking me up, and taking me to the bathroom. He cleaned the cuts with soap and water, then wrapped my arm in bandage wrap. We didn't talk the whole time. I had my head down because I was crying, he didn't know what to say. Once he finished wrapping my arm, he laid his head on my shoulder and placed his hands on my hips (I'm sitting on the bathroom counter). "I'm sorry Eddie" I whisper, my voice breaking. "I was didn't mean anything..I know we're not dating, but that feels necessary to say" I say, beginning to cry. "I wish we were though..I love you y/n.." Eddie whispers, his voice shaking. "I love you too" I say, tears streaming down my face, as I wrap my arms around him, burying my face into his neck. "I'm so sorry.." I say, sobbing. "No, no, no..I'm sorry..I should've told you forever ago..I shouldn't have snapped at you the way I did..I'm so sorry y/n" he says, between sobs. "Thank you.." I whisper, tightly gripping his shirt.

    He takes the arm I had cut, lightly kisses it, and holds it onto his face, as if he's hugging it. I cup his face with my left hand and he snuggles into it, placing his hand on top of mine. I give him a soft smile, before pulling him in, and gently kissing him. "Be mine..please? I hate seeing you with other people..I just get..jealous..I can't deal with it anymore. I don't want to snap at you because I feel like I can't have you. I hate myself for th-" I cut him off by kissing him. "I'm yours Eddie.." I say, closing my eyes and leaning my forehead against his. "And I'm yours..y/n" he whispers, calming down.


I hope you enjoyed this part. It kinda sucks, but at least it's long I guess🤷🏻

Don't forget to drink water and eat something! I love you all :) <33

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