His Day

735 11 6

Y/N: Top
EDDIE: Bottom

"Have you ever had a birthday party?"
"No, why?"
"Have you ever wanted a birthday party?"
"Yeah but I've never had the time or money..it's okay though"


I wake up early to prepare for Eddie's birthday. He said he's never had a birthday party, so that's exactly what I'm giving him. I left a note on the counter, letting him know I'd be back in a bit, before heading to the place I rented for the day. I met Mike, Steve, Dustin, and Robin there, so that we could begin setting up.

I hung colorful lights all over the ceiling, while Steve set up stereos, Robin set up Tables with black tablecloth, and Mike set up folding chairs and set the tables. Once everyone finished with their tasks, we all helped bring in the food and desserts.

"Ok. You guys go pick everyone else up! I'll finish up here." I say, smiling as I watch them leave. I needed it to be perfect. This would be the first birthday party of his life. So, once everyone was gone, I decided to add some finishing touches. On one of the tables, I set out alcohol, a buttload of blunts, and some weed brownies. I thought he would like it, so why not? I put a bunch of band and D&D posters on the walls, before writing the words "happy birthday" with spray paint, on a spot on the wall. I also ended up spray painting some other things on the wall, and placing a black, yellow, and red hellfire carpet I had made, to make it look more like 'his vibe.'

When everyone arrived with their gifts for Eddie, we set up the gift table and talked until it was time for me to get Eddie.

When I got back to the trailer, Eddie was still asleep. I went in our room, and quietly dug through the closet for something he could wear. Eventually, I found some black ripped jeans, a Black Sabbath tee, and I got out the boots I bought him as a gift.

    I walk to the bed and gently shake him. "Eddiiieee it's time to wake up darling" I whisper. He groans and slowly opens his eyes. "Good morning sleepyhead" I say, smiling and placing a kiss on his forehead. "Morning sweetheart" he says, pulling me on top of him and hugging me. "We gotta get up! I have a huge surprise for you" I say, excitedly while playing with his hair. He groans and nuzzles his head into the side of my neck in response. "I'll give you a bj?" I offer, smirking. "I'm up!" he says, sitting up. "Good boy" I say, standing up and throwing his shirt and pants at him. "Heyyy what about the bj?" He asks, pouting. "We don't have time" I say, laughing. "Quickie?" he suggests. "Oh my god Eddie- fine. But only because it's your birthday." I say, getting on my knees in front of him.

    I pull down his boxers, revealing his erection. Taking his cock in my hand, I swirl my tongue around the tip, teasing him a bit. "Please don't tease.." he whines. I take as much I can handle of his length in my mouth, sucking him off. Not even halfway through, and he's already a moaning mess. In the midst of this, my phone rings. I pull my phone out of my pocket and hand it to Eddie. He looks at me with wide eyes, before taking a deep breath, and answering. "H-hey Steve! What's up?" He asks, trying to control his moans. "Hey! Is y/n with you?" Steve asks. "Yeah..we're a little busy..at the moment..can I call you back in a-" Eddie lets out a whimper, causing me to laugh a bit. "Oh! Shit- why would you answer if your in the middle of..that?!" Steve whisper yells through the phone. "He made me! Sorry man"  Eddie yells, embarrassed, before hanging up the phone. "Why'd you make me do that? That was so embarrassing" Eddie says, his face getting redder every second. I just laugh and continue sucking him off. "Fuck y/n! I'm..so c..close!!" Eddie moans, before releasing into my mouth. I swallow before saying, "now be a good boy, and get dressed so we can leave."

    I grab the outfit I picked for myself the day before, and I change. Eddie does the same, changing into the outfit I picked for him. Once we're both dressed, I hand him the pair of boots I bought him. "Happy birthday Eddie" I say, placing a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you y/n! I love them" he says, excitedly, before sitting down to put them on. "I'll wait for you in the car" I say, smiling and heading to my car.

    After waiting for a few minutes, Eddie hops into the passenger seat, wearing all his usual accessories. "You look hot" I say, kissing him. "Thank you handsome" he says with a smile, as we drive off.

    When we're about five minutes away from the place, I hand him a blindfold. "Here, put this on" I say with a smile. He gives a questionable look, before tying the blindfold over his eyes.

    "Aaand we're here" I say, running to the passenger side to help him out. I lead him inside, sitting him in a chair. "Ready?" I ask, walking behind him and getting ready to remove the blindfold. He nods and I slowly take off the blindfold, counting down from three. I remove the blindfold to reveal all of our friends, who all yell "happy birthday!" Eddie looks around the room, taking it all in, before looking back at me. "I know it's not a lot, but I wanted to give you something you've never had..and I thought this would be perfect" I say with a nervous smile, rubbing the back of my neck. "It's perfect..thank you so much y/n" he says, a tear rolling down his cheek, as he pulls me into a tight hug, causing everyone to clap, cheer, and some let out loud "aww"s.

    I turn on the mixtape I had made for him, which included all of our favorite songs, and everyone begins partying. Eventually, it's time for presents. Everyone pulls up chairs, gathering around Eddie. "who's presents do you wanna open first?" I ask. "Just hand me a random one" he says, shrugging his shoulders and laughing. I smile, handing him a randomly chosen present.

    After awhile, he's opened every present. "Thank you everyone..I loved the gifts" he says, smiling. I run over to the stereo and turn on our song. Eddie looks at me, confused, as I nervously walk over to him. I pull him out of his chair and have him stand in front of me. "What's wrong?" He asks, worry in his eyes, as I take a shaky breath. "Nothing. Nothing at all. I'm just nervous" I say, flashing him a warm smile. "Nervous about what?" He asks, confused. "You have one more gift" I say, as I get down on one knee. His eyes widen, as I pull out a ring. "I have loved you since the day I laid eyes on you. When you came into my life, you changed everything. You changed everything for the better. You gave me reason to live. I was on the verge of death before you came. You saved me. You saved me when no one else could. You've done so much for me in the past few years..I may not always know what I want, but I know exactly what I want with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to do everything with you because you are my everything. I never knew loving someone so much, was possible. But here I am..I love you so goddamn much Eddie..so, Eddie Munson, will you marry me?" I ask, looking up at the crying Eddie in front of me. He nods his head, screaming 'yes' over and over again. I take his left hand, sliding the ring onto his ring finger, before standing up and kissing him. Everyone cheers, a few people crying (Nancy, Robin, and proud mother Steve of course).

TIME SKIP: THE WEDDING (short bc I'm tired lmao)

"Do you, Eddie Munson, take y/n l/n to be your husband?"

"I do"

"Do you, y/n l/n, take Eddie Munson to be your husband?"

"I do"

"I now pronounce you, husband and husband, you may kiss the groom"


I hope you enjoyed this part! Idk how I feel about it🤷🏻it was inspired by a tiktok I saw where this one guy had never had a bday party, so his lover threw him one, and I thought it was really sweet!

Don't forget to drink water and eat something! I love you all :) <33

Eddie Munson x Trans Man/Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now