Shit Happens

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"I'm sorry y/n..we're just not gonna work anymore..goodbye"



After frantically knocking on Eddie's door, he finally answers. You run into his arms, crying, while trying to explain. "What's wrong y/n? Why are you crying?" he asks, holding you close. "I...he-" you try to explain, but with how hard your crying, you can't. "Hey shhh it's okay..I'm here..let's get you comfy" Eddie says, carrying you to his room, and placing you on his bed. He begins digging through his closet for something you could wear.

He hands you a hoodie with Queen on it, and some black shorts. "Here, you can change in the bathroom, okay?" He says, cupping your face with his right hand. You nod, before heading to the bathroom to change.

Looking at yourself in the mirror, you wipe away your tears and try to smile. "I'm such a mess.." you whisper to yourself. After taking a deep breath, you exit the bathroom, head to Eddie's room, and knock on the door. "Come in" you hear Eddie yell. You enter the room to a shirtless Eddie, digging through his closet again. Without realizing it, you begin watching him. He stands up, sliding a band tee over his head. You watch his every move, amazed at how beautiful he is. You never realized how beautiful he actually is. You were always too caught up with your, now ex boyfriend, Steve.

Eddie looks at you and smiles, before asking, "how are you feeling? Are you ready to talk about it?" "I think so" you say, smiling back. He sits on his bed, patting a spot next to him. You lay down next to him, looking into his eyes. "Steve broke up with me..I don't know why, but he did..we were doing so good too" you say, a tear rolling down the side of your face. Eddie wipes away the tear, before placing a hand on your head, playing with your hair. "What an asshole..I'm sorry y/ don't deserve that. I think your an amazing person and you deserve to be loved. Your so caring and sweet..even on bad days, you don't hesitate to push your problems aside to help others with their own issues. You deserve someone who does that for you. If everyone would just love you as much as I do, then there wouldn't be an issue.." he says, staring into your watery, e/c eyes. " me?" you ask, beginning to cry. Eddie's eyes widen, as he realizes what he said. "Shit sorry I- uh..did I say that? I don't love you! Wait- yes I weren't supposed to hear that..I do love you and I'm sorry if that chang-" he's cut off by you kissing him. Though he's shocked, he kisses back, his face turning red. "You should've told me that before I got with Harrington..idiot" you say, wiping your tears away. "I love you too Eddie" you whisper, hugging him tightly. " do?" He asks with a shaky voice. "Yes..I love you so much Eddie" you whisper. You can feel his tears falling onto your shoulder. Wiping away his tears, you suggest taking a nap together.
After bringing you all of your favorite snacks, Eddie turns on some music, not too loud, which is a little surprising. He crawls into bed with you, laying his head on your chest. "Will you be mine?" he whispers. "..yes" you say, smiling to yourself. "Thank you Eddie..I needed this" you say. "Of course sweetheart" he says, placing a kiss on your hand.
After a short while, you fall asleep, listening to the sound of one another breathing. It made you feel safe. It was comforting. He was all you needed. All you wanted. He was yours. He is yours.


I hope you enjoyed this part.

Don't forget to drink water and eat something! I love you all :) <33

Eddie Munson x Trans Man/Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now