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Y/N: Top
EDDIE: Bottom

    Eddie pulls into my driveway, hopping out of his van, running over to me and giving me a hug. "Hey Eddie" I say, smiling. "Hello darling" he says, kissing my forehead.
"Wow..your room is really cool y/n!" Eddie says, smiling and sitting on my bed. "Thanks!" I say, smiling and sitting next to him. " you think I'm a good kisser?" Eddie asks, laughing nervously. "I don't know..let's see" I say, leaning in and kissing him. Though he's taken aback by my boldness, he kisses back, climbing on top of my lap. Laughing, I say, "I, y/n l/n, declare you, Eddie Munson, as the best kisser ever. Aanndd, a bit of a bottom at the moment." "Shut up" he says, embarrassed, climbing off of my lap. I pull him back, not wanting him to get up yet. "Hey! Did I say you could get up Munson?" I ask. "" he says, his face turning red. He hides his face in my neck, before whispering, "and you say I'm hot." I laugh, and start kissing his neck. His breathing becomes heavier, and he lets out a quiet groan, gripping onto my shirt. "Sorry.." I say, realizing what I've been doing. ", it's okay.." he whispers. "Are you okay? Your breathing is getting heavy.." I ask. "Yeah um..can you do it more?" He asks nervously. "Do what mo- you really want me to?" I ask, feeling my face heat up. "Mhm.." he hums, obviously embarrassed. Feeling the need to tease him, I slide my hands a little ways up his shirt, and begin kissing his neck again. He lets out a few quiet moans as I slowly move my cold hands further up his torso. I can feel his growing erection against my stomach. "Jesus Christ you make it hard to resist.." he says. "Then don't resist.." I whisper. Shocked, he asks, "I..are you sure?" "Very." I say.

Eddie stands up, undressing himself. I do the same. I push Eddie back onto the bed, climbing on top of him. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" He asks. "I am 100% sure that I want my first time to be with you Eddie" I say, smiling. "Glad it's your first time too" he says, laughing. I smile, before placing kisses down his chest, then stomach. I climb between his legs, looking at him for consent. He nods and I take his erection in my hand, slowly jerking him off, before taking his length in my mouth. "Ohh fuckk" Eddie moans. I look up at him, making eye contact, until he releases into my mouth. I don't stop though. I continue, overstimulating him until he cums a second time, moaning my name. I get up, turn on some music, and grab a condom. Walking back over to him, I rip the condom package open with my teeth. Keeping eye contact with him, I slowly slide the condom over his length. I spit on my hand and rub the spit onto the condom. "No break? Damn.." he says, still catching his breath. "Nope" I say, smirking as I position myself and slowly begin going down on him. "Oh fuck- you feel so good~" he moans, placing his hands on my waist. I adjust for a few minutes, before slowly moving up and down on his cock, getting faster each time I go down.

After awhile, we're both close. "Oh shit I'm gonna cum Eddie!" I moan. "Me too sweetheart..your good" he says between moans. We both release, moaning the others name.

    "That was great..shit.." Eddie says, laughing while we get cleaned up. "Agreed" I say, smiling. We both laugh, before climbing into my bed and falling asleep.


I hope you enjoyed this part. It's a little short, but whatever🤷🏻

Don't forget to drink water and eat something! I love you all :) <33

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