I'm Sorry

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Mention of: abuse, blood, slurs, homophobia, transphobia, alcohol, etc.

"Hey y/n? Can I talk to you for a minute?" Eddie asks with a concerned face. "Yeah, sure" I say, my heart dropping at the question. He takes my hand, leading me to the bathrooms.

"Why are you all..beat up?" He asks, holding my hands. "Oh, it's nothing! I just fell" I say, forcing a laugh. "Y/n..how many more are there?" He asks in a worried tone. I look down, not wanting to respond, as my eyes tear up. "Lift up your shirt" he says, sighing. "Why? Are you horny or something?" I joke, avoiding the question. "Not the time for jokes y/n..please" he pleads with me. I sigh, before slowly lifting my shirt, revealing bruises, cuts, and red marks all over my torso. "Y/n.." he says, tearing up. "I'm sorry Eddie" I say, beginning to cry. "No, no, no..don't be sorry. This isn't your fault sweetheart" he says, carefully hugging me as he cries. "Let's clean these up, kay?" He asks, softly smiling at me, as he wipes away each of our tears. I nod, flashing him a "thank you/I love you" smile. "This might hurt a bit" he says. I nod, and he begins cleaning the cuts one at a time.

After he's cleaned all the cuts, he lightly kisses all of my bruises, saying things like, "it's okay" and, "I love you" after each kiss. "I love you..Eddie..thank you for everything you do" I say, smiling, as tears fall from my eyes. "I love you too y/n" he says, wiping my tears away with his thumbs. "Oh! I think you missed a spot" I say, laughing. "What?! Where did I miss?" He asks. I tap my lips, smiling at him, as he leans in and places a soft kiss on my lips. "Okay, all done!" I say in a childish voice, smiling like an idiot.

I look at Eddie, to find him already staring at me. "What?" I ask, tilting my head. "I just..I can't believe your mine.." he says, smiling with teary eyes. "Well, I'm glad I am" I say, opening my arms for him. He hugs me, placing a kiss on my head. "I love you y/n l/n" Eddie whispers. "I love you, Eddie Munson" I whisper back, hugging him tighter.

{2nd person POV}

    You make your way to the exit of the school, figuring Eddie is probably waiting for you by his van. As you thought, when you exit the school, you see Eddie, waiting by his van. You walk over to him and place a kiss on his cheek when no one is looking. He opens the passenger side door for you, as usual, before running to the drivers side, and hopping in. "Can we stop at my place real quick? I need to grab a few things I left behind" you ask, admiring Eddie as he drives. "Yeah of course! Will you be okay? I can go in with you" he suggests. "I'd like that" you say, smiling and shifting your focus to the town around you.

    Once you arrive at your place, you head in together, trying to be somewhat sneaky. You make it to your room without being caught, and you begin grabbing everything you left, stuffing it all into a duffel bag. Just as you were about to leave, your door swung open, and your drunk father walked in, your worried mother following behind him. "What the fuck are you doing back here tranny?! I thought I told you to leave and never come back you fag!" he yells, grabbing your arm tight enough to leave more bruises. "I'm just grabbing some things that I forgot" you respond, trying your best to sound calm. "I don't care!" He yells, shaking you violently, before punching the side of your face, causing you to fall backwards onto the floor. Before things go any further, Eddie grabs the bottle from his hand, and smashes it over his head, causing him to pass out. "Oops! My hand slipped!" he says, laughing. You smile at him, as he helps you up. "Are you hurt?" He asks, looking into your eyes. "Mhm" you respond with a smile, before running to your mother and hugging her. "Call the police. Please. You need to get yourself out of this mom.." you whisper to her. "I know honey..thank you. I love you y/n. Whether he accepts you, or not, I do, and I always will." She says, smiling at you with tears in her eyes. "I love you mom" you say, before grabbing Eddie's hand, and leaving.

    "Thank you for coming with me Eddie" you say once your both in his van. "Of course!" he says, pecking your cheek, before beginning to drive off. You turn on the mixtape Eddie had made for you, and you both begin singing and dancing along to the music.


I hope you enjoyed this part! It was supposed to be waaayyyy longer, but I kinda gave up :,)

Don't forget to drink water and eat something! I love you all :) <33

Eddie Munson x Trans Man/Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now