It's Like in the Movies

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    You get in your car, waiting for Eddie. A few minutes pass, and he finally shows up, hopping into the passenger side. "Do you really have to drive? You drive slow" he says, pouting like a child. "You want fast? asked for it" you say, slamming on the gas, and driving away from the school.

    Eddie puts on your guys' favorite songs, as you both sing along to them together. The drive ahead of you is long, so you stop to grab some snacks for the road.
    You drive the two of you to a huge field of tall grass and flowers. Once you get out, you grab Eddie's hand and begin running with him. Since it took you a few hours to get there, sunset had already started. It was a beautiful sight.

   You stop running and turn around to face Eddie, before tagging him and yelling, "your it!" He chases you, laughing, until he finally catches up to you, picking you up from behind, and twirling you around

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   You stop running and turn around to face Eddie, before tagging him and yelling, "your it!" He chases you, laughing, until he finally catches up to you, picking you up from behind, and twirling you around. Once he puts you down, you turn around, wrap your arms around his neck, and stare into his beautiful eyes. He places his hands on your waist, slowly leaning in..until your lips touch..the kiss is gentle, kind, soft, loving, and sweet. It lets the other know how much they care for, and love one another.

    You both slowly pull away, looking into the others' eyes. "This is all I could ever ask's everything I've always wanted..I love you Eddie" you whisper, tearing up from the overload of happiness. "This is more than I ever thought I'd's perfect..I'm so happy I get to have this with you y/n..I wouldn't want this with anyone else..only you. I love you more than i new was possible sweetheart" Eddie says, his eyes becoming teary as well.

    Both of you lay down on a hill together, watching the sunset, as you cuddle. You both close your eyes, holding each other closely, not wanting to let go. "It's just like in the movies" you whisper. "It is..isn't it?" He whispers.


I hope you enjoyed this part! This one is EXTREMELY short- but I think it is super super sweet and romantic so I just had to add it in here.

Don't forget to drink water and eat something! I love you all :) <33

Eddie Munson x Trans Man/Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now