Chapter 14 : Don't leave me

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TW: Mentions of suicide, killing, blood & self harm 

Vegas was the first to wake up. They had fallen asleep in each other's arms. Vegas planted a chaste kiss on Pete's chin making him flutter his eyes open. 

"Do you know how sexy you are?"

Pete's face was stoic. He only let out a faint "Hmm"

"I always felt unwanted when I was myself. By my dad, the major family, those flings...Until today."

Vegas turned Pete's face towards his own. It was drained of colour. "Let's get you cleaned & dressed." 

Vegas had never been as gentle with anyone as he was with Pete that day. He even peppered Pete's face with a couple of kisses while covering him in fresh clothes. However Pete felt more numb than he ever did before.

Pete cried and banged his head against the wall once Vegas left the room. He held his breath on hearing Kan's voice.

"What are we supposed to do now? The major family has put you on their blacklist. Why are you even my son?"

"And do you think I wanted to be your son, father?"

"What's gotten into you, brat? You better come up with a solution before today!"

Kan stormed out while Vegas came in with noodles after a while with tear stained cheeks. Pete had wiped away his own and collected himself on hearing footsteps.

"Let's eat."

"I heard it. Why don't you simply surrender, Veagath? Mr Kinn is not going to kill you if you come clean. Haven't you had enough?" This earned Pete a punch on his gut, causing him fall to the floor.

"Don't think you can take your liberties with me just because we slept together. Remember, you're the captive, and I am still your captor." Vegas yanked him up and held a knife to his neck.

"You've been asking to be killed since day 1, right? Let me fulfill your wish for you."

"Please kill me once for all. I have nothing left. Not even my humanity." Vegas was taken aback when Pete started to cry loudly. He grabbed the sharp end of the knife with his bare hand. Blood oozed from his palm and trickled till his elbow. This caused Vegas to raise his arms in surrender & beg.

"Pete, please don't do something drastic. Think about your grandmother, Porsche, Tankhun..."

"I can't face them after what I did, no thanks to you."

"I'm sorry Pete. I am sorry. Don't leave me. We can start over with a clean slate. I promise to be better."

Pete held his chained hand to Vegas' face,"THEN WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?"

"I will release you. Just promise me you shall stay."

"I'm sorry for what I am about to do, Vegath." Pete grabbed the chain and gave a blow on the back of his head. Vegas staggered & winced.  Pete gave him another harsh blow, causing Vegas to fall down while mumbling, "Why are you doing this?" before losing consciousness.

"I have a promise to keep." 

Pete saw sunlight after many days. He was unsure of where he was until he saw someone casting a fishing net by the riverside. He finally reached the major family's mansion thanks to many kind strangers. Tankhun came running to the gate followed by Arm, Pol, Porsche and Kinn. Tankhun had him in a tight embrace, as he buried his head in the crook of his neck incoherently saying something along the lines of, "I missed you... Why didn't you call me?....You could have taken me along..."

 Kinn came closer and asked,"Did something bad happen to you?" Pete gave a weak smile,"I kept my promise, Mr Kinn. I returned to you & Mr Tankhun."

Porsche was more worried about Pete than his own life's mystery. His friend wouldn't talk, faked a smile & avoided answering when asked about his wounds. He was withdrawn when watching dramas with Tankhun & wouldn't sit with the rest for his meals. Porsche secretly saw his friend cry watching his hands when slurping noodles. He was sure he heard him say Vegas' name in his sleep. On the other end Vegas wouldn't stop crying after hearing Pete returned to the main family.

Kinn asked Porsche to treat Pete like before & let him speak when he felt better. Porsche once took Pete to Yok's bar along with Tankhun, Arm and Pol. He met Vegas (and gave him the punches he deserved) as per the deal & they decided to solve the mystery together. 

Porsche was about to leave when Vegas stopped him,"Porsche, what about your end of the deal?"

"I don't know what you did to him; but if you hurt my friend again, I  will not spare you. I brought him here, rest is up to you."

Vegas was relieved when Pete finally came to the back of the bar for a smoke. 

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