early flight

85 3 7

JULY 8, 1989
New York City, New York


Winona wakes up the next day still in her clothes from last night. She was curled up on top of the covers, the lights in the hotel room were still turned on.

She checks the clock on the wall and groans.

6:30 AM

They had an early flight back to LA in 2 hours so she sluggishly got out of bed and went to go take a shower to refresh herself since she felt horrible, mentally and physically.

In the room across, Christian was already awake, all ready and packing up his stuff. He was tossing and turning all night and only got a few hours of sleep.

An hour later, Lana went to go check up on them to see if they were both ready for Check out.

She knocks on Winona's door, and Winona opens it after a minute.

"Hey, Lan" Winona says

"Good morning, Are you ready?" Lana smiles. And she notices Winona's puffy eyes and tired energy.

"I am" She nods.

"Ok we're checking out in twenty minutes. Do you need anything?"

"A coffee would be nice" Winona shrugs.

"Alright" Lana pauses to examine her "Are you okay though? You don't seem like yourself" She puts her hand on her shoulder with a sympathetic look.

"It's nothing.. I just- I just uh had a bad fight with Christian last night"

"It's gonna be okay" Lana consoles her.

Winona hums in response as she stared at the floor.

"I'm gonna go get your coffee, and call Christian for you." She said.

"Thank you, Lana" Winona grinned. She closes her door as Lana walked away.

Lana reaches Christian's door and knocks on it.

He answers it, looking as rough as Winona.

"We're leaving in twenty" She spoke.

"Okay" He mutters.

After fifteen minutes, Christian starts to roll his suitcase out his room. The door across opens and revealed Winona with her suitcase.

They stare at each other for a second until Winona breaks the gaze and puts on her sunglasses, continuing to walk out with her suitcase.

Lana runs into her in the hallway and hands her her coffee. Christian catches up to them at the elevator hallway, he had also put on his sunglasses. 

Charles arrives after them and everybody waits for the elevator together. It opens and they all get in. The whole elevator ride was so quiet the only thing you could hear was the sound of the machinery working and sometimes Winona taking a sip of her coffee.

They finally reach the lobby floor and they walk out. The bellman takes the suitcases to give to the driver. After a while, the car was finally outside. 

Winona exits the hotel first, followed by Christian then Charles and Lana.

Lana was in front seat with the driver, Charles in the last row. Christian and Winona on the opposite sides of the middle row. (I imagine the car as an SUV so thats why there are 3 rows)

On the way to the airport, Lana looks back to the middle row. 

Looking out the window and playing with the drawstrings of his hoodie, Christian looked like he was about to doze off.

On the other side, Winona had her walkman on and was listening to some music, in the middle of finishing the coffee but was looking tired as ever.

They arrive at the New York airport and go in, checked into their flight and went through security then waited at their gate.

While waiting for the gate Christian looks away from staring out the window. He looks to his side and 2 chairs down, Winona was sitting there.

He exhales sharply and tries to speak up but then their flight is called. So he had no choice but to drop it and board the plane.

Winona and Christian had seats beside each other, but unfortunately they didn't speak a word to each other the whole flight.

6 hours later, they finally landed in LA. At the baggage claim, Winona was waiting for her suitcase, she senses somebody walk up beside her.

She looks to her side and Christian was also there. The pair was both watching the bags go by, waiting for their

"Hey" He finally speaks up a minute later.

Winona hesitates for a second "Hey" She says back, still staring at the conveyor belt.

"I'm uh.. I'm sorry" Christian apologizes. "For not being there for you" He turns his head to her. "I'm a terrible boyfriend for ignoring you and making you feel like it was my job to come here with you"

"I'm sorry too" Winona turns to him. "I shouldn't have assumed for you to be by my side at all times. And you're not a terrible boyfriend, you just wanted to spend time with me"

She gives him a soft smile and he smiles back. Christian leans down to kiss her and she gladly kisses back.

Christian puts his hands on her waist and she wraps her arms around his neck.

"Do you love me again?" He smirks.

"I never stopped" She giggles giving him another kiss.


finally finished this chapter :D


It Couple - Winona Ryder x Christian Slater /Chrisnona/Winistian (Hollywood AU)Where stories live. Discover now