home sweet home

36 1 0

West Hollywood, California


"Here we are" Christian takes a left turn as they drove down the road on their way to their brand new home they just bought.

Winona smiles widely, clapping with anticipation.

They had reached the gate of the house. Through the gate, the driveway went down a hill slightly curved where it led to the main house. It was a Spanish style villa with overgrown vines with 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, and 2 living rooms. The kitchen was very open and it had a balcony with and outdoor dining table that had a view of the backyard. The backyard had a pool with sun chairs and more outdoor seating and dining with a grill. Beside the pool there was a patch of grass, both Winona and Christian loved. Connected to the house too is a guest house with 2 bedrooms.

The house was very secluded and had lots of privacy and lots of trees surrounding them.

Christian parks the car in the driveway then they both got out.

Winona walks over to the front door with the keys to the house. She turns the key in the lock as Christian watched her.

She opens the door then they both walked in excitedly they were in the foyer, to their left was the staircase with the original 1920s metal railing. The house was still empty since they were meeting Winona's friend later to decorate it for them, since she loved the way he decorated his apartment at the time. 

They went to the room in front of the front door first. It was the dining room as you entered the dining room there was a big full length window that took up the empty wall. There was a glass double door that led to the kitchen, they checked that out next.

Christian opened the doors of the balcony in the kitchen as they admired their backyard together.

Suddenly, they both heard the doorbell ring 

"That must be Kevin" Winona says.

Both of them made their way out the front door.

Winona's friend's car was waiting at the top of the driveway so Christian went up there to open up the gate for him.

The car drove down the driveway and parked behind Winona and Christian's car. 

Her friend Kevin Haley got out of his car and greeted them. 

"Winona! Christian!" He smiled locking his car and walked all the way over to the path leading up to the front porch.

"Kevin! It's great to see you!" Winona smiled back.

"You too!" Kevin said as he and Winona shared hugs, then Kevin hugged Christian.

"How are you, Kevin?" Christian grinned.

"I'm great. I can tell this house is already amazing." 

"Well thanks, we love it too" Winona said.

"Shall we?" Christian offered.

"Alright" Kevin replied.

Christian and Winona brought Kevin inside with them as they gave him a tour.

"So this house actually has two living rooms, one upstairs and one downstairs" Winona explained as they entered the living room downstairs, which also had similar glass double door that led to the backyard.

"I see" Kevin said looking around the room.

Christian and Winona continues to tour him around the rest of the house. 

"I love this kitchen!" Kevin exclaimed

"Right?" Winona agreed.

Once they got to the stairs, Kevin asked "Is the railing original to the house?"

"Yep" Christian answered.

The second living room had a bay window and a balcony with a view of the front porch this time. And then they look through the bedrooms until they reached the masters bedroom that had an en suite bathroom.

They finished looking around the house and they circled back to the foyer.

"Okay, so just to be sure, you want a mixed 1930s and 1940s decoration aesthetic right?" Kevin asked.

"Yes, and I like Italian art too" Winona replied.

"Don't forget about the jewel toned accents-" Christian reminded her since she was talking about it a while ago.

"Oh, Yes jewel toned accents" Winona added, smiling.

"Alright, Thanks for trusting me for this" Kevin smiles gratefully.

"No problem! You're clearly a natural" Winona says. She reaches for the spare key in her pocket.

"Here you go Kev, Go crazy" Winona hands him the key, smiling widely.

Kevin left shortly after that, then Christian and Winona started to lock up everything because they were leaving soon.

Christian finds Winona standing in the middle of the living room downstairs, turned around.

He hugs her from behind wrapping his arms around her waist. "You okay?" He asks.

"Of course" She smiled looking out the window "I love our new home" 

"Yep, home sweet home" He smiled, looking in the direction she was looking in.


so like yes i think i have a fever thats why it took me so long to get this written HHAAHHAHHAHAH I WAS SUDDENLY TIRED OKAY??


It Couple - Winona Ryder x Christian Slater /Chrisnona/Winistian (Hollywood AU)Where stories live. Discover now