bad sign

57 4 3

JULY 31, 1991
Hollywood, California


"In Robin Hood: Prince of thieves" Arsenio starts but some people from the audience already have an idea on who his next guest was. He chuckles and continues talking "This guy robs from the rich to give to the poor. And in his new movie, Mobsters" 

Everybody goes wild again "He just robs from everybody, because that's what mobsters do. I'd like him to come out and rob your hearts. Christian Slater!"

Christian appears from backstage and all the people in the audience cheered.

As usual, he walks over to Arsenio greeting him. They both walk over to the couches, everybody still cheering. A few minutes later the music dies down and Arsenio tell the audience to calm down then starts talking.

"How's your health? You alright?" He asks Christian.

"My health?" Christian clears his throat.

"Yeah I was worried that maybe you would wanna talk"

"Oh, I had to get a root canal. Yeah, brutal." He answers, causing everybody to 'aw' in pity. "Yep, A brutal operation. I went to the Dentist with Winona, She drove me back. Took care of me." 

"Well, She is a good girlfriend." Arsenio commented, people in the audience cheering.

"Of course she is!" Christian exclaims. They all cheered louder.

"Now, What is a root canal? They open the tooth?"

"I wasn't there man, I had no idea! I had no idea, I was back in the chair. Drill man. Drill my face. It was great."

"You were obviously in pain. Prior to him shooting you up with all the pain relief drugs, Did he tell you anything about what he was gonna do?" Arsenio chuckles.

"He said 'You'll feel one thing' It'd be like a little ping. That's it. And right after that, I mean as far as I know I could've been dancing naked in the guy's office" The audience explodes again and they all squeal. (srsly these ppl keep on cheering in the video am i supposed to write 'they cheered' every two seconds?!!?!? lmfao)

"But you feel alright"

"I feel pretty good today, last night I got about forty-eight hours of sleep. or something that's what Noni tells me. Yea I feel good."

The interview continues and Arsenio also throws a few jokes, while talking about his latest films.

"Didn't Anthony Quinn say something about the video game or something? What'd he tell you? What, lay off them?" Arsenio asks.

"Well, I mean he said I could be a really well- It's a harsh statement man I mean it's kinda brutal. But uh he said that I could really be a great actor if I just stayed out of my trailer. You know, stay away from the video games, that kinda thing." 

"You're really into those?" 

"Not anymore" Christian chuckles.

"Oh!" Arsenio starts to laugh.

"Nope, I have stopped doing that. I will not play those games anymore. If all we're gonna be doing in a few years is push those little stupid buttons. I mean, I wanna be you know. I don't want to promote that kind of thing. I mean, people should get out do a few more things with their lives. You know, so now I'm out, doing the horseback riding thing and playing tennis. That's what I've been doing." (just a little sidenote, im too lazy write all those chapters that he says he's been doing and also the dentist one and the horseback riding and tennis he plays tennis with winona, i will get back to that chapter if i ever have the motivation to write it)

"Good tennis player?"

"Well no, I've been playing for about a week. So"

"Do you play with anybody?"

"God, Winona so much better than me. She's a natural!"

"How many times has she beaten you?"

"I can't even count it! She says she's never played tennis in her whole life. And yet there she is, kicking my ass out on the court!" Christian snickers.

Arsenio and everybody laughed and Christian continues "Yeah, But I've just given up the Nintendo. Following that advice." He smiles.

"What was your favorite Nintendo game?"

"Oh god I- I don't remember, it's all just a haze. All those hours wasted just sitting there, you know." He and Arsenio laughed together.

"Yea but you don't just play Nintendo, you get out. You went to the Tyson-Ruddock fight" Arsenio points out.

"Right" Christian nods.

"How was that?"

"That was interesting, I mean I've never really gone to a real fight like that. That was a big deal for me, that was thrilling. I mean this was my first experience of being treated differently, you know? They took me where all the really big stars were waiting out"

"Oh yeah, like Arnold and um"

"Yeah Arnold Schwarzenegger yeah good to mention him" He nodded

"And Eddie"

"Yep all those people"

"The ones where you can just say one name" Arsenio said.

"Yeah and everybody knows and everybody freaks out." Christian tells him about his story of how Arnold gave him the Ice tongs. "He hands me this thing, and it's ice tongs. So he hands me these like, you know things to grab ice out of buckets with. I guess he wanted me to- He thought I was ruining my teeth by biting them. So that sort of upset me. But I just sort of went 'Thank you'" He makes the thank you sort of high pitched, causing everybody to crack up on his silly voice.

"Did you save the thing?" 

"Yeah! I saved it! I framed it, that was my first real gift from a major big star like that, so I got it on the wall of our apartment. Thank you Arnold!"

"Can- Can you tell- I don't know if anybody knows about this story, have you ever told anybody about the Jack Nicholson phone call?"

"Oh! The um, I'm sure somebody probably read about it or something, this was kind of you know, in the old days this was right after Heathers. I was up really late and well.. Winona.. just managed to have his phone number." Christian grins cheekily.

"That's a bad sign by that way" Arsenio jokes.

"Yeah" Christian plays along "She had his phone number- like Get out!" He laughed. "But no! no! I don't mean that! Don't hate me Noni!" Christian said hurriedly into the camera. Everybody bursts into laughter.

"You messed up, Christian!" Arsenio laughs.

Christian tells the story and he gets to exciting part "So I go off on this five to ten minute rant, I suppose is the word to use there. And I'm talking and talking, talking about how we're gonna go play tennis together and all this kind of stuff."

"Wait- Oh wait- You think he's gone and you're doing this to impress Winona!"

"Yeah to impress Winona. Exactly. exactly." Christian nodded.

"Ohhh!" Arsenio laughs, all the people in the audience cheering too.

"Anyways, I finish. I'm about to say goodbye to nobody. And he goes 'Uh huh'" He exhaled. "So I go Oh! And I just hung the phone up. I hung the phone up on Jack Nicholson!" 

After the interview, Christian got backstage where Winona was watching the monitor the entire time.

"Why didn't you tell me about the Jack thing?" Winona chortled, walking up to him and playfully hit him in the shoulder lightly/

"I'm sorry!" Christian laughed. They both greeted each other with a hug. 


new and longer chapter hola 

It Couple - Winona Ryder x Christian Slater /Chrisnona/Winistian (Hollywood AU)Where stories live. Discover now